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Thread: TRT in MMA

  1. #41
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEFLRick View Post
    Sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Again, if they were no good for fighters--or athletes in general--this wouldn't even be a discussion. The stats don't lie.
    Ok the stats don't lie but I do is that what your saying. I have never lost a fight because I couldn't lift my ****ing arms cause they were so pumped full of blood after putting a POUNDING on a fool in the first round that I couldn't defend a takedown at all in the 2nd or 3rd? Is that what your saying? If it is we got beef fool.

    Also, please show me where I said they are NO good for fighters or athletes period. I said a LOW DOSE SUCH AS TRT DOSE is BETTER than ABUSIVE doses which is what people are bitching about is it not?
    dreadnok89 likes this.

  2. #42
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Ok the stats don't lie but I do is that what your saying. I have never lost a fight because I couldn't lift my ****ing arms cause they were so pumped full of blood after putting a POUNDING on a fool in the first round that I couldn't defend a takedown at all in the 2nd or 3rd? Is that what your saying? If it is we got beef fool.

    Also, please show me where I said they are NO good for fighters or athletes period. I said a LOW DOSE SUCH AS TRT DOSE is BETTER than ABUSIVE doses which is what people are bitching about is it not?
    Ok, at this point I really have no idea what you're arguing. If you think I called you a liar, well, that's on you not on me.

    Again, the stats don't lie and yes, there are many different drugs out there and they don't all give you a pump. Testosterone doesn't give you a pump--at least it's never given one to me. So, while I'm not questioning your experience with fighting, I am questioning where you're getting your information from. While I haven't fought MMA, I've competed quite a bit in submission grappling and trained MMA for quite a long time. So I've got some sense about what I'm talking about. Although I've never done steroids I understand enough about them to know various drugs will affect the body differently.

  3. #43
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    I don't know what the argument is, but the topic was TRT in MMA. I think we have established that the guys getting caught on testing for the most part are NOT trt.
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  4. #44
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEFLRick View Post
    Ok, at this point I really have no idea what you're arguing. If you think I called you a liar, well, that's on you not on me.

    Again, the stats don't lie and yes, there are many different drugs out there and they don't all give you a pump. Testosterone doesn't give you a pump--at least it's never given one to me. So, while I'm not questioning your experience with fighting, I am questioning where you're getting your information from. While I haven't fought MMA, I've competed quite a bit in submission grappling and trained MMA for quite a long time. So I've got some sense about what I'm talking about. Although I've never done steroids I understand enough about them to know various drugs will affect the body differently.
    Bro are you smoking crack? If you have never done steroids then how the **** would testosterone give you a pump? Or how do you know that ANY pump you ever had was not caused by your natty test? I got most the information I know from this site. The rest from pro's (bodybuilder's, powerlifters, fighters, athletes in general). I literally grew up fighting (trained fighting). I doubt many people even that are BIG names in the sport know a lot more then me at least on THIS side of the game (though only the elite know more about ANY side of the game IMO).

    Trust me I am not saying this to back TRT (though I do support it) I am saying this in all honesty and all sincerity from MY experience and from all the research and PERSONAL experience of other fighters. LOW doses (such as legit doc prescribed TRT) are far superior to high abusive doses as far as the sport of MMA is concerned. But yes low doses of mast and winny (if your joints can handle it) or EQ are very helpful and prob more useful then the low dose of test but point is people are scared their jacking up the test and backing it down for the fight and I don't see a big concern with that as it would actually hinder training IME and IMO and NOT help it.

    EDIT: and please tell me what other drugs that you have NO experience with don't give you a pump because EVERY steroid /sarm I have tried has given me one so I would highly value your unexperienced advice on what I should take to avoid that problem.
    Last edited by Dog-Slime; 03-11-2014 at 08:43 PM.

  5. #45
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEFLRick View Post
    Ok, at this point I really have no idea what you're arguing. If you think I called you a liar, well, that's on you not on me.

    Again, the stats don't lie and yes, there are many different drugs out there and they don't all give you a pump. Testosterone doesn't give you a pump--at least it's never given one to me. So, while I'm not questioning your experience with fighting, I am questioning where you're getting your information from. While I haven't fought MMA, I've competed quite a bit in submission grappling and trained MMA for quite a long time. So I've got some sense about what I'm talking about. Although I've never done steroids I understand enough about them to know various drugs will affect the body differently.
    And it may seem like it but I am really not mad. I just like to inform people when they say incorrect stuff and tell people my opinion when theirs is different. FOR EXAMPLE - when I posted a list of all pro fighters caught using steroids by any large organization that would be a STATISTIC. AKA the stats.

  6. #46
    NEFLRick is offline Associate Member
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    Again, not sure, exactly, what you're arguing. I never said anything about pumps or not getting pumps.

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