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  1. #1
    DawgHouse's Avatar
    DawgHouse is offline Junior Member
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    Life-Style after starting TRT

    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?

    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever?

  2. #2
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    Vasectomy destroyed my T levels in a matter of months.

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    I run exactly what my doctor says for my TRT, the goal of my TRT is to be as normal as I can.

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    no inconvenience and I have insurance, TRT is cheap for me.

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?
    Probably would get snipped again but would go to a different doctor

    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever?
    I have no idea, but dealing with needles for the rest of my life is better than low-t. My depression from low t was so bad it was only a matter of time before I ate a bullet.

  3. #3
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    Don't know, only ran 2 cycles

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    Still getting dialed in. Do what my Doc says

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    Wallet some, life for the better.

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?
    Don't necessarily know it was AAS that did it.

  4. #4
    DawgHouse's Avatar
    DawgHouse is offline Junior Member
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    I appreciate the replies! keep them coming in! I am extremely interested in this issue.

  5. #5
    61er's Avatar
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    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    Aging. Curious, however, about the vasectomy comment above. Need to look into this.

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    Do what my Doc says.

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    Wallet very little, life for the better.

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?
    Never used.

  6. #6
    bartman314's Avatar
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    dr says
    protocol affects life a little - i travel a lot on business
    never used.

  7. #7
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Pituitary tumor
    What Dr prescribes
    Wallet a little/life starting to improve
    Never used

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawgHouse View Post
    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now? 53 almost 54

    What age did you start TRT? early 51

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use? aging

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage? less than what the doc prescribes

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT? pay out of pocket, good thing I have a job. this reminds me in need to get back to work

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do? just get my diet and workouts in order

    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever? the fact putting drugs in you body every day, 5 shots a week plus the orals. I would not want to do this at age 29
    in red!

  9. #9
    tectime's Avatar
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    52 yr old.
    Started hrt at 48
    Pay for mine out if pocket insur doesn't like to pay for as much as I can get get from my doc at a time. Lifestyle great to start but workouts and build better than even when I was in my twenty and thirties and I've always been athletic and muscular. ( great genes THANK GOD)
    Only cycled once before age 48 and that was when I was 26. So wouldn't change a thing. Don't mind a poke every 3.5 days and won't mind if I live to be 120. Hahaha!

  10. #10
    gatornate97 is offline Junior Member
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    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone! How old are you now?
    What age did you start TRT?
    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    Don't know! Only had one cycle at 24 had a vasectomy 2 yrs ago
    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    20mg above. At 120 instead of 100. How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    Not a lot $ wise insurance pays...Living wise it's been much better for my libido and marriage. Thats why I really started
    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do? Didn't do it for fitness
    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever?
    Just your injection protocol and if you don't travel a lot, it shouldn't be an issue

  11. #11
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 61er View Post
    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    Aging. Curious, however, about the vasectomy comment above. Need to look into this.

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    Do what my Doc says.

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    Wallet very little, life for the better.

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?
    Never used.
    After my snip I had a great deal of pain in my testicles, any time I would get aroused it made it worse. I did some research and found where several other men had the same problem, things were blocked off so it had no place to go, so it would hurt.

    Over a period of about a year the pain slowly went away and low-t symptoms hit like a brick. That is when I learned that when your tied off and your body "backs up" it can trigger an auto immune response, which is what I believe happened to me. I know another man that got a vasectomy and shortly afterward his T levels totally tanked as well.

    I'm no doctor but I would guess vasectomy in general doesn't cause low T, but if your body has an auto immune response after the procedure, then your done.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    Injury, illness and aging.

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    I run what the doctors says for TRT.

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    Very little if any at all.

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?
    I would have tried to use less weight/strength so I did not damage my shoulder after having to lay off from an unrelated injury for 4+ months.

    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever?
    With proper regular blood work, PCT, time off you will have a much better chance of not damaging your natural test levels. TRT is for ever though. No cycling off and on.

  13. #13
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DawgHouse View Post
    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now?


    What age did you start TRT?


    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?

    Had many surgeries and I suspect pain meds, age, and low T to begin with had me at 300. Never took anything when I was younger

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    Go above slightly and used GH for 6 months to get a jump start on healing from surgery/torn muscle

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    It's pricey and I also spend a lot on supplements but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Moderate to no inconvenience for me

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?
    I would have started TRT earlier. I am stronger now than when I was in my 20's. TRT alone won't do it & my diet and training is strict too.

    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever?
    From what I understand once you start it's a lifetime choice.

  14. #14
    Horsemnn is offline New Member
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    Life-Style after starting TRT
    More specifically to those who have shut themselves down due to steroid usage but this question is open to everyone!

    How old are you now? 69

    What age did you start TRT? 65

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use? Aging

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage? No doctor for AAS. Go to VA once a year for checkups.
    They take blood and check test. They said it was normal, but that was before I started using test cyp. Before I used only mesterolone and test results came back in mid 300's which my VA doc said is normal for my age. Will have another checkup in two months and interested to know what my test level is now that I am using test cyp.

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT? No insurance. I can afford it, but my supplier is not very expensive. I buy in bulk and mix myself.

    A lot of people are really at a dilemma when choosing to reach their fitness goals through the use of AAS or to hold off on that from fear of damaging their natural system. In you opinion, or if you could go back and do it again, what would you do?

    My cousin is an former IFBB pro. He shut himself down around age 29, and now is 50. He plans to pretty much continue Test and GH forever and it doesn't bother him in the slightest to "shoot up" forever. I just want to know what you guys think. I do not necessarily want to follow the route my cousin took to becoming a pro, but I am 2 cycles in and definitely plan to do more, I am just wondering what the difficulties are to use TRT forever?
    Well, I am older. If I had it to do over I might have started 20 years before, but I will never have that experience so I can not answer from true knowledge. Forever, well, that is my plan, but I really do need to get with a good doc to regulate myself much better than I have been. I have had plenty of good advice from these pages the past couple of weeks and I will follow much of it. But I have no intention whatsoever of losing the gains in appearance and sexuality by going down too far. I do need to be more careful though. You will get good advice on these pages.

  15. #15
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    I've been on TRT for 8 years, becauese of testicular damage from a tumor. I'm middle aged. My doc prescribed a range and I am at the low end of it. The point of TRT is to be normal, not juiced.

    I find TRT to be a hassle. I have to make sure I have the medicine I need. Sometimes that means arguing with the insurance company or doctor. When I travel I have to bring it with me and hope that it doesn't disappear from my luggage. For many sports, even amateur, TRT is illegal. If for example you want to do a tri you'll technically be doping.

    You probably won't be able to have kids if you are on TRT.

    TRT is not as good as natural. When you shut down your natural production you shut down more hormones than just testosterone . This is why people take things like HCG and Semorelin. It is also not that easy to get your protocol dialed in and your body repsonse can change over time. See all the threads about that. Estrogen is low, estrogen is high, run low on T, etc. I have many bad days. With all the drawbacks I would very happily go off TRT if I could function naturally.

    You are making a mistake that you will some day regret.

  16. #16
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparverius View Post
    I've been on TRT for 8 years, becauese of testicular damage from a tumor. I'm middle aged. My doc prescribed a range and I am at the low end of it. The point of TRT is to be normal, not juiced.

    I find TRT to be a hassle. I have to make sure I have the medicine I need. Sometimes that means arguing with the insurance company or doctor. When I travel I have to bring it with me and hope that it doesn't disappear from my luggage. For many sports, even amateur, TRT is illegal. If for example you want to do a tri you'll technically be doping.

    You probably won't be able to have kids if you are on TRT.

    TRT is not as good as natural. When you shut down your natural production you shut down more hormones than just testosterone . This is why people take things like HCG and Semorelin. It is also not that easy to get your protocol dialed in and your body repsonse can change over time. See all the threads about that. Estrogen is low, estrogen is high, run low on T, etc. I have many bad days. With all the drawbacks I would very happily go off TRT if I could function naturally.

    You are making a mistake that you will some day regret.
    Being on the low end on TRT is like paying for an ugly prostitute, you still have sex but dont profit of it...
    having The T of a 19YO for life is not juiced its just a BIG benefit of TRT. Help alot with well being and for the body composition as well which is a bonus. for the same "risk" you have less. Of course TRT suck in that case.

    If you are prescribed it should not be an issue to have enough if so get some elsewhere(black market) and use it if needed.

    You can get a free pass(depending on the sport) if you have it prescribed.

    ALOT of TRT patient have kid while on test. HCG is their for that( and more) and is very succesfull. Its a good thing thats it is harder to concieve. Like that you are sure to know when you want a child and are ready. How many people fail at parenting because they got a children too fast...

    If done correctly and by frequent BW being dialed in can be done pretty fast. and once you find a good doc with a good protocol its easy enough.

    I understand that if you could get off TRT, you would(most are like it) But it seems like you arent trying to benefit from it like you could. and seems like you do not have a doc who is aware of all the potentiel benefit of TRT.

    wish you the best of luck, but sometimes more is better. Being in the high end can make a huge difference without being detrimental to your health.

    Im naturally in the low end and its not a nice thing so I dont see the point in being low end on TRT...

  17. #17
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    Why is it that the young guys who aren't on TRT keep saying how great TRT is while the older guys who are on TRT say that they wish they didn't need TRT?
    I am siding with age and experience on this one.

  18. #18
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Why is it that the young guys who aren't on TRT keep saying how great TRT is while the older guys who are on TRT say that they wish they didn't need TRT?
    I am siding with age and experience on this one.
    Good question! LOL! I guess I'm right in the middle at 40 years old. I wish I did NOT need to be on TRT, HOWEVER.... I could not go on feeling the way I was feeling for the rest of my life. The root of my problem stems from a pituitary tumor, and it was a necessity to be on TRT because I couldn't produce enough of my own.

    That being said, I am 100% non-regretful at two months in, even with all the ups and downs of still getting dialed in. I don't know if its placebo effect or what, but I'm thinking I'm having body composition changes already for the better and I'm not really able to work out to my fullest because of a shoulder and bicep tear. I'm eating fairly clean, with cheating interspersed here and there, but still getting some form of exercise in every day or other day.

    Libido is way better now than pre TRT, although I'm having a few bad days caused primarily by a cold I've acquired, as well as my E2 being high per my recent labs. Just waiting on my AI to be delivered.

    I wish I didn't need it, but boy am I glad it's an option and that I've chosen it so I can be normal like the rest!

  19. #19
    tectime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime
    52 yr old. Started hrt at 48 Aging Pay for mine out if pocket insur doesn't like to pay for as much as I can get get from my doc at a time. Lifestyle great to start but workouts and build better than even when I was in my twenty and thirties and I've always been athletic and muscular. ( great genes THANK GOD) Only cycled once before age 48 and that was when I was 26. So wouldn't change a thing. Don't mind a poke every 3.5 days and won't mind if I live to be 120. Hahaha!
    Dude ! Did you not read them all ! I'm pretty old and I love this shit! Here I'll post it again!

  20. #20
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Why is it that the young guys who aren't on TRT keep saying how great TRT is while the older guys who are on TRT say that they wish they didn't need TRT?
    I am siding with age and experience on this one.

    Because they probably di d or do cycles and assume hrt will be like that all the time. On a side note. Whats with all the vaesectomy's? Are they for medical or just afraid of getting a chick pregnant?

  21. #21
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post

    Because they probably di d or do cycles and assume hrt will be like that all the time. On a side note. Whats with all the vaesectomy's? Are they for medical or just afraid of getting a chick pregnant?
    actually, I was low test prior any steroid use and since I cycled I feel much much more better and I will get BW done soon to know if I managed to keep my SHBG down.
    So cycling probably made me avoid to go on trt at 20...

    Im not saying TRT is great compared to normal T (even though there is some pros to it.)
    But compared to low test its a good thing and no one here would be ready to return to what they were...
    And it may be a immature way to think but I like to make the best of a bad situation. thats why keeping test on the low end on TRT do not make sense in my head...

    But your right I have no experience whatsoever with TRT, but I have with low test. and between the two the choice is obvious...

  22. #22
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    Because they probably di d or do cycles and assume hrt will be like that all the time. On a side note. Whats with all the vaesectomy's? Are they for medical or just afraid of getting a chick pregnant?
    I'm finished having children, I don't need/want any more so I opted for a vasectomy since it is far less invasive than the female procedure.

  23. #23
    trikydik's Avatar
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    How old are you now? 45

    What age did you start TRT? 45 - though I started getting tested and tried finding a good HRT doc when I was 43

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use? - never used any gear

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage? - doc is currently giving me shots

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT? - 30 minute drive to doctor office and my insurance is not covering it.
    Needle is tiny.. no pain....

    When I am stabilized (on HRT for at least a year), and my weight is down, I am thinking about doing some light gear to get in better shape... possibly some anavar or something similar...

  24. #24
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    How old are you now?

    What age did you start TRT?

    Did you start from aging or as a result of your juice use?
    I don't know why. I do know that I have a history of chronic prostatitis and chronic epididymitis (started around 2002). I also have a spermatocele. I'm secondary so I don't think those are the cause. I do have bulged discs in my lower back with causes radiculopathy down my leg and I have been on painkillers for years (started in 2000). I got off them years ago because I just got tired of them. It's probably a combination of those things plus me getting older.

    Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?
    My doc wants me to run 200mg a week and I run 100mg a week. I'm just starting off and he like to start off high. I wanted to go low and work my way up. I'm trying to see where can I get to without using an AI. If I can get to 600 without an AI, I'd rather that than 900 with an AI

    How much has your life and/or wallet been inconvenienced by TRT?
    Not really inconvenienced. My insurance covers everything so I'm good there. I inject at home and split the dosage. The office is right by my job so I see him during lunch.

  25. #25
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    But it seems like you arent trying to benefit from it like you could. and seems like you do not have a doc who is aware of all the potentiel benefit of TRT.
    Im naturally in the low end and its not a nice thing so I dont see the point in being low end on TRT...
    I was answering the OP's question Do you run "what the doctor says" or do you typically go a little above your suggested T dosage?. My Dr prescribed a lot knowing that I would not need it all. That lets me build up a reserve.

    Getting a vasectomy is great when it means that your wife can go off the pill that's been supressing her libido.
    Last edited by sparverius; 12-10-2013 at 10:44 PM.

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