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  1. #1
    killface's Avatar
    killface is offline Associate Member
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    Did I take too much AI?

    I'm 34, 170 lbs, 18%bf. I lift 2 days a week but my main sport is running (marathons). Generally, I eat well except for this past holiday season which is what got my this fat.

    About 12 weeks ago I saw a pretty well respected endocrinologist/anti-aging doctor for possible low test. He took bloods, I came back 2 weeks later and my test was around 300. I don't have the paperwork in front of me so I'm not sure of the scale but I was at the bottom. He put me on Clomid for 6 weeks. At the next visit, I told him I wasn't feeling any better/different other than being emotional for a couple of weeks. He took blood again and also prescribed 100 mg test cyp and 500 iu of hcg 3 x week (I requested the hcg and he obliged).

    A few days later when he got the lab results, he noticed my estrogen was high so he prescribed me Arimidex 1 mg 2 x week.

    NOW: I'm on week 4 of 100 mg of test cyp, 250 iu of hcg 2 x week (500x3 seemed like too much), and I've been taking the Adex at .5 mg eod (roughly comes out to the same amount overall).

    Week 3 I felt amazing. All of the expected benefits of TRT (libido, positive outlook, etc).

    This week I feel like shit. I'm completely unmotivated, I feel exhausted after only being up a few hours, and I can't really concentrate (which is not even a problem I had before, lol).

    I did have a stomach virus for a couple days last week so, subconsciously, I had kind of just assumed that's why I was feeling bad but yesterday it occurred to me that it might be too much Adex since these symptoms are well past the realm of the stomach virus.

    How long does it take Adex to stop working?

    Any other thoughts?

  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Everyone is different but a usual dose of Adex for someone on a 500 per wk Tes cycle is .25 EOD. More than likely u are taking too much.

  3. #3
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Killface, run from that dr cause he don't know shit. No way you should need 500 or even 400 mg test a week. That's way to much, never heard of it. And 1 mg of that AI is NO. Most ppl only need .25 mg twice a week. If you have $199 month call or go to They know what they are doing. The majority of ppl only need 100 mg a week of test injected 50 mg twice a week. It can be higher, but very few need more than 200mg week. Usually you use .25 mg of Anastrozole 24 hrs after test injection. Please research here because all the info you need is here. The protocol your dr has you on you ain't going to get better. Just keep posting and there are some guys here who know a lot more than I do. Good luck.

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Sorry I misread that, it sounds like you crashed your estrogen. I would try .25 mg a day after your test shot. Split your 100 mg if test into two injects a week. I do sat morning and tue afternoon. But just split it every 3.5 days than do your AI 24 hrs after inject. And yes I didn't like the high hcg , I was on 500 twice a week. I changed it to 250iu one day before my test injection and this works great do me. Good luck.

  5. #5
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    Almost certainly too much Adex.

    Why are you on TRT? You're only 34. You're going to be injecting for the next 50 years?

    Your doctor should have investigated why you are low. It could be something that can be fixed. Among other possible causes it's possible to drive your T low through over training at an endurance sport.

    If you do sanctioned races, you're technically a doper now.

  6. #6
    killface's Avatar
    killface is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Sorry I misread that, it sounds like you crashed your estrogen. I would try .25 mg a day after your test shot. Split your 100 mg if test into two injects a week. I do sat morning and tue afternoon. But just split it every 3.5 days than do your AI 24 hrs after inject. And yes I didn't like the high hcg, I was on 500 twice a week. I changed it to 250iu one day before my test injection and this works great do me. Good luck.
    Thanks. I'll give this a try until my next blood work and see how that works.

    Thanks to everyone else for your responses, as well

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