I have been on TRT in some form or another for 7 years now (I am 51). I didn't get in-depth with it until I found this board two and a half years ago. Since then, I have tried to maintain my levels based on the norms posted here. I switched to SQ injections for test and got on HCG for the benefits. All of my levels were great for well over a year - E2 @ 24, SBHG @ 15, Test @ ~700.

Recently - within the last six months, I have seen my E2 (always sensitive test) climb to 40 during three blood tests. The latest done in January. My test level remained the same. My Doc is great - he really works with me - but he admits he is not the be all, end all in this field. I have won small battles with him using pub-med articles - especially with HCG. So he prescribed me 300iu every 3.5. He won't touch an AI and neither will my insurance (got a reputable pub-med for that?).

I am curious if dropping to 100iu of HCG every day would have the effect of dropping E2. Any one here experienced a drop by going that route? I do have some aromasin lying around to help initially kick my E2 down. Is it worth a try?