Okay so for about a year I could feel my libido, metabolism and over all energy just plumit.

Finally got a doctor who did a blood test after I kept telling them I think there is something wrong with my hormones. They didn't believe me and were very reluctant. Hmmm anyways here are my stats and levels and my question is, Will I have to keep taking a Testosterone replacement after some time and is the Androgel (topical) really going to make a difference in the long run?

Prescribed Levothyrox and Androgel 1%

Age 29
Ht 6' 2
Wht 240
Physical activity limited. Shoulders are waiting for construction surgeries etc..

Diet pretty dang good, cook healthy foods.

Blood work ;
Glucose 83
Cholesterol 138
Triglycerides 66
Hdl 50
Ldl 84
Vldl 13
Thyroid High
Testosterone low

Thanks in advance and any input.