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  1. #1
    cyberpump's Avatar
    cyberpump is offline New Member
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    DIM - DHEA - TRIB 90% thoughts/input?

    I'm going to start taking these three compounds together very shortly to try to invoke more free test. I know there are prolly troves of dudes that are going to flame me like crazy and that's okay - this is me decision and I'm sticking with it for now, at least to learn "me" and what does or doesn't work. I'm not interested (at this point anyway) of taking more than natural test boosters for a variety of reasons. I've read quite a bit about these compounds and they all have some benefits, but my question is dosages amounts. I'm a 38yr m 6'3" 225lbs, I'm looking for the same thing everyone is looking for lose fat/build muscle. Is there anyone who may have been down this road and can give some advice as to amounts to take starting? What signs should I look for if my dosage is too little and there is no effects?? Or should I not worry about it cause I'm taking low risk items anyways?? Just curious. Thanks

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Have you had blood work to show what your free test and dhea levels are?
    Tribulis is a waste of money and time, imho.
    I would not take dhea unless BW shows you need it. And yes, it can improve free T levels and elevate estrogen as well.
    One of the best things to help with free T is having adequate levels of Vit D as it helps reduce shbg thus allowing more free T. Know your levels before supplementing as excessive high levels are toxic as it's a fat soluble hormone.

    The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on ... - PubMed - NCBI
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