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  1. #1
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    I think my urologist is an idiot.

    So he prescribed the shots for me - Test Cyp. 200mg shots go into his office and his nurse would administer the shot.....he tested my levels at 4-5 days after the shot when he said they'd peak, they were at 1167. Then, he tested them at the end of the two weeks just before my second shot and they had dropped to 214.

    When I went into his office to discuss this, I told him it was my understanding that you don't want a roller-coaster effect when taking TRT, you want stable levels all the time, right?

    I also told him I felt great when my levels peaked at 1167. I told him I was very easily aroused in my sex life and feeling great, but when my levels dropped to 214 I told him I felt it and think I also had some slight issues getting it hard....and my energy did seem to take a hit as well....having told Him all this he still wants me on his original protocol of 200mg bi-weekly.

    I'm requesting a new urologist or endo and in the mean time I think I'm going to administer my shots at home....and run them at 200mgs a week....I can do so since my original script was a 20wk. supply.

    Is this guy off his rocker or what? Am I right?

  2. #2
    johnny the blade is offline Junior Member
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    I started off the same way. Then I convinced my endo to let me do at home injections, citing cost and convenience as my reason, and adjusted my protocol to 100mg per week on my own. Utilize this site for knowledge and direction, it's a great resource.

  3. #3
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    I would try 100 mgs a week while finding a new Dr. If you've already tried talking to him and he is still hell bent on the original protocol then move on.

  4. #4
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Yes, your urologist is off base. No one can maintain stable testosterone levels with an injection once every two weeks regardless of the total dose being administered. Your levels will always fluctuate dramatically with this type of protocol. Side effects can also become a little more problematic in such cases, not always but there seems to be an increase in probability.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Is there any more to your current doctors protocol, or just test?
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  6. #6
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Is there any more to your current doctors protocol, or just test?
    Just Test Cyp. bi-weekly.

  7. #7
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Just Test Cyp. bi-weekly.
    What would you do in my shoes?

    200mgs. Weekly or 100?

    Also, I don't want this to be a life long commitment. I'm going to run a maintenance dose then blast for 12 weeks and PCT w/some clomid.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    What would you do in my shoes?

    200mgs. Weekly or 100?

    Also, I don't want this to be a life long commitment. I'm going to run a maintenance dose then blast for 12 weeks and PCT w/some clomid.
    First and foremost you need to decide whether you need TRT or not, as it is a life-long commitment. If you're body isn't making enough test on its own and the issue is not fixable then you need TRT. Otherwise you just go back to your prior low levels. Be happy it's available to us. Our parents generation suffered without it.

    Regarding your dosage, very few actually need 200 mgs per week unless you have hyper-excreter tendencies. With a higher dose comes more sides and the goal of TRT is to minimize them. I would definitely start at 100 like Beethoven said and go from there. In the meantime I'd be searching for another doctor who understands hormones and the need for HCG and possibly an AI.

    Remember, if frequent injections are not to your liking consider Nebido (Aveed) which is now approved in the states. After your initial dose and subsequent booster shot at 6 weeks, you then only have one shot every 10 weeks or so based on BW.
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  9. #9
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    First and foremost you need to decide whether you need TRT or not, as it is a life-long commitment. If you're body isn't making enough test on its own and the issue is not fixable then you need TRT. Otherwise you just go back to your prior low levels. Be happy it's available to us. Our parents generation suffered without it.

    Regarding your dosage, very few actually need 200 mgs per week unless you have hyper-excreter tendencies. With a higher dose comes more sides and the goal of TRT is to minimize them. I would definitely start at 100 like Beethoven said and go from there. In the meantime I'd be searching for another doctor who understands hormones and the need for HCG and possibly an AI.

    Remember, if frequent injections are not to your liking consider Nebido (Aveed) which is now approved in the states. After your initial dose and subsequent booster shot at 6 weeks, you then only have one shot every 10 weeks or so based on BW.
    I do have lower levels for my age (35) and I did sort of feel a lower energy and drive....but mostly my progress in the gym suffered....or came to a halt I should say. And that is truly the sole reason I decided to go through with this.

    I'm in really good shape, I out-wind most kids that are 10 years younger than me and for the amount of dedication I was applying in the gym as well as to my diet....I felt like I needed the boost.

    Anyway, I can live with my low-T. I just wanted to throw some more quality meat on my bones and keep it. My goal is to maintenance dose for about 6 months, then blast, then PCT. but I will start today at 100mgs a week. Thank you for the info and thank you, Beethoven.

  10. #10
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    If you tested low enough to qualify for trt, then you need trt. I know you said you can live with low T, but I think you'll be surprised how much better you feel with your T levels up where they should be. I disagree with your plan to go on then come off. Even if you goal I just to build muscle, I hate to tell you but when you come off your already low T will be all but non-existent and your gains will go away fast. As already mentioned, if avoiding shots is what's holding you back, look into aveed/nebido.

  11. #11
    Beethoven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    I do have lower levels for my age (35) and I did sort of feel a lower energy and drive....but mostly my progress in the gym suffered....or came to a halt I should say. And that is truly the sole reason I decided to go through with this.

    I'm in really good shape, I out-wind most kids that are 10 years younger than me and for the amount of dedication I was applying in the gym as well as to my diet....I felt like I needed the boost.

    Anyway, I can live with my low-T. I just wanted to throw some more quality meat on my bones and keep it. My goal is to maintenance dose for about 6 months, then blast, then PCT. but I will start today at 100mgs a week. Thank you for the info and thank you, Beethoven.
    I don't quite understand, you can live with low t but want TRT to throw some more meat on your bones? So your sex life is good? Most guys that go on TRT are wanting primarily other benefits than meat on bones. Besides, TRT isn't enough to accomplish that. Why not just cycle? Why get on a lifelong commitment just to put meat on your bones?

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    So he prescribed the shots for me - Test Cyp. 200mg shots go into his office and his nurse would administer the shot.....he tested my levels at 4-5 days after the shot when he said they'd peak, they were at 1167. Then, he tested them at the end of the two weeks just before my second shot and they had dropped to 214.

    When I went into his office to discuss this, I told him it was my understanding that you don't want a roller-coaster effect when taking TRT, you want stable levels all the time, right?

    I also told him I felt great when my levels peaked at 1167. I told him I was very easily aroused in my sex life and feeling great, but when my levels dropped to 214 I told him I felt it and think I also had some slight issues getting it hard....and my energy did seem to take a hit as well....having told Him all this he still wants me on his original protocol of 200mg bi-weekly.

    I'm requesting a new urologist or endo and in the mean time I think I'm going to administer my shots at home....and run them at 200mgs a week....I can do so since my original script was a 20wk. supply.

    Is this guy off his rocker or what? Am I right?
    You think your Urologist is an idiot??

    Why do you say that?

    .............did he "PISS" you off?

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