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  1. #1
    Rjay is offline Associate Member
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    Test levels great, still having problems

    As of my most recent bloodwork my Test and e2 looked great.

    My total T was 1120ng/dl (280-1100 scale)
    My Free T was 27.77ng/dl (1.7-27 scale)
    My E2 was 33pg/ml (11-42 scale)

    So regardless of my seemingly balanced profile Im still struggling with a few issues..

    1. My morning erections are great, more common then not and way more frequent and strong then Ive ever had in my life. That being said my daytime libido is not nearly as strong. I never have the urge to masturbate I still enjoy sex with my girlfriend but it is not what it should be and Im definitely content with 2 or 3x per week which is the same as when my T was half that level.

    2. Fatigue... I have struggled with fatigue as long as I can remember and is one of the reasons I got on TRT. It has improved somewhat but I still find myself tired much more frequently then normal and often get a brainfog like feeling which I cant stand.

    3. Last but not least mild depression. I can put a finger on wether it is situational or chemical I have had it mildly my entire life but it has fluctuated since starting TRT and been okay sometimes. I hoped my low T level prior explained it. I will mention that my moms side of the family has a lot of depression and my mom herself is on antidepressants for roughly 20 years. My depression has picked up a bit lately to the point where I recently thought about antidepressants but worry about the further loss of libido.

    Now my question to you guys is where can I go from here?
    What should I get checked for in bloodwork that may help me?

    My protocol is 30mg EOD with zinc, magnesium, and liver pills.

  2. #2
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Hmm, have you tried keeping your testosterone values a little lower than this? I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with where your testosterone is currently sitting, but a lot of guys seem to feel better at slightly lower levels rather than maxing out the ranges. Might be worth a shot if you haven't already tried it.

    Any other health history? Medications?

    Everything all good with your lipids and such?

    You could also look at some of the lesser emphasized hormones to see if you're lacking somewhere else (DHEA, progesterone, pregnenalone, etc). Might be a bit of a long shot but you've got nothing to lose by checking.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    How long have you been on TRT?

    Erections are about much more than testosterone and they're going to change over time. Morning wood is always nice but is not really much of an indicator of anything. As long as things work when required be happy. We're not 15 anymore with constant boners. Another thought, if your sex drive is higher in the morning then be active in the morning! Adapt to life's changes.

    Consider an iron panel regarding your fatigue.

    Solid advice by Chauffeur.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Rjay is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2014
    Thanks guys. Chaffeur-I am definately going to lower my dose a bit no need to be quite that high especially like I said its no providing any further benefits. I did have cancer at the age of 5 in regards to previous medical conditions. Everything in regards to lipids and all that looks good according to the doc.

    Kel Ive been on for just over 1 year. I work in the morning and dont live with the girl so its not really an option. Im not expecting to be a sex machine but I know there is more to be had then this Ive had it before in temporary spurts. Just seem to be in a bit of a slump

    Im really starting to think I may have adrenal fatigue. Last time cortisol was checked roughly 6 months ago it was very high and Ive always been a generally anxious person and match a great percent of symptoms even though my sex hormones look rather good. Could explain a lot..?

  5. #5
    ab037's Avatar
    ab037 is offline Associate Member
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    Just a thought ( not scientific), we had a discussion on here about T to E2 ratio and how it relates to feeling good, ( something I read elsewhere).
    It was generally thought T / E2 should be in a 14-20 range.
    With your values, your ratio is 33+. Lowering your test may help, or increasing E2 ( not sure if you mentioned taking and AI, or gyno issues).
    Just a thought, and I am not a Dr or a TRT vet.

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