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  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    the 500mg/1mg rule

    Hi all. I was thinking about this the other day. How when dosing an AI we should keep in mind that guys on cycles use 1mg a week for 500mg cycles.

    Now my question is this. Are cyclers trying to keep their e2 between 20-30 like TRT users? Or are they just trying to somewhat control it?

    Ive been on TRT for 6 weeks, getting my first bloods tomorrow. Still feel awful. Starting to think my problem really may have been depression and not depression from low T. My body felt better on clomid I think.

    Not sure if im absorbing subQ correctly or if my dose isnt enough or if my AI dose isnt correct.

    Have been doing,

    HCG tues/fri 350 IU (250 didnt seem to work).

    Cyp 50mg wednesday saturday
    1/4 AI on cyp days.

    Ive found that I feel worst on test injection days. Vision gets somewhat blury, irritible, foggy, so then I take the AI and it gets somewhat better. My doc originally told me to do .5mg a week, but I guess well see this week after blood work if I need to add AI or add T or what.


  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your vision shouldnpt get blurry from test. Sounds like there is more going on here.

  3. #3
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Blurry might not be the best way to describe it. Spacey might be a better word?

  4. #4
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Thats either HIGH or LOW estradiol. Ive been on both sides, just received my BW THIS MORNING and my estradiol is at 6. Ive been taking .5mg anastrozle TWICE a week for 6 weeks. my e2 WAS 83 6 weeks ago.
    When you bend down to pick something up and you raise up normally (not fast or slow) you get the star flakes and blurry vision for 10-15 seconds and it goes away?? Only your BW will speak the truth

  5. #5
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm convinced that the body eventually adjusts to the T dose and the need for an AI gradually decreases to the point that many men don't even need one. I believe this is what is happening to me. I didn't always think this; I thought I'd have to take and AI for life. But I haven't taken a AI in a month and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm waiting for my blood test results to see exactly where I stand on this. Of course, this is all contingent on finding a sensible T and hCG protocol. Everything has to do with balance.

    I am, however, taking a natural estrogen control protocol of 250mg DIM, 50mg zinc, and 4mg copper daily. It seems to be working well.

    Regarding this vision thing: Early on this happened to me when my E2 was too high - but then my T and hCG dosing was different. I also got a sort of brain fog. So I was dosing .25mg every 3.5 days. Then I went to 0.125mg every 3.5 days. I started a thread to discuss my concerns and changed my protocol as a result:

    I'm now at 250iu hCG two times a week and 28mg T Cyp EOD - all SQ. So far, so good.

    Regarding depression: I'm starting a new thread on this subject. It has come up so often that I feel a separate thread would be useful.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 03-18-2014 at 10:57 AM.

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    There is no such rule.

  7. #7
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    vision problems came from anxiety from High and Low Estrogen for me.
    Only bloods can tell. Everyone's different though. Some don't need an ai, some need 2mgs per week. HRT is always individualized. Bloods and small adjustments will get you far.

    This is why many on these boards advocate lowering dosage to avoid an ai as some never quite dial themselves in.
    Update us with bloods when you get em.
    Last edited by jomamma007; 03-18-2014 at 10:27 AM.

  8. #8
    dreadnok89 is offline Member
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    I just take .25 exestamane everyday, it never crashes me. High estrogen is awful.

  9. #9
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    bonaparte, whenever people ask for AI advice members always say, "keep in mind that cyclers who take 500mg a week use a total of 1mg a week of ai".. and Ill let you guys know what the blood says.

  10. #10
    1bigun11's Avatar
    1bigun11 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    There is no such rule.

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