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  • 1 Post By jomamma007


  1. #1
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Nov 2011


    Hey guys,
    Being only 22 I don't really want to be on trt forever at this age. Last time I tried a restart my numbers held for 2 months then crashed. Clomid makes me feel like crap but I believe it's because I have too much estrogen on it, according to blood work(although it wasn't a sensitive panel). Anyways I'm thinking about trying this as per Dr.Crisler's instructions on his forum.

    Here's how you do it:

    Start at 12.5mgs Clomid per day. After 3 weeks, run these labs (which you ran before you started, BTW):

    E2 (sensitive only)

    If you feel much better--the goal of therapy--you are all set. Even if your T levels don't look great; that would mean you happened to catch your new production level at a trough.

    If you don't feel much better, have your LH and FSH levels risen substantially? If not, increase the dose to 25mgs. A couple weeks later, the same labs again. You can go to 37.5mgs, then 50mg per day if necessary. Notice we are employing 1/4 tab increases, for convenience.

    If LH/FSH rose substantially, and T did not, and you still don't feel well, look to testicular failure as your issue.

    Of note, some have gotten great results on only 12.5mgs every other day.

    If your T rose nicely, but SHBG also shot up, this counteracts the benefit. The estrogen half of the SERM-class drug did that. Try some Danazol, 50mg per day, oral, to try to lower SHBG.

    If E shot up, add anastrazole, starting at 0.25mg every other day, and increase as necessary. Remember, it takes several weeks for E and SHBG to restabilize (SHBG may lower with the E).

    Using this protocol can help you avoid going on frank TRT. That would be a good thing.

    Now my hopes that running this for say 4-6 months and then getting off would give my body long enough to recover it's own levels as I don't want to be on any hrt program, but at least with clomid it's my own boys making my test.

    He also said Nolva can be used instead..
    Last edited by jomamma007; 11-23-2013 at 03:21 PM.

  2. #2
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2013
    Interesting. Im also 22 trying something similar. Clomid 25mg eod.

    I wonder if using nolva would be a better option. I thought it didnt act at the hypothamlus and therefor wasnt as good for restarts? Any more info on nolva in restarts? I might use both

  3. #3
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    That's a lot of chlomid at 50 a day.

  4. #4
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Well you start at 12.5 and titrate up slowly if needed.

  5. #5
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Joe, am I wrong tho? Is 50 a lot? I heard it has side effects and I hear novadex has really none

  6. #6
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    I tried clomid eod at 25 mg and after 6 weeks had to quit because it crashed my progesterone and I couldn't sleep. It did raise total from 300 to 670 but did nothing on free and my e2 stayed at 11. If cloimid doesnt work for you i like the idea of trying nolva

  7. #7
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Nov 2011
    they both have side effects, and both can elevate SHBG and nolvadex lowers IGF as well.
    50 is probably the highest dosage one would want to take.
    dreadnok89 likes this.

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