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  1. #1
    Roofer88 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013

    anastrozole/clomid to hcg and problem down under

    I have a y chromosome microdeletion which in short has my testosterone at 190. A fertility specialist in San Francisco put me on .25 mg of clomid and .50 mg of anastrozole every day. This brought my test levels up to almost 800 and I felt GREAT for the first time in my life. The Dr said my body would get desensitized over time and 3 years later my level was to 500. I go to the gym 5 times a week and lift hard and cardio on the 2 off days. I visited another Fertility specialist closer to home and he had me quit cold turkey the clomid/anastrozole and put me on 750iu's of HCG 3 x per week. I have been on for 1 1/2 weeks of HCG and now cannot for the life of me get an erection. I gained 8 lbs in this time and feel tired, emotional, and DEPRESSED naturally. Do you think the high dose of HCG combined with the abrupt stop of clomid/anastrozole has my e2 levels way to high? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been to so many Dr's and specialists I'm blue in the face. I'm going in tomorrow for more blood work to get all levels of test and e2 checked.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Hi Roofer and welcome to the forum.

    I thought Y-C-M mostly effected sperm production but since you're living with it I'm sure you're far more up on it as I'm only vaguely familiar. Anyway, clomid works on your estrogen receptor in your hypothalamus causing it to signal the pituitary to produce more LH/FSH, hence your success with it. Now your on HCG which works in reverse to clomid basically. It mimics LH production and can/will actually suppress your endogenous LH production as your body senses it doesn't need to produce it.

    You need to give it a bit more time. A week and a half is really not enough time to form an opinion yet and I'm curious whether part of what your experiencing is psychosomatic. Regarding your E level, yes it can climb by going off Adex. Keep in mind that HCG will raise estrogen levels as well, even intratesticularly. Get your blood work and make sure it's complete. An example is in the Finding A Doc Sticky thread at the top of this forum.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Roofer88 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I see everyone talking about a sticky at the top but I don't have a clue to what that is. Could you point me in the right direction? I thank you very much for the help

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