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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Advice for low test


    I'm 28 y/o and I've used AAS in the past and then got my blood levels checked because i had been feeling like crap. I checked my free test levels several months apart and they were below baseline levels around 300. I began self medicating with testosterone and now am considering TRT through a doc.

    My question is how do i go about TRT when im already on test? Do i come off then talk to the doc and get levels checked or tell the doc and show him past blood work, or wut?

    any advice would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    South Fla
    You answered your own question. You may want to try a restart at your age. You're still a bit young to go on trt, either way you need to be clean before seeing your Doc.

  3. #3
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post

    I'm 28 y/o and I've used AAS in the past and then got my blood levels checked because i had been feeling like crap. I checked my free test levels several months apart and they were below baseline levels around 300. I began self medicating with testosterone and now am considering TRT through a doc.

    My question is how do i go about TRT when im already on test? Do i come off then talk to the doc and get levels checked or tell the doc and show him past blood work, or wut?

    any advice would be appreciated
    I agree with Beethoven, but I would also add that it all depends on the doctor. He may accept your past blood work indicating your condition. But in my opinion, at your age and with your history, that's a long shot. And if the doctor is any good, he'll do extensive diagnostic testing on you to rule out any surprises. And that's what any patient would want - and expect. The best policy is to be honest with whoever you see and ask a lot of questions.

    I began TRT at my urologist's office with transdermals. A few months later, I switched to shots at a men's TRT clinic and walked in with labs showing already high T levels. THEY accepted my past blood work - but with some reluctance. Although in good shape, it was apparent I was never a body builder and never used steroids . And I was older than most of their patients - 65. I'm pretty sure this all had a great deal to do with them treating me based on my labs.

    That's why I said it would probably be a long shot for you.

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