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Thread: Started TRT today

  1. #1
    Mongo1 is offline New Member
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    Started TRT today

    So I started TRT today due to prolonged chemical overexposure smashing my levels down to 257 ng/dl. I really don't know what to expect. The docs got me on TEST CYP 200mg every other week to start with and from what I have read here that is not the best way to do it. I do not think I am going to be able to talk her into twice weekly injections and unfortunately she's the doc the military is sending me to. The main thing she deals with is older ladies and people from the WISH house and thinks that some how I could willingly smash my T levels down to the 250's for six months straight so I could roid out. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    are you injecting yourself? if so simply split it top 50 mgs twice a week, if not then tell her about the half life, its about 6 days. second week you'll have nothing! you will also need AI and hCG to make a complete TRT protocol.

  3. #3
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    I second what bass said. You need to AI and HCG . Try and see if you can find a different doc too - one that is better versed in this treatment.

  4. #4
    Mongo1 is offline New Member
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    Alright here is an update. The Coast Guard has submitted a waiver for me to be on Trt. (You normally can not take test and be in the coast guard. Its normally only proscribed in the coast guard for medical conditions that will get you kicked out if the condition does not get better. I do not have any of these conditions and my current condition is the coast guards fault.) They have me going to the same nurse practitioner who has me on 200mg every two weeks. She started me doing my injections by my self so i am going to start doing 50 mgs twice a week. The Coast Guard doctor is coming down and I am going to talk to him about blood work and getting on an AI and HCG . Not sure how I am feeling about all this as right now I am gaining weight rapidly and not quite sure why. Diet has not changed and activity level has gone up. I am not sure about what doses to take With the AI(I am going to try to get Arimidex as that seems to be the preferred one) or HCG and I can almost guarantee the fly in doc will not know the appropriate dose. I am to the point now that i realize my current medical provider is using medical studies that are older than I am as a treatment guideline and my very limited knowledge on the subject is greater than hers.

    Basically I have the following questions.
    1) What AI should I get on, and what is a normal dose in case the doctor decides to use me as a lab rat again.
    2) What is a normal dose of HCG
    3)What type of blood work should I request.
    4) Why am i gaining weight.

    If anyone knows a good HRT provider in Seattle that takes TRICARE, I might be able to get them to send me down there for treatment and this would be my preferred choice as the voodoo doctors up in Ketchikan AK seem to be unwilling to learn anything about the subject due mostly to the huge prescription drug abuse problem we have here.

  5. #5
    64509chvl's Avatar
    64509chvl is offline Associate Member
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    Amount of an AI needed depends on blood work (E2), I wouldn't just start blindly using it. From what I'm learning myself is the best route seems to try and get away without an AI but it takes time & a few blood pulls to get dialed.

    HCG dosing will differ for everyone aswell but 250iu's twice a week is a good place to start.

    I'd get as much blood work as you can

    I gained 10 pounds in the first 6 weeks...wasn't bloated nor did I have any signs of high E2. Got blood work & my E2 was at 20 (non sensitive) with no AI yet. This was at 100mg a week & 250iu's of HCG twice a week. I guess just more water weight made the 10 pound diference, but my lifts have gone up considerably in the gym so who knows, lol! I certainly haven't gained any fat though.

  6. #6
    sweatymoo's Avatar
    sweatymoo is offline Junior Member
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    I was right with ya brother.... 200mg EOweek.. Split it into 50mg every Tuesday night and Saturday morning.. FEEL A TON BETTER. As far as AI I'm going to give DIM a try, as referred by the fine folks here. Ins won't cover HCG still trying to find an inexpensive way around that. My boys shrank considerably. However I understand HCG will alleviate this problem. Good luck with you journey, take your time, and trust heavily on the advice you'll find here. These guys know their stuff. If not for them id be screwed by this time... Again good luck

  7. #7
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    are you injecting yourself? if so simply split it top 50 mgs twice a week, if not then tell her about the half life, its about 6 days. second week you'll have nothing! you will also need AI and hCG to make a complete TRT protocol.
    Why do people keep saying "You will need an AI"? In nearly 5yrs of TRT I have yet to take a single anti-estrogen medication nor have I needed one. If your estradiol doesn't go up, why would you take one? And taking testosterone does not mean your estradiol is guaranteed to go up to the point of needing one. Do most need one? Probably, but plenty don't.

    See how you react and go from there. See how your body responds and add an AI if needed.

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post

    Why do people keep saying "You will need an AI"? In nearly 5yrs of TRT I have yet to take a single anti-estrogen medication nor have I needed one. If your estradiol doesn't go up, why would you take one? And taking testosterone does not mean your estradiol is guaranteed to go up to the point of needing one. Do most need one? Probably, but plenty don't.

    See how you react and go from there. See how your body responds and add an AI if needed.
    Every one is different!

  9. #9
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    I believe I've shared this before. Approximately 30% of men on TRT will never need an AI or any type of anti-estrogen. Those who do need one and stay on TRT, which is what you should be doing if you need TRT, if the protocol is sound most will need less and less AI as time goes by. Many men who need an AI eventually reach a point where they don't or at least they need far less than they used to. Does this always hold true? No, but it will in most cases.
    bass likes this.

  10. #10
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    I believe I've shared this before. Approximately 30% of men on TRT will never need an AI or any type of anti-estrogen. Those who do need one and stay on TRT, which is what you should be doing if you need TRT, if the protocol is sound most will need less and less AI as time goes by. Many men who need an AI eventually reach a point where they don't or at least they need far less than they used to. Does this always hold true? No, but it will in most cases.

    It looks like I may be in that 30%. I'm a month without an A.I. and I'm overjoyed. Probably has to do with my T Cyp protocol - 30mg EOD. (Also taking 250 iu hCG 3x week.) Taking 100mg DIM, 4mg Copper, 50mg Zinc daily and that's it. Waiting to see my BW which was taken last Friday. But I'm feeling very good.

    I was taking anastrozole along with the supplements above but my BW showed caught it just in time before I crashed my E2. (I was taking .25mg E3D) I immediately dropped the AI and I've been fine ever since with just the supplements. I hope it lasts.

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