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  1. #1
    badrad123 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Atlanta, Ga

    6 month blood work. Low total T high Free T

    I just received my 6 month blood test results from Quest and they are as follows:

    Total T: 438 Range (250-1100)
    Free T: 126.7 Range (35.0 -155.0)
    Estradiol: 24 Range (<=39)
    DHEA 343 Range (45-345)
    B12 1913 Range (200-1100)
    Hgb: 15.4 Range (13.2 -17.1)
    Hct: 46.5 Range (38.5 - 50)
    Cortisol: 14.8

    Currently on subQ injects 3X week. 78mg a week (26 per injection). Take 3 drops of Liquidex after each injection.

    Question - my Free T seems fine and I'm wondering but feel a little sluggish. I'm wondering if I go up to 90mg-100mg a week if that will push my free T too high. My SHBG is typically on the low side around 11-13.

    Any comments are appreciated.

  2. #2
    badrad123 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Atlanta, Ga
    Curious if anybody sees something wrong with my levels. Is Free T okay to stay at my current dosage or is it okay to increase dose and run a higher Free t?


  3. #3
    jomamma007 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    If I were you, I'd up my dosage and drop the ai.
    That isn't a estradiol sensitive panel right.
    You're probably running too low on estrogen, and this is why you feel sluggish.
    Are you supplementing with dhea? Levels seem great alongside good cortisol.
    Do you have a thyroid panel? If thyroids healthy and you don't have sleep apnea I'd say it's the estrogen as everything else looks great.

    When you drop your ai though, your free test will drop so it's fine to up your dosage a bit.
    Men with low SHBG often find it hard to dial in their HRT protocols. Good things you're injecting 3x a week, might as well do 25mg EoD.
    Get an estradiol sensitive panel, and consider adding HCG .

  4. #4
    badrad123 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Atlanta, Ga
    Thanks for the feedback. No, I'm not taking any DHEA. I didn't get any thyroid tests this time but have my yearly physical next week which will include the thyroid tests so I'll make sure I check the levels.

    I'll probably increase slowly and maybe start injecting EOD instead of 3x week. I would love to take HCG but my doc won't give me a prescription for it.


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