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Thread: Question about TRT and air travel

  1. #1
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Question about TRT and air travel

    Guys, I have a trip to Nevada that popped up last minute. Flying out Friday early and my Test shots are wed and Saturdays. I will be taking carry on, one bag. Is there any way I can take a vial, syringe, and needle with me? I am prescribed by a doctor through low t.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I can't imagine they'd let you take it in a carry on. If the trip is short why not just do your shot tonight and Friday morning? I rarely fly so I'm sure others will chime in, but I'd hate to have to drop test in the trash can.......that said, only take what you need, not a full bottle!
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  3. #3
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    I took my syringes and test vial in my carry-on a couple months back. No problems at all. Just make sure you have your script. And put the vial in the quart size bag.

  4. #4
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    I checked mine, no problems. I did have my script in my "travel TRT bag" just in case my bag was searched.

  5. #5
    no0ne23 is offline New Member
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    I'm actually out of town on a trip right now -- and flying about every other week. It's no problem to clear TSA with meds. My carry-on includes one syringe (full week of test) and two needles, plus 3x hcg insulin needles in a cold pack. I always bring a photocopy of the Rx but have never been asked to see anything. Just let it run through the scanner and you'll be perfectly fine.

    Scary you can't carry a water bottle through, but "mystery meds" and needles are no problem. American security at its best.

  6. #6
    Mr Bill's Avatar
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    I have taken mine in a clear bag on top of everything in my carry on when I have went on vacation several times. These where international flights. I figure it is meds that I have to inject so it doesn't leave my sight. I don't want anybody messing with it or stealing it. Make sure you have the script attached to it.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by no0ne23 View Post
    I'm actually out of town on a trip right now -- and flying about every other week. It's no problem to clear TSA with meds. My carry-on includes one syringe (full week of test) and two needles, plus 3x hcg insulin needles in a cold pack. I always bring a photocopy of the Rx but have never been asked to see anything. Just let it run through the scanner and you'll be perfectly fine.

    Scary you can't carry a water bottle through, but "mystery meds" and needles are no problem. American security at its best.
    Great info. Thanks!
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  8. #8
    APIs's Avatar
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    If I'm traveling a week or less, I just front-load some Test correlating to the numbers of days gone and forget about the HCG for a week. I do take my solid dosage meds with me. No biggie.

    If more than a week (domestic travel) I place the vial in my carry-on and the pins etc. in checked luggage. Last year on one trip my checked luggage was inspected by TSA 3 times. I found their flyer upon opening my luggage at various hotels, so don’t put your Test vial in checked luggage.

    If traveling international, I just front-load my meds & wing it. Bringing controlled substances overseas is just not worth it IMO.

    No need to photocopy your Rx either. Just be sure the pharmacy label is still present on the box that holds the Test Cyp vial. That label contains all the info the pricks @ TSA need to know...

  9. #9
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Yes, you can fly with your testosterone , supplies and any medical necessities.

    Airlines DO NOT like it when you put things like this in checked baggage. Sure, you can get away with it but it can also cause a stink. Putting it in checked baggage sometimes raises a red might be a false red flag and you're not going to get into trouble but you don't want to deal with that hassle if it happens.

    Best way, what airport security prefers:

    Put any and all prescription meds and supplies in your carry on.
    Place them in a zip lock bag
    Take them out of your carry on, leave them in the bag and place them in the tray with the rest of your loose items, wallet, phone, belt, etc.

    Sometimes I forget to take it out of my bag...when I do, sometimes they see it and ask me to take it out and sometimes they don't.

    Lastly, flying with your testosterone is no different than a diabetic flying with his insulin . There are syringes on every flight you take.
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  10. #10
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Yes, you can fly with your testosterone , supplies and any medical necessities.

    Airlines DO NOT like it when you put things like this in checked baggage. Sure, you can get away with it but it can also cause a stink. Putting it in checked baggage sometimes raises a red might be a false red flag and you're not going to get into trouble but you don't want to deal with that hassle if it happens.

    Best way, what airport security prefers:

    Put any and all prescription meds and supplies in your carry on.
    Place them in a zip lock bag
    Take them out of your carry on, leave them in the bag and place them in the tray with the rest of your loose items, wallet, phone, belt, etc.

    Sometimes I forget to take it out of my bag...when I do, sometimes they see it and ask me to take it out and sometimes they don't.

    Lastly, flying with your testosterone is no different than a diabetic flying with his insulin. There are syringes on every flight you take.
    Thanks so much!!! One last really dumb question. Does the cabin pressure do anything to the vial if you carry it on? Like the rubber stopper, it won't have any adverse effects on it, will it? Hate to lose any test...

  11. #11
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    I've been flying with mine for years and fly very often. Never had an issue.
    I also fly with my HCG . What I'll normally do is save an old HCG bottle and put 1-2 doses in there. I know it's not refrigerated but it's fine left out for up to 24hrs as long as it's not blazing hot. It might lose a little potency but nothing all that concerning. I've had no issues with this either.

  12. #12
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Glad this came up. Got a trip to Vegas planned in May and was wondering this. I'm going mid-week to mid-week. So debating on what I'm going to do. I can miss my HCG for a week if I have to but would like to do my test on (or near) my day (Saturday). Good to know it's just that easy to travel with it if I do that.


  13. #13
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Airlines DO NOT like it when you put things like this in checked baggage. Sure, you can get away with it but it can also cause a stink. Putting it in checked baggage sometimes raises a red might be a false red flag and you're not going to get into trouble but you don't want to deal with that hassle if it happens.
    Take your pick; getting stopped at the TSA Checkpoint or after you retrieve your bags. IMO I’ll take the latter. I'd rather not throw my syringes onto a conveyor belt for the TSA or other people in-line to see. Plus, I think you're more likely to get red flags from idiot passengers standing beside you at the security checkpoint whom might see it. Besides, when you place sharps into checked luggage you're essentially removing them from the equation by making them un-accessible during flight. Just my opinion...

  14. #14
    FRDave's Avatar
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    When I went to Hawaii I placed my vial of test and syringes in a zip lock and placed in my carry on bag with no issues.

    My vitamins I placed in my checked luggage and they did go through my luggage. Not sure if that was the reason or not...

  15. #15
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Take your pick; getting stopped at the TSA Checkpoint or after you retrieve your bags. IMO I’ll take the latter. I'd rather not throw my syringes onto a conveyor belt for the TSA or other people in-line to see. Plus, I think you're more likely to get red flags from idiot passengers standing beside you at the security checkpoint whom might see it. Besides, when you place sharps into checked luggage you're essentially removing them from the equation by making them un-accessible during flight. Just my opinion...
    If you call an airline they'll tell you to bring your supplies as discussed above. Further, every diabetic on your flight is brining syringes with them on the plane and you can guarantee there is not a single flight anywhere that doesn't have at least one diabetic on board, so syringes are not uncommon.

    I've never been harassed because of brining this stuff in my carry on for years and years now but I have been stopped and held for brining a jar of peanut butter with me, protein powder, saline solution, and I had a hat confiscated once because the scanner picked something was given back about 30 min later...that was a weird one.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post

    but I have been stopped and held for bringing a jar of peanut butter with me, protein powder, saline solution
    Oh you're on their list now for sure....
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  17. #17
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    If you call an airline they'll tell you to bring your supplies as discussed above. Further, every diabetic on your flight is brining syringes with them on the plane and you can guarantee there is not a single flight anywhere that doesn't have at least one diabetic on board, so syringes are not uncommon.

    I've never been harassed because of brining this stuff in my carry on for years and years now but I have been stopped and held for brining a jar of peanut butter with me, protein powder, saline solution, and I had a hat confiscated once because the scanner picked something was given back about 30 min later...that was a weird one.
    Oh I believe you. However, what we're told on the phone doesn’t always correlate to what actually transpires out on the airport floor. Plus the .5 to 1 inch syringes (some of us) use are much larger than the average insulin pin. Regardless, my personal experiences have taught me the idiots actually manning the TSA Checkpoints don’t always act professionally & are not always up-to-speed with proper protocol. Their main job is to "catch" suspicious items in people's carry-on luggage. I've actually seen these clowns high-five one another after finding a 4 ounce container of hair gel. Applicable news stories to this truth are abundant. I'll continue to place my syringes in my checked baggage. Just saying...

  18. #18
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    If you go to the TSA website, you will find they ask that syringes be packed in your carry on but must be accompanied with some of medication.

    You can find the same on most airline websites or trip advisor. You'll also notice on TSA the needle size is irrelevant, even mentions size is irrelevant.

    I'm not trying to be difficult at all....just don't want you guys causing yourself a lot more grief than you need to. Traveling with it openly shows no sign that you're trying to hide anything...why give them any reason to doubt you when you don't have to?

  19. #19
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by no0ne23 View Post
    I'm actually out of town on a trip right now -- and flying about every other week. It's no problem to clear TSA with meds. My carry-on includes one syringe (full week of test) and two needles, plus 3x hcg insulin needles in a cold pack. I always bring a photocopy of the Rx but have never been asked to see anything. Just let it run through the scanner and you'll be perfectly fine.

    Scary you can't carry a water bottle through, but "mystery meds" and needles are no problem. American security at its best.

    i hear ya

    was in PHX airport yesterday. saw this well past her prime escort/ stripper type with the most ginormous fake boobs ever (its relevant , ill get there)... anyway... occurred to me that well, we cant carry small amounts of liquids due to explosive potential..what if....big if ..some super giant set of fake boobs got drained of their silicone or whatever, and got refilled with whatever terrorists use? yes thats where my brain took the giant fake boobies.... anyway..

  20. #20
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Would it be the worst thing in the world of I gave my twice per week shot a day early to avoid any hassle? My normal routine is:
    Tues and Friday hcg
    Wednesday and Saturday test.

    If I took my hcg and test on Friday morning before the airport would that be ok? I'm coming home on Sunday anyhow.

  21. #21
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55 View Post
    i hear ya

    was in PHX airport yesterday. saw this well past her prime escort/ stripper type with the most ginormous fake boobs ever (its relevant , ill get there)... anyway... occurred to me that well, we cant carry small amounts of liquids due to explosive potential..what if....big if ..some super giant set of fake boobs got drained of their silicone or whatever, and got refilled with whatever terrorists use? yes thats where my brain took the giant fake boobies.... anyway..
    Might be a good idea for TSA to make all big breasted women lay down & take a ride on the conveyor belt to get screened. That would make waiting in line at security much more enjoyable.
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55
    i hear ya was in PHX airport yesterday. saw this well past her prime escort/ stripper type with the most ginormous fake boobs ever (its relevant , ill get there)... anyway... occurred to me that well, we cant carry small amounts of liquids due to explosive potential..what if....big if ..some super giant set of fake boobs got drained of their silicone or whatever, and got refilled with whatever terrorists use? yes thats where my brain took the giant fake boobies.... anyway..
    Have read of females getting caught smuggling drugs via implants so it's definitely possible.

  23. #23
    bartman314's Avatar
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    my experience is similar to everyone's here - no problem with carry on.

    i travel every other week and pack my hcg and ghrp+sermorelin in an insulated cold pack, which routinely gets flagged in boston and never gets flagged in san francisco. i tell the tsa in boston the bag contains refrigerated medications and they pass me through.

  24. #24
    roxer's Avatar
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    Per TSA guidelines, you are allowed to carry any medical supplies you need in your carry on. Best way to deal with it is to get a letter from your doc stating you are prescribed the drug and it requires syringes. I fly all the time with mine, even overseas. No worries as I carry the docs letter and the prescription tags from the drugstore that came with the med.

    Medically Necessary Liquids | Transportation Security Administration

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFH40 View Post
    Would it be the worst thing in the world of I gave my twice per week shot a day early to avoid any hassle? My normal routine is:
    Tues and Friday hcg
    Wednesday and Saturday test.

    If I took my hcg and test on Friday morning before the airport would that be ok? I'm coming home on Sunday anyhow.
    That's what I would do.

  26. #26
    LFH40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    That's what I would do.
    So taking it a full day earlier won't cause me to "crash" a day earlier then? I'll just take hcg AND the test tomorrow early morning then if that's the case. No problems?

  27. #27
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    I take my test and HCG shots on Mon. & Thur mornings. For whatever reason, sometimes I forget to on Thur. morning and I'll do it that night or I'll do it Friday morning. Results - nothing changes. You cannot crash and bottom out into nothingness in a 24hr period. Sure, your levels are going to drop but you won't have innumerable strong low T symptoms all of the sudden. If you do, it is 100% placebo.

    Advice: Enjoy life...don't stress too much about your TRT. Sure, you want things to work well....that's a given, but it's not something that's got to be so exact that if it's not the walls come crashing down...I promise.
    64509chvl and NEFLRick like this.

  28. #28
    booku is offline Associate Member
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    Did not even cross my mind, threw my bag with all my supplies and vials in my carry on and went on with my flight

  29. #29
    no0ne23 is offline New Member
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    I really wouldn't sweat carrying it through security. I've been on 6 trips in the past 8 weeks (so cleared TSA a total of 12 times) and haven't been asked to see anything once. I have packed my syringes & needles as mentioned above without a single problem so far.

    I would recommend preloading a syringe or two instead of traveling with a vial. If anything were to happen (break, spill, stolen, etc.) it's better to lose a week's worth of cyp than several. Also, pre-loaded syringes fit very nicely into an eyeglasses carrying case to provide extra protection while in your bag.

    I was nervous on my first TRT accompanied trip, so I know the feeling. But it won't be a problem... don't let the worry make you do anything that makes it a hassle on you. I even stopped at the TSA security "info" desk after I cleared and asked if I needed to do anything special -- they said just to keep a copy of the prescription on hand in case I was ever asked to see, but when it goes through the scanner there usually won't be an issue. FYI... HGH is supposedly affected by the scanner, so it's even ok to ask for a visual inspection -- but shouldn't be an issue for TRT.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by no0ne23; 02-24-2014 at 01:43 AM.

  30. #30
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Yes, you can fly with your testosterone , supplies and any medical necessities.

    Airlines DO NOT like it when you put things like this in checked baggage. Sure, you can get away with it but it can also cause a stink. Putting it in checked baggage sometimes raises a red might be a false red flag and you're not going to get into trouble but you don't want to deal with that hassle if it happens.

    Best way, what airport security prefers:

    Put any and all prescription meds and supplies in your carry on.
    Place them in a zip lock bag
    Take them out of your carry on, leave them in the bag and place them in the tray with the rest of your loose items, wallet, phone, belt, etc.

    Sometimes I forget to take it out of my bag...when I do, sometimes they see it and ask me to take it out and sometimes they don't.

    Lastly, flying with your testosterone is no different than a diabetic flying with his insulin. There are syringes on every flight you take.
    The only thing I would add is I also have a note from my doctor that says it's OK to carry for travel when I go on international flights. I have never had it questioned.

    I would NOT pre load syringes. Leave the syringes in their sealed envelopes they come in.

  31. #31
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    The only thing I would add is I also have a note from my doctor that says it's OK to carry for travel when I go on international flights. I have never had it questioned.

    I would NOT pre load syringes. Leave the syringes in their sealed envelopes they come in.
    Some of us have our test preloaded so that's not easily possible.

  32. #32
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEFLRick View Post
    Some of us have our test preloaded so that's not easily possible.
    Yes there are always exceptions but for most HRT patients I think they have it in RX vials.

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