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  1. #1
    ziggy256 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2014

    Nebido and tracking weight / body composition

    Hi All,

    How do those of you on Nebido find tracking weight, body comp?

    My weight seems to be quite unappreciable at the moment and I therefore find it harder to work out if my cut is working.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your body comp and weight is down to your diet, control it by the food you eat and cardio. Nebido is great for TRT and will do the job perfectly if your having issues with weight etc look at your diet its easy once you find what your true maintenance is and then adjust from there

  3. #3
    ziggy256 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your body comp and weight is down to your diet, control it by the food you eat and cardio. Nebido is great for TRT and will do the job perfectly if your having issues with weight etc look at your diet its easy once you find what your true maintenance is and then adjust from there
    Hi Marcus, I can understand your comments here, a lot of people go wrong with diet, but I track everything (other than Sat). Before TRT my weight was stable and went down when I wanted to too but since Nebido I seem to be at a different weight depending on where I am in the cycle.

    Example last two weeks have been a harsh RFL style diet through the week and a reefed on weekends.

    Weight 14th Jan 181
    Weight 29 Jan 184

    I was just wondering if I was holding water at certain points of the cycle which was throwing off the scale and if any one else was seeing something similar.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziggy256 View Post
    Hi Marcus, I can understand your comments here, a lot of people go wrong with diet, but I track everything (other than Sat). Before TRT my weight was stable and went down when I wanted to too but since Nebido I seem to be at a different weight depending on where I am in the cycle.

    Example last two weeks have been a harsh RFL style diet through the week and a reefed on weekends.

    Weight 14th Jan 181
    Weight 29 Jan 184

    I was just wondering if I was holding water at certain points of the cycle which was throwing off the scale and if any one else was seeing something similar.
    Get bw done and see what your E2 is and if you need an AI introduce one, but your weight is determined to your diet and cardio. I cant see nebido controlling your weight at all its trt to bring your test levels back to what they were when they were normal, you should be holding good weight on nebido and stable weight control which you can adjust accordingly to your goals.

  5. #5
    ziggy256 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Get bw done and see what your E2 is and if you need an AI introduce one, but your weight is determined to your diet and cardio. I cant see nebido controlling your weight at all its trt to bring your test levels back to what they were when they were normal, you should be holding good weight on nebido and stable weight control which you can adjust accordingly to your goals.
    Thanks Marcus, my E2 varies quite a lot depending on how far away the last Nebido jab was,
    E 106 pmol (<161) 2 weeks 4 days after a jab, then
    E 52 pmol (<161) 5 weeks and 4 days after THE SAME jab.
    So E went down by more than half in 3 weeks, and I would guess that it would have been maybe top of range or over if tested a day or two after jab?

    I am only on my 4th jab of Nebido so maybe things will get more stable further in.

    At what level in terms of BW is an AI generally used, I have been told to say under c115 pmol

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yoiu should be more stable in the next two injections. Control your weight by the food you eat and Cardio.

  7. #7
    ziggy256 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yoiu should be more stable in the next two injections. Control your weight by the food you eat and Cardio.
    Thanks I will look on the board (here) to see if there is a place to post pics, that way other can make a judgment on if I am progressing towards my goal, which is at the moment to cut back to 10% then bulk slowly from there. Overall I do feel that I have gained muscle on TRT

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