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Thread: just donated .... when do u feel better?

  1. #1
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
    sfgiantsfan55 is offline Associate Member
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    just donated .... when do u feel better?

    first time donating blood , wtf i need the good karma and less red blood cells.... how do u guys feel afterwards, ? id swear i feel great atm.. placebo im sure...

  2. #2
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    By the time you hydrate and wake up in the morning you should be feeling better

  3. #3
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah doesn't take long, maybe placebo effect but I'd swear I felt much better the following day.

  4. #4
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    I have felt better, more refreshed. But then my hematocrit was very high at the time.

  5. #5
    Spartans09's Avatar
    Spartans09 is offline Member
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    What was your rbc and hematocrit before you donated?

  6. #6
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Mine was up to 52.

  7. #7
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    The first time I donated everything was really high, I ended up feeling great almost immediately, and the following week almost improved daily.

  8. #8
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    52 is still normal. I had 58 for christ sake..

  9. #9
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    52 is still normal. I had 58 for christ sake..
    Dude you were a stroke waiting to happen. I felt bad at 52. 58? Damn....

  10. #10
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    Dude you were a stroke waiting to happen. I felt bad at 52. 58? Damn....
    i had felt like crap for idk couple weeks.. just sludge , no energy... hemat was 1 point above the normal limit...maybe thats not crazy high but, one thing ive learned on trt is that we are all definitely not the same ..... i feel fantastic today.. perhaps its placebo, but i feel ...hard to say... just alot better so glad i did that.

    fwiw , not knowing much about trt , it was on this site that i learned about donating.... (yes my md didnt mention it, i mentioned it to him actually) thanks !

  11. #11
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55 View Post
    i had felt like crap for idk couple weeks.. just sludge , no energy... hemat was 1 point above the normal limit...maybe thats not crazy high but, one thing ive learned on trt is that we are all definitely not the same ..... i feel fantastic today.. perhaps its placebo, but i feel ...hard to say... just alot better so glad i did that.

    fwiw , not knowing much about trt , it was on this site that i learned about donating.... (yes my md didnt mention it, i mentioned it to him actually) thanks !
    You're absolutely correct. 52 was high for me and didn't feel good. My Doc was actually hip to it but was too truthful on the questionaire and got dq'd. Now I have to have therapeutics every couple of months.

  12. #12
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    I felt ok, nothing to bother me. Just a little red in the face, warm all the time, but nothing noticeable.

  13. #13
    bigt405 is offline Junior Member
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    Everybody is different for sure.....52 does not effect me at all but 56-58 does start to have noticeable sides. I donated Monday. I came in just below the max limit of 19.0 hemoglobin with a 18.9 reading. I have been trying to donate since the end of December but kept getting turned away for high hemoglobin readings ( anywhere from 19.3-20.6). I do feel better. I might even donate another pint next week

  14. #14
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt405 View Post
    Everybody is different for sure.....52 does not effect me at all but 56-58 does start to have noticeable sides. I donated Monday. I came in just below the max limit of 19.0 hemoglobin with a 18.9 reading. I have been trying to donate since the end of December but kept getting turned away for high hemoglobin readings ( anywhere from 19.3-20.6). I do feel better. I might even donate another pint next week

    so how often CAN you donate? im not eligible for 56 days they say.. not sure ill need it then, ive been on trt for about a year ,and this was the first time.

  15. #15
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    My hemoglobin was 19.1
    I didnt donate, but they drew blood from me in order to lower it, which is different.
    2 pints at 2-3 days between the draws. Its different from donating because after drawing the blood they give you an IV with glucose or saline solution or aminos. Basically they dilute your blood. But when you donate they dont put any liquid back in you, that's why you can donate every 2 month, but you can have blood emisions(phlebotomy) with only days in between.

  16. #16
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    My hemoglobin was 19.1
    I didnt donate, but they drew blood from me in order to lower it, which is different.
    2 pints at 2-3 days between the draws. Its different from donating because after drawing the blood they give you an IV with glucose or saline solution or aminos. Basically they dilute your blood. But when you donate they dont put any liquid back in you, that's why you can donate every 2 month, but you can have blood emisions(phlebotomy) with only days in between.

    ah..ok.. good to know. My brain hurts with all the knowledge dispensed on this forum!

    btw i get that same red face, feel hot all the time stuff as well

  17. #17
    vinny t's Avatar
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    have been on trt for the last 3 years , i have regular blood tests i got some back last week ;

    Haemoglobin 19.8 (13-18 g/L)

    Packed cell volume which is Hematocrit 0.605 (0.40-0.50)

    Was urgently referred to see a haematolgist (blood specialist) , i went to see one privately he told me my blood was very thick and i was at high risk of having a stroke had to give a pint of blood there and then and have to go back in 10 days to give some more, i was prescribed asprin and told to stop trt .

    Had blood test done straight after giving blood got the results back in 10 mins haemaglobin dropped to 18.3 hematocrit dropped to 0.51 still above range but got to go back in 10 days give more and see where we are at .
    Always have blood tests done on trt or any cycles .

  18. #18
    vinny t's Avatar
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    I am now under the care of a haematologist i have been taken off TRT ,i have to go to the hospital every week now and have a pint of blood drawn , i have to do this every week untill my hematocrit levels are down to 0.47 then monitored to keep them at that level.

    I will then see an endocrinologist with the option of going back on trt then put back with probably a different application method and i will be continuosly monitored with blood tests and and having venesections (blood drawn) to keep hematocrit levels at 0.48. The haematologist has said nobody on trt should let there levels go above range as it is dangerous .

  19. #19
    vinny t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    52 is still normal. I had 58 for christ sake..
    I had 0.618 , read my further posts to see what happened

  20. #20
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinny t View Post
    have been on trt for the last 3 years , i have regular blood tests i got some back last week ;

    Haemoglobin 19.8 (13-18 g/L)

    Packed cell volume which is Hematocrit 0.605 (0.40-0.50)

    Was urgently referred to see a haematolgist (blood specialist) , i went to see one privately he told me my blood was very thick and i was at high risk of having a stroke had to give a pint of blood there and then and have to go back in 10 days to give some more, i was prescribed asprin and told to stop trt .

    Had blood test done straight after giving blood got the results back in 10 mins haemaglobin dropped to 18.3 hematocrit dropped to 0.51 still above range but got to go back in 10 days give more and see where we are at .
    Always have blood tests done on trt or any cycles .

    good stuff. hope you are better. is the "packed cell volume" measurement a common one or a special test? maybe i missed that one.

  21. #21
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55 View Post
    good stuff. hope you are better. is the "packed cell volume" measurement a common one or a special test? maybe i missed that one.
    Packed cell is the best way to test hematocrit, as they actually place a small sample of blood in a capillary tube and put it in a centrifuge machine to measure the percent of blood made up of RBCs. Most other measurements are just estimates.

    It takes a few minutes, but is pretty common.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 03-13-2014 at 06:07 PM.

  22. #22
    bigt405 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55 View Post

    so how often CAN you donate? im not eligible for 56 days they say.. not sure ill need it then, ive been on trt for about a year ,and this was the first time.
    Every 56 days with each donation organization......I use two different ones

  23. #23
    sfgiantsfan55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt405 View Post
    Every 56 days with each donation organization......I use two different ones

    about how long until you feel you need to do it again? ive been on trt for about a year, this was my first retrospect, i prob should've went about a month ago.

  24. #24
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55 View Post
    about how long until you feel you need to do it again? ive been on trt for about a year, this was my first retrospect, i prob should've went about a month ago.
    Normal donations can be done every two months.

  25. #25
    vinny t's Avatar
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    Why cant you have more done ? how come im having mine done every week in the hospital i have had three done already in the last three weeks and i have to have more done every week , it must be safe if im under the care of a haematologist in the hospital ?

  26. #26
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinny t View Post
    Why cant you have more done ? how come im having mine done every week in the hospital i have had three done already in the last three weeks and i have to have more done every week , it must be safe if im under the care of a haematologist in the hospital ?
    Under a Drs care is different, but off the street donations are every two months. I had three therapeutics in three weeks to get mine where it needed to be. But again, that was under a Drs care.

  27. #27
    bigt405 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sfgiantsfan55 View Post

    about how long until you feel you need to do it again? ive been on trt for about a year, this was my first retrospect, i prob should've went about a month ago.
    I would try to stick to the every two months rotation unless you find from your blood work more is needed.
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  28. #28
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt405 View Post
    I would try to stick to the every two months rotation unless you find from your blood work more is needed.
    ^^^^^^^^ I would do that^^^^^^^^^^

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