I'm with the site sponsor and I've been eyeballing my vial of hCG and I'm about 10 weeks into TRT. I take 250iu twice per week along with my test cyp and anastrozole.
My concern is that I don't think that the small amount in the vial is going to last another 10 weeks. A couple more weeks if that. I called the pharmacy when I reconstituted the prescription
and I'm confident that it's reconstituted the correct way. I also am capable of filling the syringe to mid-way between the 20 and 30 on the slin pin.

My prescription bottle states I have FOUR refills before October of 2014.(started TRT on 10/16/13 and hCG started then as well as the test cyp) If this is supposed to last me 20 weeks, and I am 8 weeks without it, what are my options? I'm sort of freaking out here. We are 40 and trying to have a baby (the last one and it's via IVF as it is!) and now I'm going to end up shut down without hCG. This is our last chance for a baby. I've notified the site sponsor and they wanted to know if I was measuring out my syringe correctly. I am sure they're all gone for the weekend, but I replied via email that yes, I am, filling them correctly. If you divide 53 weeks by 5 prescriptions (initial prescription plus the 4 refills) you would get approx 10.5 weeks per vial. It seems like I'm almost due to be out of hCG , yet the company is telling me I should be getting another 10 weeks out of this vial?

Please help guys? Any advice? More than my testicles shriveling up, I'm at a standstill with all this mega expensive fertility treatment we are engrossed in mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. This could affect my marriage if I can't get it straightened out. Anyone from lowT care to chime in, I'd be grateful.