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  1. #1
    Anonona is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013

    Question Assistance with interpreting blood work and next steps


    Cliff notes on background
    - On a decent dose of Lithium daily.
    - Mildly active, not training due to injury (ref TB4 log)
    - Good diet
    - Drinking only on holidays
    - 25yo / 6' 2" / 200lbs / 18%+ ?
    - No history of AAS use. ever.

    - Hair loss (my genes normally keep hair)
    - Low energy, e.g.: I used to be able to manage a heavy session of compounds and a hike in one day, can't do either easily now
    - Body comp is changing or the worse, fluid retention

    What I know:
    Lithium is hard on your endocrine system, especially Thyroid and sometimes your Test. stopping lithium is NOT an option.
    Blood work below, was unable to get more tests done at this point in time. [square brackets represent conversions and/or ranges to match the "ALL you need to know about bloodwork" thread.

    Free testosterone
    0.468 nmol/l (.198-.619)
    [ 134.87 pg/ml (50-210) ]

    Total Testosterone
    21.7 nmol/l (8.7-29)
    [ 625.36 ng/dl (300-950 for 19-40) ]

    1.48 mIU/L (0.27-4.2)[2-10]

    Free T4
    14.8 pmol/l (12.0-22.0)[10-36]

    What I would like to know:
    Is there value in me returning to a GP for further bloods, or should I go straight to an endo? I believe a boost in my low(although within range) test and TSH should alleviate the above symptoms.

    Last edited by Anonona; 01-16-2014 at 11:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Anonona is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    Bump for the weekend, going into the GP next week. If you believe my levels are OK that input is also appreciated.

  3. #3
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    Range doesn't mean anything where test is concerned. If the range is 300-1100 and yours is 395 a lot of docs say 'youre within range. Its fine.'.. No it is NOT fine. Not with me. I want my test near 1000. That range just shows the median levels of a healthy test group. It does not describe 'optimal' at all.

  4. #4
    Anonona is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Range doesn't mean anything where test is concerned. If the range is 300-1100 and yours is 395 a lot of docs say 'youre within range. Its fine.'.. No it is NOT fine. Not with me. I want my test near 1000. That range just shows the median levels of a healthy test group. It does not describe 'optimal' at all.
    I'm at 625 and believe around 900 would be better for a 25yo?

  5. #5
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Your T levels look good. I wish I had those levels naturally.

    You need more thorough blood work. Free T3 and cortisol among others found in the sticky by kelkel.

    What is your diet like?

  6. #6
    Anonona is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    Your T levels look good. I wish I had those levels naturally.

    You need more thorough blood work. Free T3 and cortisol among others found in the sticky by kelkel.

    What is your diet like?
    I'll push for those, thanks.

    Rough example (keep in mind minimal training due to injury), i do track macros with a spreadsheet etc.


    7am: eggs, slice of bread, black coffee, scoop of protein

    9:30am: nuts, fruit, coffee

    12:00: veg/salad, 200g lump of dead animal, depending on requirements- some pasta or rice

    14:30: nuts, fruit, coffee

    18:00: if training- nuts/fruit/protein scoop; if not training, dinner similar to lunch

    20:30-21:00ish : if not training- protein scoop; if training, dinner similar to lunch + protein scoop

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