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Thread: Why does everyone have low test nowadays

  1. #1
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Why does everyone have low test nowadays

    It seems every other day now there's another kid in his early 20's with test levels in the gutter, that "haven't touched steroids ".
    Seen 5 in the last week alone.

    Is our environment and quality of food and life just that bad nowadays that the next generation is going to need to be on trt from puberty till death?

    I don't know just freaking me out as I'm 22 about to attempt a restart and yet everyone my age seems to have testosterone issues nowadays. Just feel like my generation is screwed, and the next ones going to be even worse off. Not even sure if there's a point getting off anymore if external factors are just going to keep lowering my test every year.

    Just had to rant

  2. #2
    Michael Red is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    It seems every other day now there's another kid in his early 20's with test levels in the gutter, that "haven't touched steroids ".
    Seen 5 in the last week alone.

    Is our environment and quality of food and life just that bad nowadays that the next generation is going to need to be on trt from puberty till death?

    I don't know just freaking me out as I'm 22 about to attempt a restart and yet everyone my age seems to have testosterone issues nowadays. Just feel like my generation is screwed, and the next ones going to be even worse off. Not even sure if there's a point getting off anymore if external factors are just going to keep lowering my test every year.

    Just had to rant
    idk but im 22 and never touched steroids ive worked out 5 years and eat healthy my whole life, and my testosterone is abnormally low and no doctor wants to help me i almost feel like giving up. i cant get an erection at all but thats not enough for doctors to even want to help me. snce when did sexual health not matter when ur 22. so depressed.

  3. #3
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    It seems every other day now there's another kid in his early 20's with test levels in the gutter, that "haven't touched steroids ".
    Seen 5 in the last week alone.

    Is our environment and quality of food and life just that bad nowadays that the next generation is going to need to be on trt from puberty till death?

    I don't know just freaking me out as I'm 22 about to attempt a restart and yet everyone my age seems to have testosterone issues nowadays. Just feel like my generation is screwed, and the next ones going to be even worse off. Not even sure if there's a point getting off anymore if external factors are just going to keep lowering my test every year.

    Just had to rant
    I seem to remember that there were kids who were low t when I was growing up but were able to be started. Then again, I dint ever remember autism back then and it's rampant now. Something is definitely going on and our gov't knows something. I thought I'd rant with you.

  4. #4
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Everything nowadays comes in plastic (xenoestrogens). I miss glass bottles. Plus all the hormones, pesticides, preservatives and everything else that gets pumped into our food.

    It's a good reason to kill your own meat and grow your own fruits and vegetables if it's possible.

  5. #5
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    I think it's people sit around all day and play games / watch TV / eat fast food, and who knows maybe a lot of people had low-T just delt with it when they where 20 because it was a unknown back then.

    When I was tired in my mid 20's I would sleep more, eat better and hit the gym, now people go see a doc get one test result and think they are screwed. Before I went on TRT I was okay @ 200, not great but okay, could dead 500 squat 400 and bench 300 it only got me at my mid / late 30's when the naps started kicking in but even if you are on TRT people think its magic and they still need to sleep right and eat right.

    I wish I did not have to deal with but the negatives out way the positives at this point.

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    It's probably just that nobody was getting their test levels checked a decade ago, and now all these young guys are getting labs done before starting their first cycle.
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  7. #7
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Red View Post
    idk but im 22 and never touched steroids ive worked out 5 years and eat healthy my whole life, and my testosterone is abnormally low and no doctor wants to help me i almost feel like giving up. i cant get an erection at all but thats not enough for doctors to even want to help me. snce when did sexual health not matter when ur 22. so depressed.
    where do you live? highly recommend low t centers. at 22 you should be rollin like a freight train my man. find a doc , its worth the effort!

  8. #8
    slates is offline New Member
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    Most young guys I know have natural levels between 400 and 600, even the ones who are healthy and athletic. I think natural levels above 600 have always been rare.

    Of course, you need to keep in mind that each labs uses its own reference range. 500 on a scale of 250-800 is quite different from 500 on a scale of 300-1100.

  9. #9
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    because twlight movies and skinny jeans
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  10. #10
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slates View Post
    Most young guys I know have natural levels between 400 and 600, even the ones who are healthy and athletic. I think natural levels above 600 have always been rare.

    Of course, you need to keep in mind that each labs uses its own reference range. 500 on a scale of 250-800 is quite different from 500 on a scale of 300-1100.
    500 on each of those ranges for total T are equal though.
    LabCorp just tends to have a higher (and more broad) range.

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slates View Post
    Most young guys I know have natural levels between 400 and 600, even the ones who are healthy and athletic. I think natural levels above 600 have always been rare.

    Of course, you need to keep in mind that each labs uses its own reference range. 500 on a scale of 250-800 is quite different from 500 on a scale of 300-1100.
    No, 500ng/dl is the same regardless of the range. The ranges are determined simply by making a bell curve from a sample group of patients.
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  12. #12
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    I think it's people sit around all day and play games / watch TV / eat fast food, and who knows maybe a lot of people had low-T just delt with it when they where 20 because it was a unknown back then.

    When I was tired in my mid 20's I would sleep more, eat better and hit the gym, now people go see a doc get one test result and think they are screwed. Before I went on TRT I was okay @ 200, not great but okay, could dead 500 squat 400 and bench 300 it only got me at my mid / late 30's when the naps started kicking in but even if you are on TRT people think its magic and they still need to sleep right and eat right.

    I wish I did not have to deal with but the negatives out way the positives at this point.

    Not me when I was 20 (Pre 1980) gear was not even considered a felony and the only info was the dealer. You could even get a denist to write you a script for it and walk into Eckards drugs and pay for it. How about your friendly buddy that had horses or cows and go up to a vet and buy Winstrol by Winstrop labs in a 50 cc jug $50.00, also EQ in a 50 cc jug for $50.00, Suston 250 from Mex in preloades syringes for $4.00 a pin. Deca Durabolin and Nandralin Decanate, lots of Water Based Test also that made you bloat like a blow fish but got huge even made your fingers swell and then with the go to the Winstrol, Also Fina Jet Accetate that was so strong you could taste it after a pin and everyone used 1 1/2 in 23 gauged pins in the Glutes; any type tab you wanted Primobolin, Winny Tabs 2.5, , Metha Test, Anavar , Dana Bol 50's Anadrol 50's, Clenbutrol from the drug store that came like cough syrup in the late 70 and early 80's and you always had "The Underground Steroid Handbook" No PCt and 6 mth cycles come off for a couple of mths and do 250 iu's of HCG a day and Provirion . . .only 2 mths and then start another 6 mth. cycle and no one and ever heard of PCT , it was just a cleans and never dreamed of an animial called LOW -T or HIV the worst STD to have was herpes ? One thing that does amaze me is I never recall any ED issues but then Smatomax PM was sold by GNC = GHB but when used as designed you could w/o at 11:00 pm eat and take 2 table spoons in a glass of warm wather and be in REM sleep in 20 minutes sleep 6 hrs get up and hit the gym again and feel great ! Remember now much of this was legal or the same as having pennecilin with out a script ? But then Extacy was also legal or MDMA these are all felonies now but were basicly legal then because back then you could have a 3 mths supply of medication for personal use so no laws were being broken ? Hard to believe ? The rule of stacking was anything you could get your hands on and excess was best I had Gyno so bad that when I was 28 I did not have Bitch Tits my actual glands behind my nipples had to be removed and my nipples were concave up until about 6 mths ago ! So I am hard core anti youth abuse of juice ! NOW I PAY FOR MY STUPITY ! BUT NOW ALSO I wake up to exercise and be positive ! lol your still negative about everything you post . . . . lol face it you don't understand TRT it is not a specific # or for that matter a range it is the optiminial range for each person and all people are different and as hard as we try IMHO no one can stay on the perfect # day in and day out food, dose, E2, injuries all cause the optiminal # to be a + or - RANGE so = all optiminal range #'s are different for different people and your TRT range is not optiminal according to your negative chicken little attituide on every post you make (THE SKY IS FALLING) Damn man find your optiminal range and stop being such a woman !No matter how warm and fuzzy you may feel after your high priced Dr. that you brag about paying $500.00 for 2 hrs of chat pumps you full of his jargon and you think he is so smart ! How smart are you ? Your health and well being and health education is your responsibility ! You even posted the singular statement in one of your post I would not let anybody inject anything in me if I didn't know what it was ? For you that was close to a positive statement !

    TRT is about the right balance for you there is not a # written in stone and if your Dr thinks there is you have a bad Dr. ! No matter I do not think I have seen 1 positive post from you and I am on the high side of optiminal ? I was supposed to die 3 years ago, I am 100% disabled , on fixed income and getting more broke money wise everyday . . . . and since I started TRT 10/12 my life has been more positive and fruitful everyday and the closer I stay to balanced with a blast from time to time I feel like a million dollars tax free at 54 and see 4 Dr. a mth. ! After being ran over by a truck in 02 and told I would never walk again and would have to carry O2 with me everytime I left my home enviorment ? Hell I love being able to time my w/o's, rest, bike rides, rest, kitchen time, rest, and barly buy food and keep a roof over my head but life is a presious thing and living is a lot harder than dying ! Hell my son blew the engine in my Explorer so now I ride my 21 spd Diamond Back mountain bike steel frame no front brake and no disk breaks converted to a street bike 30 to 40 miles a day and still keep carbs around 20% No excuses at any age or any condition desire and positive thinking will over come the will to live or be negative and sit in a wheel chair and complain ; I live 24/7 in constant pain so I must really be gaining even when I am not trying ? NO PAIN NO GAIN !

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DB BMX.jpg 
Views:	158 
Size:	472.8 KB 
ID:	148818
    For sprints ? Hip implant no running Diamond Back Trick bike no coaster brake

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Name:	10-19- Side View.jpg 
Views:	143 
Size:	294.9 KB 
ID:	148812
    Before conversion Diamond Back Mountain Bike

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Name:	UntitledMA31611634-0001MA31641951-0009.jpg 
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    Minium 20 miles a day no car lol ! 76 mph top speed ! NS that's a fact !

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ID:	148816----------------------------------------------------------Click image for larger version. 

Name:	26 x 1.5 -195 St slicks.jpg 
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ID:	148819
    Bad A$$ Drifters Hybrid tires for speed --Almost slicks hard to get used to steering

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Name:	imageMA31609746-0005.jpeg 
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    Brain Bucket for ppl with a brain . No excuses cardio one way or the other ! Hey and I watch nature not Fox News or CNN

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    54yrs old 100% disabled and need some new guns . . . lol Been back in the gym since 10-2012 thru. this pic taken @ 6 ft 243 lbs 1-14-14 goal for 12-15-2014 six pac abs 240 lbs and maintain love life and love often !

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    After all the smack talk and who does what these are the things in life that make life worth being POSITIVE about !

    Went to the VA today and all my readings were great and I am being assigned to a special Endo to handel my TRT for free from Emeory Medicial Mayo of the south; I talked to him on the phone for 20 minutes and knew I had finally found a real TRT Dr. he uses modern med wih Cypionate injections , HCG an AI if needed and I need, he even scripts free B-12 Semorlin. Impromel, GHRPs Peptides I was amazed to be able to actual discuss TRT and peptides with a Dr. and he commuicate back . He says I am a walking miricle to be doing as well as I am due to my sever trauma and IMHO staying positive has a lot to do with living in general. He asked me where I got my Senglini, DHEA, Progerlone, Calais, & HCG if my Dr. would not prescribe it and where did I learn the proper dosage to take ? I told him on the Internet ! He was amazed that so few men that come to him have done any research and will do anything he tells them like you most people trust the Dr. practicing medicine on them ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-28-2014 at 12:31 AM.

  13. #13
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Right on Buzz right on !

  14. #14
    mauz is offline Associate Member
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    Oorah ! hell of a post buzzard . your a real deal warrior sir hats off to you.

  15. #15
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    No, 500ng/dl is the same regardless of the range. The ranges are determined simply by making a bell curve from a sample group of patients.
    Bonaparte : You are young compared to me and I have only been Trying to educate mysef for a little over a year in these areas on this forum ? I wounder are you going to school for this field or just as my self only younger and smarter have a great desire to educate myself as much as possible until it comes to a strange med a strange Dr scipts for me and I go to the Internet and there are so many different & conflicting thoughts on the same meds I was just courious as to where you obtain you vast amount of knowledge from and how you are so mature for your age with tempered and always respectfl of I would say all except the troll of the forum and some of the children that get agravating, you are respectful to me even with all my questions . I ask questions when I get confused from mind over load off the Internet bso are you in school for internat medicine ?

    Also finally had an Endo confirm my theory that the opiates I am taking lower my Testosterone levels and it is a double edged sword the more opites the more test is needed to obtain for example a man that would become balanced on even a high dose of TRT as much as 140 mg a week would not factlually yet may take me 200 mg a week . I am just as of today starting to work with a man that understands and he wants me to start for 8 weeks on 100 mg of Cypionate . As Kel alway says more is not better ! He knows I need the minium of 100 mg to keep me from crashing but he wants to start low and come up I respect his thought and proticall. He is talking with me and thinks the 100 mg will bring me in around 300 to 350 as my past test have shown and he is sending me to a phycologist to understand my goals of TRT better IMHO really intense and almost a lab rat ? But in a good way ? He thinks with in 6 mths I will be on my pain meds and a TRT dose of 200mg to get me to around 700 I am around 1223 right now test level and He is agreeable with trying as high as 900 to 960 due to my lack of health and yet above average nutrition not for the pro but for average ppl and my exercise routine ?. He is not declined to go higher but he is concernded that the higher dose over a period of time will not be good for my prostate and my kidneys ? He is hoping for Neibo ? He has high hopes for Neibo and a lower dose of Cypionate combined ? He thinks Neibeo will be FDA approved in the next few mths

    DHEA 200 mg micronized
    Even taking about Insulin again a double edged sword I am type II Diabetic and this may assist in that area also ?
    Would you believe he wants to use ginger
    I know about D3 but he is thinking 30,000 iu's of D3
    B-12 10 mg injection EOD and see what happens
    I bottom out at 100 mgs a week then add one compound at a time for 30 days
    Does this sound like a sound plan trying to keep TRT dose of Testosterone low and still eaise T levels
    Would Test Enenthnate not be a better way to go or would that be the same only less injections ? His ENANTHNATE IS ONLY 200 NOT 300 MG ?

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-28-2014 at 04:33 AM. Reason: nanthnate

  16. #16
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    Also working out young and pushing your body too much and not giliving yourself ample time to recover will always keep you low,

  17. #17
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    Also working out young and pushing your body too much and not giliving yourself ample time to recover will always keep you low,
    Is this your opimion or are you going to base this statement up with factual data ?

    Exercise when you are young and proper nutrition actually prerare you for beimg healthier and stromger as you mature ! proper exercise when you are young is the prime time to work extra hard when you have your body working with you and growing and repairing the muscles 1 youth is a prime time to work extra hard !

    Where did your read that working out lowers your Testosterone ? Did you just think that though sounded good so you would post to get your post count up ? It makes no semse !
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Just the opposite of what you stated
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-28-2014 at 08:01 AM.

  18. #18
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Buzzard, it sounds like your endo is on the right track here. And yeah, you don't need test levels of 1,200 ng/dl. That is overkill. I'd just shoot for 700 ng/dl.

  19. #19
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Buzzard, it sounds like your endo is on the right track here. And yeah, you don't need test levels of 1,200 ng/dl. That is overkill. I'd just shoot for 700 ng/dl.
    Thanks it made rational sense ! Because way back in my 4th mth I was on 50 mg every 3.5 days and no AI and I was 328 and not sure of the strength of the HCG ( By the way this one med makes more of a mental difference to me than a pain med as far as state of well being ) also taking Segulini . Not sure how long it will take to bottom back out on 100 mg a week but I would guess with Cypionate and HCG 30 days would be about leveld out or bottomed out ? & from what I understood he was going to increase 40 mg after I had bottomed out and if 100 mg's puts me at say 325 and I am on a good AI proticall 140 mg a week should bump it up to about maybe 450 possible 500 I doubt so then another 40 mg would put me at 180 mg a week and that may get me close to 700 but I think the magic # will be 200 mg a week .

    I am on 40 mg of Oxycotin TR (Time release) , and 60 mg of Oxycodone IR (Instant release) 6 1 mg Xanax a day Script and I take about 3 a day ? Bad stuff but with out it I can't even walk up stairs and after 2 week of no pain meds and God awful withdrawals I went through 2 times just to see if I could function in any manner without opiates and I would be in a wheel chair no doubt in 3 mths . But as it is I have the resemblence of a livable life and my pain is still 24/7 but so intense that the pain meds at that strength do not even make me sleepy or larthic. As a matter of fact it takes 20 mg of MT dor me to go to sleep ; I took myself off Ambein. I can not even get my legs in the shower Sad reality but reality of my life ? With proper pain management and TRT on Turbo I can pass in a crowd for a not 100% disabled person and I rarely ever get behind the wheel of a vehicle ? I guess the right AH cop could give me a BUI for riding my bicycle ?

    Supposed to be dead SO finally a team of Dr.s all working together and using a Phycoligist to get my emotional and mental feedback from ? I think this is pretty intense TRT & Pain management combo treatment very hard to find . I think I will learn a lot and have a lot to share with all with reguards to TRT and Opiates Oh and free to a Vet ; dog gone pretty good price

    Oh you can see my avatar and I am not trying to get big but even though I look skinny I do stand out in a crowd with above average size and I am pretty lean 6 ft and 244 lbs and a 34 waist . Pretty good for 54 by the end of the year I should gain or loose about 5 lbs and loose another 2 inches in my waist .

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-28-2014 at 08:36 PM.

  20. #20
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Thanks it made rational sense ! Because way back in my 4th mth I was on 50 mg every 3.5 days and no AI and I was 328 and not sure of the strength of the HCG ( By the way this one med makes more of a mental difference to me than a pain med as far as state of well being ) also taking Segulini . Not sure how long it will take to bottom back out on 100 mg a week but I would guess with Cypionate and HCG 30 days would be about leveld out or bottomed out ? & from what I understood he was going to increase 40 mg after I had bottomed out and if 100 mg's puts me at say 325 and I am on a good AI proticall 140 mg a week should bump it up to about maybe 450 possible 500 I doubt so then another 40 mg would put me at 180 mg a week and that may get me close to 700 but I think the magic # will be 200 mg a week .

    Supposed to be dead SO finally a team of Dr.s all working together and using a Phycoligist to get my emotional and mental feedback from ? I think this is pretty intense TRT & Pain management combo treatment very hard to find . I think I will learn a lot and have a lot to share with all with reguards to TRT and Opiates Oh and free to a Vet ; dog gone pretty good price

    Oh you can see my avatar and I am not trying to get big but even though I look skinny I do stand out in a crowd with above average size and I am pretty lean 6 ft and 244 lbs and a 34 waist . Pretty good for 54 by the end of the year I should gain or loose about 5 lbs and loose another 2 inches in my waist .

    I was so impressed with this Dr.

    But VA changes Dr. like the wind changes directions for some sheltered people out there that are clueless as to how the VA and most Govt. ran programs work ! I went from this Endo at the end of Feb. to a nut ball about the 2nd week of March ? So no real reason why the proticall changed so much from one Dr. to the next at the same medicial building and even the same Dept ? All I can say is in a matter to less than 3 weeks I was given a different Dr, and the whole proticall and podition of the Endo changed ? It just makes no sence how 2 Dr. from the same VA hospitial could go from the program this Dr. wanted to do to a program that the Rndo calls a man 54 years elderly and tells me that elderly men need nothing more thn AndroGel ?

    When I left ther last Thurs I was so deptessed after expecting to see the same Endo to a nut ball that was anti feeling good and all about the normal range ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 03-15-2014 at 03:47 AM.
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