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Thread: Dr. changed my AI from Aromasin to Arimidex, what's dosage?

  1. #1
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Dr. changed my AI from Aromasin to Arimidex, what's dosage?

    Through all my cycles I've only used AR-R Aromasin .

    I have been on TRT for roughly 3 months, 160mg Test/week and 25mg Aromasin/day. I was not getting any gyno, but I recently got my bloodwork done last week and my estrogen was at 48 on a scale of 7-50. I've noticed that when my estrogen is that high but within range I get all of these side effects, clearly my body is sensitive to estrogen, because 25mg of Aromasin SHOULD take care of that. Mind you, this is prescription Test and prescription Aromasin.

    I have been dealing with very bad lethargy, achy joints/muscles... so my dr, who is more familiar with Arimidex , says he'd like to make that switch as I've always used Aromasin over the years with my cycles and kind of had these symptoms throughout and he can make adjustments for the estrogen better.

    Anyway to my question... He has me taking .5mg Arimidex 1 day after test pin (I do 80mg 2x/week). I've only done 2 pins and taken 2 half pills and I already feel the hard lump coming in under nipple. I can't get ahold of him for a week, so I'm wondering what should I up the dose to counteract this? 1mg 1 day after test pin? .5mg EOD? I have a script to test estrogen in 3 weeks, so I'm looking to get my estrogen down to the 20's.

    Thanks for the advice in advance.

  2. #2
    Baxter35's Avatar
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    Few questions. Did you start trt at 160 or work up to that through blood work? Lowering your dose may be a good way to fight E2 without the need for the AI. The ideal goal with trt is to find a balance where symptoms are gone and hormones are balanced (no AI). I understand that's different for everyone though. I wouldn't up your arimidex dose. Keep it at what Dr. prescribed until blood work. Prescription dex is pretty strong and can easily crash E2. How sure are you that you're really feeling gyno? Have you had gyno diagnosed in the past? I've never experienced gyno, but from what I understand E2 needs to be significantly elevated for a while to lead to gyno. Any chance your just being a little paranoid and maybe paying attention to little things that you never noticed before but have always been there?

  3. #3
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    Few questions. Did you start trt at 160 or work up to that through blood work? Lowering your dose may be a good way to fight E2 without the need for the AI. The ideal goal with trt is to find a balance where symptoms are gone and hormones are balanced (no AI). I understand that's different for everyone though. I wouldn't up your arimidex dose. Keep it at what Dr. prescribed until blood work. Prescription dex is pretty strong and can easily crash E2. How sure are you that you're really feeling gyno? Have you had gyno diagnosed in the past? I've never experienced gyno, but from what I understand E2 needs to be significantly elevated for a while to lead to gyno. Any chance your just being a little paranoid and maybe paying attention to little things that you never noticed before but have always been there?
    I've been cycling for 7-8 years now. I know what a pea sized lump is and when I get it and how to eliminate it. Right before I started TRT I was using UGL test with a lower dose of ar-r aromasin . As soon as I switched over to prescription test and prescription aromasin, the pea sized lump came within a few days. I took roughly 5 days of nolvadex at 40mg/day and then lowered it to 20mg/day for 3 days, the lumps went completely away continuing my 160mg of RX test and aromasin. I have always had a small lump on my left side, so I usually judge the onset of gyno with my right which I never get... well it's now starting to appear when I never had it before.

    With that being said, I am very sensitive to estrogen. At 160mg of test/day I was using RX Aromasin 25mg/day and my estrogen levels were at 48 on a scale of 7-50, safe to say I was no where near crashing my e2.

    Yes I've had gyno diagnosed in the past by 2 doctors, but have been always been able to get rid of it with some nolvadex. My test levels are at 900 with 160mg/week which is where he said he wants me to be, but I'm thinking of lowering it a little, perhaps to 120mg/week. Off everything, my test levels are around 200, if that.

    People said that RX Aromasin is very stronge and can crash e2 as well, but from my bloodwork, doesn't seem like I have that issue. My estrogen has been elevated at around this level for a very long time, so any changes in which I'm not taking enough AI will allow it to peak much faster, thus bringing on the gyno faster within just a few days. I rather not wait until my nipples get sensitive and start itching.
    Last edited by ANIMAL; 11-28-2014 at 10:25 AM.

  4. #4
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    It is easy to crash your E2 with Arimidex , so be careful. The only way to know is to follow the Drs advice and follow up with BW. I crashed mine with that dosage however I was only at 100 mg a week. The HCG is what really spikes my E2. The good news is once you figure out the Arimidex you will better control your E2.
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  5. #5
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beethoven View Post
    It is easy to crash your E2 with Arimidex, so be careful. The only way to know is to follow the Drs advice and follow up with BW. I crashed mine with that dosage however I was only at 100 mg a week. The HCG is what really spikes my E2. The good news is once you figure out the Arimidex you will better control your E2.
    I want to follow his advice, but the I know the lumps is just the start of feeling like shit to come. Hot flashes, moody, itchy nipples etc. I kind of wanted to "nip" it in the bud before it escalates.

    You crashed your e2 with which dose, the .5mg 1 day after test pin?

    I am also taking 500iu/week of HCG .

  6. #6
    Baxter35's Avatar
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    That's why I was asking if you had previous experience with gyno. Makes sense that if you had it before then you're more prone to flair ups more quickly. Sounds like you most likely will need a long term AI with trt, so best bet is to at lest get where you can take as little as possible to keep everything in check. Everyone's different, but don't get hooked on a number with trt, focus on symptoms. You may not need test levels of 900 or above to feel better. Like you, I was around 200 natural, and I feel great with test coming in around 500 at my trough. Hope you get it all figured out.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Why not just run your Nolva along with your adex until you retest your estrogen in a few weeks?
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    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    That's why I was asking if you had previous experience with gyno. Makes sense that if you had it before then you're more prone to flair ups more quickly. Sounds like you most likely will need a long term AI with trt, so best bet is to at lest get where you can take as little as possible to keep everything in check. Everyone's different, but don't get hooked on a number with trt, focus on symptoms. You may not need test levels of 900 or above to feel better. Like you, I was around 200 natural, and I feel great with test coming in around 500 at my trough. Hope you get it all figured out.
    I totally understand that, but I was at 500 test levels at one point and still felt shitty, even with my e2 levels in check. Once I got to 800 I felt perfect, but this is going back a few years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Why not just run your Nolva along with your adex until you retest your estrogen in a few weeks?
    I could do that, but that won't correct the hot flashes etc. Isn't that just more like a bandaid, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but those side effects like the lump means that I'm aromatizing more estrogen and the AI isn't strong enough to counteract that. So if I take the nolvadex , it just kills the conversion while I'm on it, but how will that give an accurate reading? Once I stop it, it will just come back, no? Or are you saying just to take the nolva for now until I can get back to the doctor to see what he suggests this way I eliminate the side effects for the mean time?

    Just frustrating to be going through this for the next 3 weeks when I'm in a competitive nursing program and have 2 weeks left.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    I could do that, but that won't correct the hot flashes etc. Isn't that just more like a bandaid, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but those side effects like the lump means that I'm aromatizing more estrogen and the AI isn't strong enough to counteract that. So if I take the nolvadex , it just kills the conversion while I'm on it, but how will that give an accurate reading? Once I stop it, it will just come back, no? Or are you saying just to take the nolva for now until I can get back to the doctor to see what he suggests this way I eliminate the side effects for the mean time?

    Just frustrating to be going through this for the next 3 weeks when I'm in a competitive nursing program and have 2 weeks left.
    You can live with hot flashes but I assume not having gyno is more important. Yes, a band aid that will stop or potentially correct a problem from getting worse and allow you to figure out your AI in the meantime. Nolva does not kill conversion, only blocks chest receptors. Totally understand the frustration. I've run nolva on cycle alongside dex many times.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You can live with hot flashes but I assume not having gyno is more important. Yes, a band aid that will stop or potentially correct a problem from getting worse and allow you to figure out your AI in the meantime. Nolva does not kill conversion, only blocks chest receptors. Totally understand the frustration. I've run nolva on cycle alongside dex many times.
    Yea, that makes sense. The nolva won't have any affect on the actual e2 number when I get tested right?

    Another huge complaint is that I'm always exhausted, literally from the time I wake up until I goto sleep. I have a lot on my plate right now, but I feel like I'm 75 years old. People a lot older then me are running circles around me, super frustrating.

    Can having high(er) e2 levels cause severe fatigue and depression?

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    No effect on E2 level. High or low E2 comes with many possible symptoms. Fatigue included. Any hormonal imbalance can throw things completely off. Full BW animal.
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  12. #12
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Glucose 79 70-100
    Sodium 141 135-148
    Potassium 4.1 3.5-5.3
    AST 49 5-39
    ALT 53 5-52
    Cholesterol 130 <200
    HDL 38 >40
    LDL 82 <130
    Triglycerides 51 <150
    TSH 2.800 0.270-4.200
    T4 9.2 4.5-12.0
    T3 1.25 0.80-2.00
    Platelet Count 124 140-440
    Vitamin D 32.9 30-100
    LH <0.1 1-8
    Prolactin 14 2-17
    Estradiol 48 0-56
    Free Test 24.53 4.8-25.0
    Test 857 241-827
    PSA 1.23 0-4.0
    IGF-1 174 90-262
    SHBG 21.3 17-66
    Blood Pressure 117/78
    Resting Heart Beat/min 77

    Also started taking 300mcg of sermorelin and 100mcg of GHRP-2 right before bed. This blood test was before the start of that.

  13. #13
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    Animal, I crashed it with .5 mg twice a week. Everyone is different, I have not been prone to gyno.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    No effect on E2 level. High or low E2 comes with many possible symptoms. Fatigue included. Any hormonal imbalance can throw things completely off. Full BW animal.
    kel, anything stick out to you with the bw I posted?

  15. #15
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Just waned to give an update...

    I'm going to get my estradiol levels checked this saturday after being on this new dose of .5mg of arimidex 1 day after test pin. Also lowered my test to 60mg 2x/week.

    The gyno seems to be getting worse and I've been taking 40mg nolvadex ED for about a week now, yet the hot flashes and mood swings seemed to disappear. Any suggestions? Can I up the nolvadex, I've never needed to take more then 40mg ED.

    What I'm currently taking:

    120mg/week Test Rx
    .5mg 2x/week Arimidex Rx
    5mg ED Cialis Rx
    250iu 2x/week HCG
    300mcg ED Sermerolin Rx
    100mcg ED GHRP-2 Rx

    Perhaps I'm taking my HCG at the wrong time and it's spiking my test causing more to aromatize? Should I go to more frequent, lower dosed HCG shots? Everything is done Sub-Q besides the Test.
    Last edited by ANIMAL; 12-16-2014 at 12:37 PM.

  16. #16
    BigPimpin76's Avatar
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    I am no Pro on this subject by all means, but I think you did the right thing by lowering the dose!
    See how it goes from there If u are still feeling lethargic then lower it a few points.
    In regards to AI I would advise to use pharma Aromasin if u can get your hands on it.
    Aromasin wont crash your E levels.
    I would start at 6.5 mg daily. Get BW done in a couple of weeks and if needed bump up the dose until u find the sweet spot! Then on, you maintain at EoD.
    Include Zinc @ 50mg daily as well.
    Only my 2 cents.

    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL
    Just waned to give an update... I'm going to get my estradiol levels checked this saturday after being on this new dose of .5mg of arimidex 1 day after test pin. Also lowered my test to 60mg 2x/week. The gyno seems to be getting worse and I've been taking 40mg nolvadex ED for about a week now, yet the hot flashes and mood swings seemed to disappear. Any suggestions? Can I up the nolvadex, I've never needed to take more then 40mg ED. What I'm currently taking: 120mg/week Test Rx .5mg 2x/week Arimidex Rx 5mg ED Cialis Rx 2500iu 2x/week HCG 300mcg ED Sermerolin Rx 100mcg ED GHRP-2 Rx Perhaps I'm taking my HCG at the wrong time and it's spiking my test causing more to aromatize? Should I go to more frequent, lower dosed HCG shots? Everything is done Sub-Q besides the Test.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigPimpin76 View Post
    I am no Pro on this subject by all means, but I think you did the right thing by lowering the dose!
    See how it goes from there If u are still feeling lethargic then lower it a few points.
    In regards to AI I would advise to use pharma Aromasin if u can get your hands on it.
    Aromasin wont crash your E levels.
    I would start at 6.5 mg daily. Get BW done in a couple of weeks and if needed bump up the dose until u find the sweet spot! Then on, you maintain at EoD.
    Include Zinc @ 50mg daily as well.
    Only my 2 cents.
    Thanks Bigpimpin. The dr. prescribed me Aromasin in the beignning because that's what I was familiar with using all these years. The blood work I posted is with 25mg of prescription aromasin ED with just 160mg test/week, my estradiol was very high for where I think works for me.

    I've always dealt with really bad muscle aches. He is more familiar with the arimidex , so after giving me the try on the aromasin, he wanted to use what he is more familiar with. I have to say, my joint/muscle aches have gone down quite a bit, direct correlation? But as in my previous post, I'm dealing with the gyno lumps and they are actually get worse then they ever have, even when I cycled. I think I'm just overly sensitive or aromatize very easily, but figuring out my happy middle is tough.

    Just assuming you didn't read the full thread.
    Last edited by ANIMAL; 12-16-2014 at 11:34 AM.

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