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  1. #1
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Free Test Question.

    My free test was 53pmol/L range 30-130. My Doctor cannot explain those numbers to me but admits she would expect someone of my age to be mid-high side on that range as a result is referring me to a specialist. I've tried to research without starting my own thread but I cant seem to translate this to something I understand. At 32 shouldn't I be looking to be closer to the top 1/3 of that range?

    I know you guys would probably like to see all the other numbers I got to look at. I don't have those handy. I should have take a pic for reference. One thing i do know is I did not get near enough testing but said she did everything in her power, the rest is up to the Edno or Uro... I will get the numbers I have on Monday and update this thread so you guys have everything I have. But for now can someone comment on the Range & Result I have posted above? Is that number low in the normal? Also what the heck does 30-130 mean, why does everyone seem to have different ranges for the same Free Test and same unit of measurements?

  2. #2
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not sure exactly what your questions are here. As has been said many times, don't get stuck on numbers. Go by how you feel.

    And 30-130 means this is the common range that the majority of the people who go to this particular lab fall into. (Perhaps someone else can tell us how these labs get to these ranges.) So you fall within a "normal" range - whatever that means. And one of the things I learned here is that there is really no such thing as "normal". Again, it all depends on how you feel.

  3. #3
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    Not sure exactly what your questions are here. As has been said many times, don't get stuck on numbers. Go by how you feel. And 30-130 means this is the common range that the majority of the people who go to this particular lab fall into. (Perhaps someone else can tell us how these labs get to these ranges.) So you fall within a "normal" range - whatever that means. And one of the things I learned here is that there is really no such thing as "normal". Again, it all depends on how you feel.
    Yeah I kind of rambled there. Mostly I was wondering where the ranges came from. I see on so many post guys listing their free test and all ranges are different. Some ranges start and end higher and some lower then mine. Confusing as hell to try and decipher.
    Either way, like you say, they are just numbers.

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