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Thread: Approaching my Dr

  1. #1
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Approaching my Dr

    I went in for my yearly physical this year and while talking to my dr he brought up the subject of testosterone and another patient. So I asked him about the lawsuit commercials on tv. He said they were just lawsuit happy attorneys. He was filling out the requisition for my yearly BW while we were talking about this. He says you know we should check your test levels this year. I've been self administering my own trt for about 2 years now. I just did my own BW recently and test is at 697 4 days after injection with 2x weekly subq injections of 80 mg per injection. So now I have a requisition for BW should I just wait 10-12 days or longer,and get the BW done and go from there? Just for the legality I would like to get under a dr's care even if it's only gel.

  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    I can def appreciate your question, you come clean you risk your Dr basically firing you, the concern I have with mine. Wait 10-12 days and LH will be non existent and you open a can of worms. Do you know what test specifically he will be running? Curious of further responses.

  3. #3
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Edit, LH already non existent, 10-12 days will just reduce ur T further

  4. #4
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    The test requested is a quest diagnostics 873 testosterone male (total testosterone). I don't think he would fire me as a patient,but I would definitely get a serious lecture about the dangers of doing it on my own. It's funny we were talking about my prostate issues and he mentioned that people with prostate cancer should avoid testosterone therapy , and then I asked about the lawsuit commercials and he said they were just greedy lawyers. Then he started talking about how to interpret the numbers and endocrinology guidelines and then wrote it on the BW requisition. So if the test comes back low and he wants to do more tests I'll fill him in on my past. I did go through a few clinics previously,but the cost was ridiculous. So I just continued on my own, and even lowered my dose eventually after noticing my test levels were over 1,000 on 200 mg per week. If I explain it like this I'm sure he will be more understanding . I'm not going to tell him I brew my own test though. So I warned the wife I'll be grumpy for a while.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Get it over with. Come clean with the guy. He may be upset but he will probably also be relatively impressed with how you've handled things thus far. It's either that or do a complete pct and delay the BW a good while.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
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    Thanks guys I'll let you know how it turns out.

  7. #7
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've told my various GPs over the years about my TRT and hypogonadism and they look at me like I'm retarded. I've had to explain it several times, so now I don't even bother.

    You could always briefly start a TRT program at a clinic so you have a legit Rx/med chart, and then tell your doctor that you've started, but they seem shady and you'd prefer if he handled it in the future. That will help explain your blood-work results, avoid getting dropped as a client, and make it seem like you're making a wise decision entrusting your future TRT needs to his capable hands. It will cost you a bit, but might be worth it if you want to keep that Dr. and come clean.
    j2048b likes this.

  8. #8
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    The thing I hate about the clinics is that they don't want to do insurance,AND they overcharge for the products and they tend to overdo it on the adex dosage. This is also a cost thing since they charge quite a bit for the adex. I'm going to get the BW done this week at the 10 day mark and see what happens from there.

  9. #9
    theseus is offline Junior Member
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    your LH and FSH will not go back to normal that quickly, which is why PCT may take a month or even longer to normalise your own HPTA

    If you do a blood test after you stop your TRT for a while, likely blood work will be low LH/FSH and low testosterone .

    Bad doctor who does not know much about male hormone will give you some gel and close the chapter

    Good doctor will suspect you are using testosterone but simply not very recently

    Gullible doctor who believes you have never done any testosterone in your life will suspect you have pituitary tumour, secondary or tertiary hypogonadism, genetic disorder; and will have to refer you for further radiological/ genetic testing, and will surely be angry when he finds out it is in fact due to TRT/AAS use

    Best is to come clean IMO

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Get it over with. Come clean with the guy. He may be upset but he will probably also be relatively impressed with how you've handled things thus far. It's either that or do a complete pct and delay the BW a good while.
    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    I can def appreciate your question, you come clean you risk your Dr basically firing you, the concern I have with mine. Wait 10-12 days and LH will be non existent and you open a can of worms. Do you know what test specifically he will be running? Curious of further responses.
    let me just remind everyone that ANYTHING you tell your GP along these lines WILL become a permanent part of your medical history. Not good..............................

    I told my doc years ago about a very stressful job I had and that I sometimes drank to relieve stress. now, in my perm medical record, there is a reference to that conversation, and his notation was that I was abusing alcohol.
    j2048b likes this.

  11. #11
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    So True!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suppose your GP retires and your file gets passed along to a new GP, try convincing him/her that you are not a Drunk...... Says right in the file you were abusing alcohol, I work in the insurance industry, trust me, this shit doesnt go away!!
    Definetly a two sidded coin, we all want to be straight forward and honest but once your file is "tagged" what the Dr writes will always stand regardless of how hard you try to convince someone it was taken out of context. Whether its AMA or just a open honest conversation, your future insurability can be screwed instantly.
    Im just saying.... be careful, you may want to put just a toe in the water to begin with before you jump in full bore......

  12. #12
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    I doubt the BW requested will show LH and FSH. I'm pretty sure it's just for test level (total testosterone ). As to what TR said above I am approaching this very carefully I don't need any bad info in my medical history.

  13. #13
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    Update,came clean with the dr when we talked over BW. Kelkel as always you were right. He was impressed with my protocol and the way I canned the clinics which he also saw as nothing more than sales people. He said for insurance to cover he will order LH and FSH test and will treat as hypogonadal. As for protocol he hadn't heard of subq injections of test cyp,but was open minded and attentive throughout our conversation. He also agreed that the gels were not the way to go but did say that axiron might not be that bad of an idea and will leave it up to me when the time comes. Thanks to all you guys for your helpful advice,I greatly appreciate it.
    j2048b likes this.

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