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  1. #1
    miker295 is offline New Member
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    Gyno with normal E2 values?

    I've been trying to adapt to TRT for months now and continue to have challenges. The doc switched me from TCyp to TProp a little over a week ago to see if that would help curtail my anxiety and stabilize things more. I was teary after the second shot, but since Monday I've had far less anxiety than at any point since starting TRT. (Yes I am concerned about daily shots but one thing at a time.) I consistently feel great the day I take my shot.

    That said, I've been increasingly concerned the last few weeks that I have gyno starting, but I am unsure. I feel chest pain fairly regularly, but I would describe it as the type of pain I'd get after a hard lifting session - not really nipple sensitivity. My chest definitely has definitely grown larger but to me it feels like muscle above the nipple and fat below - I'm about 24% BF and my diet last weekend was terrible so it's hard to tell what is going on.

    I went and got a blood test on my own because I was concerned I was spiking E2 and starting gyno. I had the blood test done Tuesday morning, 24 hours after my third TProp shot. (I am unsure of my current dose but I seem to recall it totalled 80mg/wk - the doc said it was a very low, safe dose.) I went to the doc on Wednesday and had him examine me. He freaked out a bit saying he thought there could be some "glandular development" happening and advised I take additional AI immediately.

    So today I got my blood work back from Tuesday and here's what I looked like 24 hours after my TProp shot:
    Total T 1103 (Range 348-1197)
    Free T Direct 22.4 (range 8.7-25.1)
    DHEA 244.8 (range 106-416)
    Estradiol 20.5 (range 7.6-42.6 Roche ECLIA method)
    PSA 1.0 (range 0-4 Roche ECLIA method)

    To me this seems like a fantastic test result, so what gives? When this blood was taken, I had minor chest pains though not as bad as at other times. I am confused - how can he be feeling glandular development 24 hours after a near perfect E2 reading? I've now had three E2 tests in the 3 months I've been on TRT and all of them have shown E2 as normal.

    I haven't taken my shots the past two days because I was fearful that I was spiking E2. Already I can tell the difference in not taking them. So based on this result, I am thinking of resuming, but I really feel like I am playing with fire here. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Do some more research on gyno causes...besides high e2. Any other meds you have been on? Maybe focus on getting bf down to 15-16% the less body fat the less man boob

  3. #3
    bassmeet is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014
    Vtx is right. Lower your BF. And check your other daily intakes, even some over the counter stuff has been linked to gyno. Simple things such as proton pump inhibitors i.e. Prilosec, Prevacid, omeprozole.

  4. #4
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    I had high anxiety, chest pains, rapid heart rate, moods swings etc in the beginning also. I lowered my dose and now I feel great. 1100 may be to high for you.

  5. #5
    Ryanmcd is offline Associate Member
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    Same thing as you when I was @ 1100 I even had my left eye twitch several times a day lol. For me 7-8-900 is best, over that and it's issues.

    As Dr Crisler told me, @ that high of a level you feel plugged in.

  6. #6
    miker295 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanmcd View Post
    Same thing as you when I was @ 1100 I even had my left eye twitch several times a day lol. For me 7-8-900 is best, over that and it's issues.

    As Dr Crisler told me, @ that high of a level you feel plugged in.
    Thanks I have lowered my dose considerably since starting and it has gotten progressively better. I had stopped the T for about 2.5 days but took 1.5mg AI over that time. Saturday morning I woke up anxious, so I suspect the AI and low E2 over the T. I've restarted the T and already feel better. I also skipped my lifting session so if I do get chest pain I'll know that it's probably not muscle growth.

    To everyone who says I should just lower my body fat...that's what I've been trying to do for 20 years now. Easier said than done, though I have a renewed focus on nutrition since this latest episode.

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