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Thread: Aromasin Help estro crash

  1. #1
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012

    Aromasin Help estro crash

    Hello everyone.
    I'll try and make it short. I had low(er) test around 630's and high estro in around the mid 40's just above reference range. Just over a year ago I did a test/tren cycle and never fully recovered. Found out prolactin and estro were the issues so I ran caber and nolva really late, around 8 months late. Things got way better but not 100%. Prolactin was great, still is, test was good around mid 700's, but estro stayed high. Erections were around 85%, still had lethargy, libido was still kinda down, and still had a bit of concentration issues, so This time (around 3 months after the caber and nolva) I ran aromasin to lower the circulating estrogen. I ran it at 25mg ED for 3 weeks and 12.5mg for just over a week. Weird part is, I became really emotional around week 2. But since the last week, it's like I've developed full blown depression and anxiety. I've been off of it for over a week or so now but my libido is down, but I can still do it with my girl when she's there to excite me, otherwise I don't think about sex. Erections still aren't 100% and I need way more time in between each uh...shot. Also, I had high blood pressure before the aromasin that was caused probably by the high estro but now it's much better. The main concern here tho is my mood. I feel so depressed and shitty and have never felt this bad in my life. Is it possible I crashed my estrogen?
    My symptoms are as follows:
    -mood swings
    -low libido
    -cravings for foods randomly
    -joints hurt

    Getting bloods done next week. Just curious as to your thoughts. Also, there has been much stress lately in my life so I'm thinking it can be adrenal fatigue on top of the hormones leveling out. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks boys.
    Last edited by sjamal1023; 01-30-2014 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #2
    LFH40's Avatar
    LFH40 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2013
    I feel your pain. I'm about 17 weeks into TRT and I had to run an AI for the last month or so and I was on .25 e3.5d and I just got my blood work back and I crashed my E2. I've got the exact same symptoms as you.
    I just got my labs back today to find this out although I pretty much knew that low E2 was the culprit. I'm taking the only advise anyone on here has given me so far and that is to back off the AI for 4-6 weeks and reevaluate and re-test my E2 via bloodwork. At least this can be fixed!
    sjamal1023 likes this.

  3. #3
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    I'm glad you seem optimistic, I know how much this sucks. But, if it is crashed E2, all we have to do is wait for the aromatase to build up again. I just don't know how long that can be, and on top of that, I'm worried it'll come back with a vengeance and spike up my estro again, restarting the high/low estro problem.

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