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  1. #1
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2013

    New doc wants new blood levels, how long to come off?

    I started on the week of October 14 and took my last shot of testosterone c this past Friday, March 7th. I was take 100 mg's split twice a week and 750iu's of HCG 3 times a week. I was on for 21 weeks.

    I am now going to the VA for care. They said that even though I have 2 labs showing under 300, they need their lab to show it. The doc just said stop taking the testosterone for a month and come back for a test.

    I know this sounds like a stupid question but......what's going to happen? Will my nuts shrink? Should I stop the HCG too?


  2. #2
    havanakid's Avatar
    havanakid is offline Associate Member
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    I can tell you from experience that your nuts are not goin to shrink lol and yes its fine to stop for a month because your levels are gonna decline slowly due to the long ester of test cyp.Youll be fine for at least 3 weeks but by the fourth week youre libido and everything else should see a significant decline but dont worry.Its just a week maybe a bit more but youll live and you need to do this otherwise your new doc wont prescribe your trt.Yes on the hcg .Keep doing it.It wont make a huge difference as far as your sex drive once youre at that end of week 3 fourth week mark but its good to keep that hcg in the system and the testicular stimulation.Good luck youll be fine.Drop the adex after two weeks and begin once your new treatment starts.

  3. #3
    BMW550i is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by havanakid View Post
    I can tell you from experience that your nuts are not goin to shrink lol and yes its fine to stop for a month because your levels are gonna decline slowly due to the long ester of test cyp.Youll be fine for at least 3 weeks but by the fourth week youre libido and everything else should see a significant decline but dont worry.Its just a week maybe a bit more but youll live and you need to do this otherwise your new doc wont prescribe your trt.Yes on the hcg.Keep doing it.It wont make a huge difference as far as your sex drive once youre at that end of week 3 fourth week mark but its good to keep that hcg in the system and the testicular stimulation.Good luck youll be fine.Drop the adex after two weeks and begin once your new treatment starts.
    wrong post
    Last edited by BMW550i; 03-13-2014 at 07:42 AM.

  4. #4
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would also advise that you completely stop hCG a couple of weeks before your appointment - to be sure your BW shows a low enough T level. You may want to even stop it completely now. Remember, hCG stimulates the testes to produce testosterone . And in my opinion, the amount of testicular atrophy in that short a time will be hardly noticeable. By the way you may want to reconsider your hCG dosing. 750iu three times a week is very high. You would likely be very satisfied on 250iu three times a week and the benefit would be less E2.

    By the way, I'm curious to know your present estradiol level for the protocol your taking.

  5. #5
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry, it's 250 iu's, three times a week. That totals 750 per week

  6. #6
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    It's been close to a week. Besides sleeping much more at night and throughout the day, I don't feel that bad yet.

  7. #7
    CobraMustangSVT is offline Junior Member
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    It's been 11 days since my last shot of test c and I stopped hCG on the 14th.

    To be honest, I don't feel any different. I found out I had sleep apnea so I got a machine and I sleep better now and I don't sleep during the day anymore.

    We'll see what happens as the days go by.

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