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  1. #1
    trikydik's Avatar
    trikydik is offline Senior Member
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    Working out again after beginning HRT

    Good Evening,

    I am starting back up at the gym tomorrow. It will be the first time in several months. Frankly I was getting depressed seeing no results before I went on HRT.

    My goal has not changed... I want to loose 30 pounds, and get a lot better in shape. I know I am never going to compete as a body builder, though I would like to be able to take my shirt off and not be embarrassed... (though it would be nice to have the ladies checking me out).

    Mon - Wed and Fri are going to be upper body (arms, shoulder, chest, etc.)
    Tues and Sat are going to be lower body.

    Before when I exercised I would be sore for days and I would not be losing weight no matter how hard I exercised.

    So no that I am on HRT and still watching my diet, what can I expect from the gym? Ben on HRT 4 weeks with 150 mg Test C....

  2. #2
    64509chvl's Avatar
    64509chvl is offline Associate Member
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    Well an example for you...I've lifted for the last 2 years with superb dieting & training...some results but lame for 2 years! Been on TRT for 9 weeks & it's becoming a whole new world as far as my training goes. Mainly started noticing in the last 2-3 weeks, but since I started...I actually feel strong now & I'm adding weight to the bar far more often as before. Pretty good bit of diference it's made for me...I'm diggin it. This is all bonus to me though cause the main reason I started was the fact that I just had it from feeling lathargic & feeling like shit all the time! I honestly didn't expect too much from training, so I'm very pleased so far. I inject 150mg a week & 250iu's of HCG twice a AI so far.
    Last edited by 64509chvl; 12-15-2013 at 10:02 PM.

  3. #3
    trikydik's Avatar
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    thinking about a blog of my efforts.... how does one do that here?

  4. #4
    Rusty11's Avatar
    Rusty11 is offline Senior Member
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    As you know, hrt is no magic pill. I don't know how old you are, but diet, lifting routine, and rest will determine your progress. You may not need to go 5 days/week. Once you figure out your split, might want to post it in the lifting section. There are quite of few "monsters" who know what they're doing and can offer critique and guidance. They've helped me a ton.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You will see progress. A properly administered HRT protocol brings you back to youthful testosterone levels . Take advantage of this. Find a routine that fits your lifestyle and goals. Nutrition and training are paramount, TRT or not. Take it easy coming back as you don't need an injury to impede your progress. Consider a simple M-W-F lifting protocol. It allows plenty of rest days in which you can knock out your cardio or other aerobic exercise on the other days.

    Regarding starting a log, just start a thread and note your agenda. Then update as often as you can. Progress pics are always a plus and will help to keep the members interest.
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  6. #6
    trikydik's Avatar
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    Post a pic... don't want anyone to loose their lunch...

  7. #7
    no0ne23 is offline New Member
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    My situation was similar to 64509chvl... I started back in the gym about 2 years ago after I got the heaviest I had ever been. I started walking & P90X, moved to running and eventually normal weight programs. I dropped weight and got in "normal" shape -- at least no longer obese looking... until my shirt came off. I couldn't shed the pounds around the kidneys and the belly pooch no matter how hard I worked or how much cardio I did.

    I started TRT about 4 months ago because of the overall lack of energy & focus -- and worst of all, the inability to make it through a day without a 3+ hour nap in the afternoon. Since starting, I have amped up my workout and noticed nice gains. The focus & determination also helped in dialing in a better nutrition program. Overall, I have finally lost most of my kidney fat and my abs are FINALLY making an appearance -- first time ever in my life!

    TRT is tool and it will definitely help. But you have to use it in conjunction with proper diet & exercise to get the most out of it. It's not a high-dose cycle, so be patient and it will all come with time.

    Good luck!!!

  8. #8
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Been on trt for a little less than 2 months. Have noticed a HUGE difference in my working out. Before, I went only because I knew I had to. Now I look forward to going again. I don't want to leave when I'm done--I want to keep working out.

    I've been getting noticeable gains in strength and size as well.

    Honestly, it's amazing how quickly this can work.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by no0ne23 View Post
    My situation was similar to 64509chvl... I started back in the gym about 2 years ago after I got the heaviest I had ever been. I started walking & P90X, moved to running and eventually normal weight programs. I dropped weight and got in "normal" shape -- at least no longer obese looking... until my shirt came off. I couldn't shed the pounds around the kidneys and the belly pooch no matter how hard I worked or how much cardio I did.

    I started TRT about 4 months ago because of the overall lack of energy & focus -- and worst of all, the inability to make it through a day without a 3+ hour nap in the afternoon. Since starting, I have amped up my workout and noticed nice gains. The focus & determination also helped in dialing in a better nutrition program. Overall, I have finally lost most of my kidney fat and my abs are FINALLY making an appearance -- first time ever in my life!

    TRT is tool and it will definitely help. But you have to use it in conjunction with proper diet & exercise to get the most out of it. It's not a high-dose cycle, so be patient and it will all come with time.

    Good luck!!!
    Well said!
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  10. #10
    trikydik's Avatar
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    pushed myself pretty hard for a first workout last night... did legs and glute followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill (random hills, level 12 at 3.2 mph)... a little sore today. glutes were killing me last night...

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