Hi guys . today i receive my blood work
My blood work is :

w.b.c 5930 4000-10000
R.B.C 5.31 4.3-6.1
hemoglobin 15.4 13.5-18
hematocrite 46.6 42-52
m.c.v 87.8 80-96
m.c.h 29.0 27-32
m.c.h.c 33.0 31-37
platelets 234000 150000-450000
ptt 32 30-42
pt 13.6 10-14
inr 1.2 1-1.22
fbs 83 70-110
urea serum 38 15-43
creatinine 1 0.5-1.4
cholestrol 162 <200
triglycerides 63 <200
H.D.L 48 35-75
L.D.L 100 30-150
LDL/HDL 2.1 0.5-2.9
calcium 9.2 8.6-10.3
sodium 140 135-145
potassium 4 3.5-5.5
total. protein 8.1 6.4-8.3
albumin serum 4.9 3.5-5.2
globulin serum 3.2 2.2-3.5
albumin/globulin 1.5 1.5-2.5
S.G.O.T (ast) HIGH 44 <37
S.G.P.T (alt) 38 <41
alkaline phosphatase 152 80-306
L.D.H 408 <480
bilirubin total 1.1 0.5-1.5
bilirubin direct 0.3 0.1-0.4
bilirubin indirect 0.8 0.4-1
gamma gt 15 0-49
digoxin 0.6 0.9-2
c reactive protein negative
A.M.A 5.6 <12
A.N.A HIGH 52 <10
T4 8.1 5.4-12.6
T3 180 84-202
T.S.H 0.3 0.25-6.2
free t4 1.26 0.93-1.7
free t3 2.16 1.5-4.1
F.S.H 2.5 1-14
L.H 5 0.7-7.4
testosterone HIGH 44 8.64-29
free testosterone 11 4.25-30.37
estradiol HIGH 96 7-42
P.S.A 0.4 up to 4
IGF-1 117 89-276
DHEA-SO4 HIGH 490 160-449

My question is 1.how can i return this to normal range ?
2.at this high range as you Seeing in my blood work (S.G.O.T & A.N.A & TESTOSTERONE & ESTRADIOL & DHEA ) could be dangerous for me or not?
and next question is with this range can i start my first cycle or not ?

thanks for your help