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  1. #1
    buckeye11 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    Got BW back,need advice

    I`ve been on HRT for about 1 1/2 years and had to quit due to ins. problems.As it turns out it might have been a good thing because all I cared about was my test but I still didn`t feel as good as I thought I would.This time I got all my labs and my goal is to feel and be as healthy as possible.My new Dr. is just getting into HRT so I will have some input.This forum i so incredibly knowledgeable I was hoping for some advice. Labs
    Total Test 186 250-1100
    Bio Test 74.4 110-575
    Free Test 34.7 46-224
    Estradiol(sa) 34 +-29
    LH .5
    FSH 1.0
    Prolctin 7.26 1.61-18.77
    Cortisol 7.4 9-23
    PSA .848 .1-4.0
    VIT.D 27.9 30-80
    TSH 1.4779
    T4 free 1.02 .7-1.85
    Glucose 96 70-100
    Cholesterol 239 <200
    HDL 37 >60
    Triglycerides 297 <150
    EGFR 69 >60
    WBC 9.3 3.9-10.6
    RBC 5.23 4.40-5.90
    Hemoglobin 16.8 13.3-17.7
    Hematocrit 46.2 40-52
    MCV 88.3 80-100
    MCH 32.1 27-40
    MCHC 36.4 31-36
    RDW 13 11.5-14.5
    PLT 242 130-440
    Sodium 140 135-143
    Potassium 4.5 3.8-5.3
    Chloride 104 98-106
    Co2 21 19-30
    Anion Gap 15 3-11
    Albumin 4.5 3.8-5
    ALT 69 21-72
    Calcium 9.9 8.7-10.5
    AST/SGOT 86 20-57
    IGF-3 3.7 3.3-6.7
    IGF 89 52-328
    BUN 22 9-23
    Creatinine 1.2 .7-1.5

    It`s very overwhelming.I appreciate any and all input.I just want to feel as good as I can.I`m already changing my diet and taking steps to lower cholest.It is the first time in my life any of the lipid #`s have been high. Btw I am 46 yo,200 lb. I have a very active job and hit the gym at least 3/4 wk. I am currently off work recovering from shoulder and bicep surgery so I am not as active as normal right now.Thanks

  2. #2
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Nobody has tackled this but I will chime in. I would start test cyp at 60 mg twice a week IM and hcg 250iu 3 times a week sub q. Retest bloods in 8 weeks or so. Add Ai if e2 sensitive climbs and start giving blood regularly.

  3. #3
    BMW550i is offline New Member
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    Also, start taking Vit D3 supplements. I take 6,000ui's a day and that gets me to 87.

    Some take more, some take less, blood work will tell you what works for you.

    Your liver values are getting up there too. You should keep an eye on that. Drink alo tof water, cut any alcohol and supplement with NAC if you have to.

  4. #4
    psycho white is offline New Member
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    What shows liver values on that blood work? I'd like to check on mine.

  5. #5
    jasondd1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by psycho white View Post
    What shows liver values on that blood work? I'd like to check on mine.
    alt ast

  6. #6
    buckeye11 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the replies.I`ll definitely start taking vit.d.Are there any other supps. I should be taking? My old Dr. had me on 200 mg test cyp. a week but my follow up BW he only checked my test.At 200/wk my test stayed around 900 every time but I was below 100 before I started and it looks like I`m headed there again.I have never tried 2x/wk.From all I have read 200 seems on the high end.I would be fine with 120/wk as long as i felt good.Are there any questions or concerns I should have for him?I just want to feel as good as possible.Thanks

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    buckeye read all the sticky threads at the top of this forum. They can help you a lot and answer many questions you may have. Beginning a TRT protocol should be done with a lower level of testosterone , say 100mg or 50mg every 3-4 days, then evaluate BW in 6 weeks and adjust. This is the best way to mitigate side effects. The twice weekly lower dose protocol helps with reducing estrogen issues and maintains more stable T levels. Examples of BW are in the Finding A Doc sticky thread at the top of this forum.

    HCG should also be part of a TRT protocol. Read the sticky on this please. Next is an aromatase inhibitor. It should not used right away unless an issue is present. It's also important to obtain the correct testing method. A sensitive assay is what we recommend here. If you use labcorp I can give you the proper codes otherwise odds are they will screw it up.

    On point advice from BWW for liver values. NAC is great stuff and has many, many benefits beyond liver values. Good for cholesterol too. Keep in mind though that anyone who works out can have elevated liver values due to the trauma you put your body through. They can remain elevated for up to 10 days if I recall correctly.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    What time of day were these bloods pulled? And when were you last on exogenous testosterone ?

    In addition to what the others suggested, you need to get your cortisol up to par. Low cortisol can really make you feel like crap.

    Also your cholesterol should improve once your steroid hormones are optimal and balanced. Cholesterol is the raw material your body uses to produce hormones. Since your hormone levels are so low, your brain tells your liver to keep making more and more cholesterol. Once your hormones are good, you will produce less cholesterol.

    My cholesterol was waaay off the charts before TRT and I've always lived a very healthy lifestyle. Getting my hormones in check brought my cholesterol down substantially.

  9. #9
    buckeye11 is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys...Great info..I will definitely read all the stickies and learn all I can about HCG .Two ?`s I have are: what is NAC? and how do you get your cortisol up?
    A little more backround.I`ve been off injections for over 3 months but I had some 10% test cream leftover(they first tried me on lozenges and cream but niether worked) so I started it about 3 weeks ago.3 clicks 1/day sometimes 2x/day.I actually applied this less than 3 hours before my BW.Obviously the cream still doesn`t work for me.

  10. #10
    buckeye11 is offline New Member
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    Got my shbg back 18 ref.10-50.still waiting on dht.I also started a zinc supplement and ordered nac.I plan to give blood next week.Any other suggestions?

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