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  1. #1
    Novice489's Avatar
    Novice489 is offline Associate Member
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    Boost Test out of the mid 300's?

    I'm looking for additional ways to boost my test naturally. I've been taking Austinite's Essential Supplements which has helped improve the way i feel and my sexual functioning. Besides DHEA (awaiting lab test) what other OTC supplements may help raise my T levels?

  2. #2
    64509chvl's Avatar
    64509chvl is offline Associate Member
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    I'm afraid you won't have much luck raising your levels by supplementation...I could be wrong but I personally tried all that & had no luck what so ever!

    I had a total test level of 330 & felt bad for quite a on a regimen of supps...
    Zinc 20mg
    Copper 2mg
    Magnesium 400mg
    Desicated liver 6 tablets
    Vitamin C 1,500mg
    Vitamin D3 5,000iu's
    Multi vitamin
    Fish oil

    Also worked in 6 eggs & 32 oz of Milk daily as part of my diet...always got about 7 hours of sleep & lifted 5 days a week an hour a day. Did this for 3 months & retested at the same time...8:30 am & my total test was 237, lol! All of my vitamins & minerals were all in good ranges in blood work now aswell. At certain times I thought I was feeling better, but I think it was just me wanting the supps to work...placebo I guess. Lifting wasn't new to me either as I've been lifting for the last 2 years!

    I know total test numbers will vary & prolly a couple things I could've done diferent or checked DHEA & tried that aswell but realistically I came to realize the only way to boost my testosterone was with testosterone!
    Last edited by 64509chvl; 01-04-2014 at 09:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 64509chvl View Post
    I'm afraid you won't have much luck raising your levels by supplementation...I could be wrong but I personally tried all that & had no luck what so ever!

    I had a total test level of 330 & felt bad for quite a on a regimen of supps...
    Zinc 20mg
    Copper 2mg
    Magnesium 400mg
    Desicated liver 6 tablets
    Vitamin C 1,500mg
    Multi vitamin
    Fish oil

    Also worked in 6 eggs & 32 oz of Milk daily as part of my diet...always got about 7 hours of sleep & lifted 5 days a week an hour a day. Did this for 3 months & retested at the same time...8:30 am & my total test was 237, lol! At certain times I thought I was feeling better, but I think it was just me wanting the supps to work...placebo I guess. Lifting wasn't new to me either as I've been lifting for the last 2 years!

    I know total test numbers will vary & prolly a couple things I could've done diferent or checked DHEA & tried that aswell but realistically I came to realize the only way to boost my testosterone was with testosterone!

    here's the game commonly played in the supplemental industry. there are two of them:

    1) a technician will discover that a certain compound will marginally increase T production - result? marketing reps in the supplement industry will splash headlines all over the internet stating that a "new discovery" boosts T levels. Cost is usually prohibitive, and results are usually, at best, marginal

    2) a medical researcher will come up with a verifiable/replicable result that compound X does in fact raise T levels. However, what is ignored, is the bodies feedback mechanism will, sooner than later, make certain adjustments to your natty T production, until your normal T levels are stabilized. Result? marketing reps in the supplement industry will splash headlines all over the internet stating that a "new discovery" boosts T levels. Cost is usually prohibitive, and results are usually, at best, very short term.

    Now, your T levels are in the mid 300's. Not a terrible number. The only effective way, as far as i've found, to boost t levels, is by exogeneous administration of testosterone , and then by injection. However, when you do this, you are in essense turning off your bodies natty T production.

    I don't know how old you are, but if this is the route you want to take, be prepared to inject test the rest of your life.

    Good luck!


  4. #4
    Novice489's Avatar
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    Thanks for the responses. I'm 29. I was on HRT for 3 months before my nuts pulled a Houdini on me and vanished. Doctor refused to prescribe hCG so I fired him and got a hold of some Clomid/Tamox from the site sponsor to get back to baseline. The HRT made me feel a lot better and restored sexual functioning. The Clomid/Tamox made me feel incredible. I woke up every morning with energy and raging morning wood and felt I could handle any problem in the world if I just tried hard enough. I can't recall ever feeling like that before in my life, however it eventual spiked my BP to 155/85.

    I am currently trying to find a doctor that will put me back on HRT. So far I have seen 4 (2 urologists, 2 endocrinologists) all of which have told me "my testosterone is not low enough to cause problems". Which I can assure you is not the case.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aux View Post
    Thanks for the responses. I'm 29. I was on HRT for 3 months before my nuts pulled a Houdini on me and vanished. Doctor refused to prescribe hCG so I fired him and got a hold of some Clomid/Tamox from the site sponsor to get back to baseline. The HRT made me feel a lot better and restored sexual functioning. The Clomid/Tamox made me feel incredible. I woke up every morning with energy and raging morning wood and felt I could handle any problem in the world if I just tried hard enough. I can't recall ever feeling like that before in my life, however it eventual spiked my BP to 155/85.

    I am currently trying to find a doctor that will put me back on HRT. So far I have seen 4 (2 urologists, 2 endocrinologists) all of which have told me "my testosterone is not low enough to cause problems". Which I can assure you is not the case.
    Spiked??? I'm lucky if mine is that low using meds. lol

    Have you looked into the site sponsored HRT clinics? See if there is a clinic in your area or fill out the form.

  6. #6
    Novice489's Avatar
    Novice489 is offline Associate Member
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    I've talked to mike at Low-T before. I would love to work with them but they don't see patience under 30 to avoid undue scrutiny and I'm 29.

  7. #7
    dhickey is offline Junior Member
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    Why not try the SERM again if it worked for you. Maybe just one this time. Test and adjust dose so that you're using no more than you have to.

    You could also try HCG without testosterone . Same concept. Use as little as possible to get free T towards the top of the range.

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