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Thread: 1st time to Doc

  1. #1
    Mrass32 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013

    1st time to Doc

    To start off Ive done nothing right! Ive ran some cycles beginning at age 17, some in my 20's and I'm currently in a test only run at age of 42. At no time did I know about PCT's, HCG 's, anything.. At the young age i just wanted to bulk. now at 42 I began the test only run as I was told it would scrape me off the ground i was currently on. And wow, I really feel back to life.. As of a couple weeks ago i came into these fabulous internet forums and discovered how ive done everything wrong and never taken any precausions to protect myself.
    I've done some reading, maybe not enough, but I want to get on a course to fix this. Ive made an appointment with a doctor found through the A4M search and planning on laying everything out on table and discussing TRT. I guess my biggest question in mind is should I stop my current cycle of test 400 per week and get my levels down or go in at rate and tell him where im at. My last pin was at 12/22 and my 1st initial appt would be 16 days later.
    I can really expect to get flammed over my past choices but would really love some good advice to move foward.


  2. #2
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    I think you need to be clean when you go see him. You're likely to be way high on test on cycle. Are you having any BW while on your cycle to check hematocrit, liver and estradiol? If you suspect that you are low t before your cycle, you should stop before you see him.

  3. #3
    Mrass32 is offline New Member
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    Do you think 16 days to doc visit would be enough. I'm not sure how fast levels drop off. Im in 9 weeks of test 400. 200cyp/200ena
    Like ive said I have never done anything in a safe way, no BW on or off. I really want to turn this around and check through TRT or run a TRT type model safely.


  4. #4
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Mrass, we all make mistakes, part of life, the key is do we learn from them? Go to the Dr, come clean, totally and go from there. What's more important at this point, your health or pinning again?

    Dr more than likely not gonna just put you on TRT, gonna need full panel of blood work and then some. You need to turn this around which will require you to be patient and probably feel like shit for awhile. Price you pay for your mistakes, wish you the best!
    Beethoven likes this.

  5. #5
    Mrass32 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Mrass, we all make mistakes, part of life, the key is do we learn from them? Go to the Dr, come clean, totally and go from there. What's more important at this point, your health or pinning again?

    Dr more than likely not gonna just put you on TRT, gonna need full panel of blood work and then some. You need to turn this around which will require you to be patient and probably feel like shit for awhile. Price you pay for your mistakes, wish you the best!
    Yeah, a shitty road I'd hoped to not go back. Not long ago I was the guy to get home from work, hit the couch and be out. a meal = out. always no enery.
    In bed my wife might be able to get one a month outta me. she was to the point she tought I was unnattracted to her or did not love her anymore. Cryed at night before and it broke my heart. The test just brought me back to life!!
    My wife is board with my path. She first never wanted me to come off the test. but were both going take a new road and see what happens.


  6. #6
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    I hear you. Maybe use some Cialis or Viagra in the meantime. But I agree with bullshark, you gotta come clean and do it right for the long term. You can't stay on test 400 for a long time.

  7. #7
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Mrass, I hear ya, I'm only 3 yrs older than you and it never stops to amaze me how many in this community have so very similar stories and experiences.
    It was difficult growing up in the mid eighties and not being part of the AAS world if you were a lifter. Swear , it was easier to find that junk than it was to steal a "few" beers out of the fridge.
    I too have a spouse that once cried because there was a time that I used to " hide" when it was time to go to bed, could only have so many " headaches" LOL. Anyway find yourself a good Doc, possible the site sponser if you could swing it and both you and your wife will be in a much happier place. You prob will go thru the least amount of discomfort and suffering by going thru them. If they are near you it's worth looking into. Finding a good Doc that will treat you properly is a whole mother nitemare that many on this board can tell you about....

  8. #8
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^^^^ yes Beethoven! the obvious, cialis, saved my relationship!

  9. #9
    MyteeJ is offline Associate Member
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    If you find a doc that is understanding, they are going to realize that you have crashed your T from use when you were younger and maybe they won't make you bottom out to find out where you're really at in terms of normal production.

    I realize that docs deal with a lot of BS and people that mislead them but I find it hard to grasp that you have to "bottom out" your T and turn your life upside down like that to get treated.

    Good luck on your path to continued health and wellness.

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