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Thread: SERMS education

  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2013

    SERMS education

    I was thinking a sticky should be made about SERMS. I think it is an area of TRT with a lot of questions. I myself have a lot. Being young and having tried clomid twice before going on TRT, but results never stuck, and shbg always got too high. I still have many question marks about serms.

    1. How do you dose AI with serms?

    2. I know serms bind to receptor sites of estrogen, and e2 can rise on them due to increased T, but do you stilll have low e2 symptoms because of the binding?

    3. Can Nolvadex be used alone instead of clomid. Can clomid be used for gyno?

    Theres many more questions, and I think a lot of us are confused about SERMS. Any of the experts on here have any interest in making a sticky with atleast basic SERM education and f.a.q's?

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19
    I was thinking a sticky should be made about SERMS. I think it is an area of TRT with a lot of questions. I myself have a lot. Being young and having tried clomid twice before going on TRT, but results never stuck, and shbg always got too high. I still have many question marks about serms. 1. How do you dose AI with serms? 2. I know serms bind to receptor sites of estrogen, and e2 can rise on them due to increased T, but do you stilll have low e2 symptoms because of the binding? 3. Can Nolvadex be used alone instead of clomid. Can clomid be used for gyno? Theres many more questions, and I think a lot of us are confused about SERMS. Any of the experts on here have any interest in making a sticky with atleast basic SERM education and f.a.q's?
    Are you currently prescribed TRT at 22 years of age?

  3. #3
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Muscle Ink, yes. Well I am 23, but i am on doctor prescibed TRT. It is more of a trial run. I tried clomid on two seperate occasions over the course of a year. The results never stuck on the blood work and symptoms never were relieved. We are seeing if real TRT will help my symptoms, and if not we will just go back to clomid and stay on that while we try to cure them in a different way.

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