So I workout 6 days a week. twice day. I have big energy. The libido comes and goes. No other health issues except Mild Sleep apnea. I am 44, 6'1, 216, 18 to 20% bodyfat. Decided to go to the doc and see if I had low T. I am only going to list pertinent stuff because the CBC, PSA, and Cholesterol was all good:

Total Test: 316ng/dL (348-1197)
Testosterone Free: 7.1pg?mL (6.8-21.5)

FH 2.8Miu/mL
LH 5.1 mIU/mL

Prolactin 19.2ng/mL (0-16.0)

Thyroid Panel
Thyrotropin 3rd Generation 2.640mIU/L (0.465-4.68)
Thyroxine 7.6mcg/dL (5.53-11.0)
Triiodothyronine Uptake 37.7 %uptake (23.5-40.5)
Thyroxine Free Index 2.87mcg/dL (1.65-3.89)

Doctor prescribed me Forstesa and gave me Test Cyp 6 vials at 200mg. He obviously doesn't know what he is doing. I requested to be seen by an Endo. Appointment is 3 months away. What should I do in the mean time. Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated. Thanks