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Thread: needp help with trt (20 years old)

  1. #1
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    needp help with trt (20 years old)

    so had my bloodwork done.. total test came out in the high 200's to low 300's

    I don't care if you think im too young.. I have completely made up my mind tha I don't want the levels of a 80yr old man anymore

    I have already tried a nolva/clomid restart, didn't work

    my symptoms include: depression, anxiety, low sex drive

    I want to get on TRT asap..

    However, I want the doctor to give me as much testosterone as possible, I don't want just enough to be normal..

    I want high levels...

    I also don't want to be tested for a million different things to figure out why my levels are low, I just want to go on trt ASAP and be done with it.

    so I was thinking about doing what this article said........


    how can we manipulate the results in an effort to receive testosterone replacement therapy? One way is to take high doses of the prohormone 19-Norandrostenedione for a period of 8 to 10 weeks. 19-Norandrostenedione, a Nandrolone steroid precursor, in high dosages of 1500mgs per day should cause a large enough drop off in your free and total testosterone levels to qualify you for testosterone replacement. Make sure that during this time you do not take any products that cause a boost in your levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) such as Tribulus Terrestris or Clomid.

    Several studies have shown that testosterone levels of patients measured during periods of stress, viral infection, sleep deprivation, starvation, and fasting have been significantly lower than normal. If at all possible, schedule your blood test to coincide with these conditions.

    One athlete told Elite Fitness of his hardcore 4 point plan he uses to obtain testosterone replacement therapy. After ten weeks of a 19-Nor cycle, here's what he does.

    First, he limits his sleep to no more than 4 hours each night for 3 to 4 days before his blood test.

    Then he will fast for the same 3-4 day span eating no food and drinking only water.

    The athlete also deprives himself of any sexual release through intercourse or masturbation for these 4 days.

    The last and most interesting step to his plan is to take one of his girlfriend’s birth control pills 12 hours before the test. Taking a female birth control pill the day before a blood test should temporarily raise estrogen and/or lower testosterone.


    Now I understand that hypogonadal men do not have completely shut down LH and FSH

    if I were too do this my LH and FSH would be shutdown

    i want enough test where i can cruise and they have me at a baseline in the 900-1200, and i can also blast once in a while....

    I want to be the best male i can be..

    how do i go about doing this mates???? thanks

  2. #2
    hawk14dl's Avatar
    hawk14dl is offline Senior Member
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    There are a number of reasons you shouldn't cruise at 1200.

    Must docs, if they know what they're doing well at you up at 700-900.

    Sounds like you're trying to manipulate your levels in order to get a higher rx. The blood work can show this and the dr may refuse you.

    Trt is for life. We're all on it because we didn't have a choice, not just because we want to be the alpha male on a permanent cycle.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    you are clearly thinking like a 20 year old, no offense but you have no idea what you will be doing to yourself for the next 50-6- yrs+. Im sure this will fall on deaf ears because youu said your mind was made up but doesnt common sense dictate trying to find out what is going on first rather than jumping in full bore??? Lastly, manipulating your BW?????? in an attempt to get more? Your not trying to feel "normal" IMO, but rather looking to legally get gear.
    Wouldnt expect any quality responses to this from anyone age 40 and up.......
    jomamma007 and Megalodon6 like this.

  4. #4
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    Well at this point a responsible parent should be involved along with a responsible Dr. Bullshark nailed it, you're thinking like a 20 year old and really have no idea what you're embarking on.

  5. #5
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vito93x View Post
    so had my bloodwork done.. total test came out in the high 200's to low 300's

    I don't care if you think im too young.. I have completely made up my mind tha I don't want the levels of a 80yr old man anymore

    I have already tried a nolva/clomid restart, didn't work

    my symptoms include: depression, anxiety, low sex drive

    I want to get on TRT asap..

    However, I want the doctor to give me as much testosterone as possible, I don't want just enough to be normal..

    I want high levels...

    I also don't want to be tested for a million different things to figure out why my levels are low, I just want to go on trt ASAP and be done with it.

    so I was thinking about doing what this article said........


    how can we manipulate the results in an effort to receive testosterone replacement therapy? One way is to take high doses of the prohormone 19-Norandrostenedione for a period of 8 to 10 weeks. 19-Norandrostenedione, a Nandrolone steroid precursor, in high dosages of 1500mgs per day should cause a large enough drop off in your free and total testosterone levels to qualify you for testosterone replacement. Make sure that during this time you do not take any products that cause a boost in your levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) such as Tribulus Terrestris or Clomid.

    Several studies have shown that testosterone levels of patients measured during periods of stress, viral infection, sleep deprivation, starvation, and fasting have been significantly lower than normal. If at all possible, schedule your blood test to coincide with these conditions.

    One athlete told Elite Fitness of his hardcore 4 point plan he uses to obtain testosterone replacement therapy. After ten weeks of a 19-Nor cycle, here's what he does.

    First, he limits his sleep to no more than 4 hours each night for 3 to 4 days before his blood test.

    Then he will fast for the same 3-4 day span eating no food and drinking only water.

    The athlete also deprives himself of any sexual release through intercourse or masturbation for these 4 days.

    The last and most interesting step to his plan is to take one of his girlfriend’s birth control pills 12 hours before the test. Taking a female birth control pill the day before a blood test should temporarily raise estrogen and/or lower testosterone.


    Now I understand that hypogonadal men do not have completely shut down LH and FSH

    if I were too do this my LH and FSH would be shutdown

    i want enough test where i can cruise and they have me at a baseline in the 900-1200, and i can also blast once in a while....

    I want to be the best male i can be..

    how do i go about doing this mates???? thanks

    There is not one person on this forum who does not understand how you are feeling at this time. Living with low T is no life at all. As you say, you deserve to be the best man you can be. We all deserve this. But what exactly does "the best man you can be" mean? Does it mean looking forward to every day blessed with a healthy body and sound mind and being proud of yourself for working sensibly and intelligently with the forces of medicine and nature to make that so? Or does it mean putting things into your body every day for decades just to get "one up" on everyone around you, fool everyone, deeply feel like a cheat and carry around a deep sense of shame - and a fear that someday you will be found out and deprived of your supply of "medications"? The later is no life at all. It's not the life anyone wants.

    And here is a fact that might surprise you: Getting yourself to a healthy hormone level WILL give you the quality of life where you CAN be the best man you can be. And you won't have to go through the manipulations and the deception, and experience the resulting shame and anxiety that would surely follow.

    If you want to cycle later on, you can. But I would suggest that this is the time for you to do what a real man would do. Find out what is the cause of your condition and make a plan of action to address it. Wiser men than we have found that when you try to fool reality, it always ends badly.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 02-25-2014 at 11:33 AM.

  6. #6
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    ^^^^^^ Very well said 2Sox..

  7. #7
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    goddamn instead of everybody trying to play daddy how about answer the question.....
    I just want to cruise at a higher baseline but I want extra gear to blast once in a while..

    back to the question...............

    Now I understand that hypogonadal men do not have completely shut down LH and FSH

    if I were too do this my LH and FSH would be shutdown

    hwo do I get around this issue with my doctor?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You need a daddy. You also need to act like an adult and be responsible toward your own long term health and not just be concerned with this moment in time.
    When on Test your shutting down your own system.

    No one will help you get around this issue with your doctor. That said, if you have an astute doctor and he actually determines your T is low for valid reasons that are not correctable, then TRT would be in your future. Hopefully that's not the case and you'll realize that in the future. You don't get more test just because you have lower levels. It doesn't work that way.
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  9. #9
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    if you have a total t of 200 and have ruled out thyoird, adrenal and sleep apnea issues as well as corrected your diet and sleep alongside lifting and haven't just came off a failed pct then you should be on trt in the first place.

    You need to understand. Finding out the reason you need trt is just as if not more important then being on it. If you have any of the issues above trt will not solve all of your symptoms. You seem like you just messed yourself up with some cycles and want to stay on because you need drugs to make you confident.

    Don't understand your question. When you take exogenous testosterone your LH and FSH levels are going in the gutter, end of story. No way around it. I think your asking something along the lines of taking some steroids to shut of your natural test so you can get blood work and prove your levels are low. Just take some deca and wait for it to clear out a bit and your lh and fsh levels to rise and your levels will be low. Will take a few weeks but go ahead and screw your life up because you wont listen to us. Or you could take a prohormone, don't waste time starving and not sleeping for a week and taking your ,lol, GF's birth control.

    If you want a higher dosage kiddo just skip and injection before your doctor takes blood work so he can up it, pretty obvious...

    Besides being a man has nothing to do with your muscles or uber testosterone levels .
    Hell I've skipped giving my dad his shot for a few weeks and his confidence doesn't shy a bit. Maybe 5% of the entire population has over a 900 natural test level. Not saying don't go the trt route, but you need to fix your mind. TRT will only go so far.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 02-24-2014 at 05:39 PM.

  10. #10
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    just talked to the trt dudes...
    this shit is simple..
    they just need a blood requisition test with LH, CBC, CMP, Lipid Profile, Total, Free, LSH, and PSA which i already have... ]

    there is no age qualification

    your total test needs to be less than 350 to qualify
    your free test needs to be less than 15 to qualify

    both my total test and free test are less than those numbers so i defiantly qualify

    you make an initial deposit, if you are not approved you get your initial deposit back

    go see the doctor

    at the WORST he will give me HCG to try a restart, if that doesn't work straight to test, but most likely it will go straight to test..

    they put you on prescription doses

    they aim for your total test to be at 1100
    30 for your free test
    30 for your estradiol

    you get 3-5 months supply at a time

    and they give you anastrozole to keep estrogen under control...

    you can also email the doctor back and forth and get more or less based on how you ''feel'' not what the numbers reflect.

  11. #11
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Well Vito, looks like you got it all figured out CONTRARY to every single response you were given from everyone on this forum that took time to try to help you and prevent you from what could be the biggest mistake of your life. I feel your pain regarding Low T, as most of us do here but I still question your motives based on your original question.
    None of that matters at this point, just beware, I use a clinic as well, they don't care about your health ad you would think, most are more concerned with sales. A clinic is to blame for my lifetime commitment but ultimately it falls on me for being ignorant and not being educated. Consider yourself warned by numerous Vets, one of the best (KellKel), hope it works out, sincerely keep all of us posted as the day may come where you think differently and may be able to pass on some wisdom to someone else who may need it.

  12. #12
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    yah no I just talked to like 4 trt clinics ...

    I don't even need the LH or FSH anymore

    this one clinic only requires sent in bloods of total test, lipid profile, and ur metabolic profile
    also a physical to show your healthy

    you never even see a doctor.

    they will put you on 400mg of test cyp a week, 1000iu of hcg , and 1mg of anstrozole.. you can stockpile the test cyp for blasts.. stack with prohormones and slin for blasts..

    **** it.

  13. #13
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vito93x View Post
    just talked to the trt dudes...
    this shit is simple..
    they just need a blood requisition test with LH, CBC, CMP, Lipid Profile, Total, Free, LSH, and PSA which i already have... ]

    there is no age qualification

    your total test needs to be less than 350 to qualify
    your free test needs to be less than 15 to qualify

    both my total test and free test are less than those numbers so i defiantly qualify

    you make an initial deposit, if you are not approved you get your initial deposit back

    go see the doctor

    at the WORST he will give me HCG to try a restart, if that doesn't work straight to test, but most likely it will go straight to test..

    they put you on prescription doses

    they aim for your total test to be at 1100
    30 for your free test
    30 for your estradiol

    you get 3-5 months supply at a time

    and they give you anastrozole to keep estrogen under control...

    you can also email the doctor back and forth and get more or less based on how you ''feel'' not what the numbers reflect.

    Dude your gona be HUGE!!!111!

  14. #14
    hawk14dl's Avatar
    hawk14dl is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck. You're going to need it

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    good luck. You're going to need it
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  16. #16
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    prob BuzzardMarinePumper's kid lol

  17. #17
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Bad idea man. You need to seriously take the advice given here

  18. #18
    BBrock293 is offline New Member
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    The kid is trolling guys, no one can really be this ignorant. Don't entertain him any more.

  19. #19
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    I really don't see why this is a bad idea.

    bad idea to me seems like having the test levels of an 80yr old man and going thru life unhappy.

  20. #20
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    how can this be a bad idea when you never even have to see a doctor???
    Not feeling good, just ask for more test, pretty simple you guys.
    IMO should cruise on 5-600 a week tho, and 1mg arimidex ED.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 02-24-2014 at 08:10 PM.

  21. #21
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Well this indeed may be a troll, but the sad thing is there really are people with this mind set. This is precisely why steroids have such a bad wrap. So they find this kid twenty years down the road all screwed up, write an article on how such a young person who should be in the prime of life needs a liver transplant or something, and it's all due to the evil steroids.

  22. #22
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Teenagers seem to just be getting dumber and dumber... And then when I think they can't get any dumber, they get dumber.

  23. #23
    hawk14dl's Avatar
    hawk14dl is offline Senior Member
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    Yup, cruise on about 300mg a week. Don't worry about ai you won't need it at such a low dose (low according to you)

    Go for the 1200 or 1300 level. I say by 1 year you have congestive heart failure. Why? High rbc count. Blood too thick. And since you never have to see the dr, how would you know?
    So now you have a 21 year old having open heart surgery, or going 6 feet under.

    Don't believe me? Go for it.

    Having said all that, if you really truly have low test, go to a specialist. They will run some real tests to see what the cause is. Mri of the pituitary, mri of the testicles, and blood tests to name a few. If they determine you truly are hypogonadal, They will prescribe you a safe amount of test and all ancillary medications. They will prescribe necessary blood tests occasionally to monitor your overall health.

    This is not a permanent cycle. This is a lifelong medication.
    jomamma007 likes this.

  24. #24
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk14dl View Post
    Yup, cruise on about 300mg a week. Don't worry about ai you won't need it at such a low dose (low according to you)

    Go for the 1200 or 1300 level. I say by 1 year you have congestive heart failure. Why? High rbc count. Blood too thick. And since you never have to see the dr, how would you know?
    So now you have a 21 year old having open heart surgery, or going 6 feet under.

    Don't believe me? Go for it.

    Having said all that, if you really truly have low test, go to a specialist. They will run some real tests to see what the cause is. Mri of the pituitary, mri of the testicles, and blood tests to name a few. If they determine you truly are hypogonadal, They will prescribe you a safe amount of test and all ancillary medications. They will prescribe necessary blood tests occasionally to monitor your overall health.

    This is not a permanent cycle. This is a lifelong medication.

    i thought you donate blood on a monthly basis.

  25. #25
    vito93x is offline Banned
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    so whatever I go for the 900 level, a few 100 points doesn't rlly ****in matter, its still 4x the level im at now.

  26. #26
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    900 is a good range imo, I'd never have to donate at that level, but it's good for the world.
    Unless you have a special permit from your doc it's ever 56 days.

    Get blood work every 1-2months until you are dialed in IMO, then every 3-6 to make sure everything's in a healthy range.
    Check the finding a Doc Sticky for what to test.

    Should rule out a pituitary tumor as well.

  27. #27
    2Sox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vito93x View Post
    so whatever I go for the 900 level, a few 100 points doesn't rlly ****in matter, its still 4x the level im at now.
    There are an awful lot of people here who have tried to help you. They have been exceedingly kind and patient with you. From where I sit, you either just listen to the things you want to hear and ignore everything else or you live in an alternate universe.

    At this point, you've gotten all the information you need. I'd suggest you digest that for awhile. Then come back with some sorely needed humility and when you're ready to return the respect and good will you've already received.

  28. #28
    BBrock293 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    Well this indeed may be a troll, but the sad thing is there really are people with this mind set. This is precisely why steroids have such a bad wrap. So they find this kid twenty years down the road all screwed up, write an article on how such a young person who should be in the prime of life needs a liver transplant or something, and it's all due to the evil steroids.
    This ^

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