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Thread: trt story

  1. #1
    thewarrior8845 is offline Junior Member
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    trt story

    im 27 years old. back in 2011 i started trt. symptoms were low sex drive, depression, fatigue, no morning erections. total testosterone was 324ng/dl and 364ng/dl. both blood draws were done around 11:30am. fast forward to may 2015. i decide to come off because i want to have varicocele surgery to remove two varicoceles that could be causing my low normal testosterone. i would have had the surgery before i started trt but the idiot dr's i saw told me varicoceles do not affect testosterone. i had a second, third and fourth opinion and it turns out this is not true and varicoceles can cause low testosterone production. urologist says surgery can increase test levels on average 80-150ng/dl. not a big increase but shit ill take it. I came off the trt without pct. i knew that after being on trt for 4 years and stopping without pct could be ugly but these ****ing kaiser dr's are so stupid they dont even know what pct is and if you try to tell them they get pissed off because they went to harvard and im just a 27 year old meat head with pimples on my back. **** them and their ****ing harvard degrees. so i came off and got tested 3 months after my last injection and before i had surgery. wtf my total testosterone level was 548ng/dl. i made sure to get to the lab at 8:00am so that must have made a huge difference. i also did a semen analysis and it was very low. less than 2 mil. normal is 15 mil and above. the urologist did the varicocelectomy 4 weeks ago. im just starting to lift again. ill do more blood work in december. i hope the surgery gives me an additional boost. im posting this for any guys out there who are debating trt. especially younger guys who think they have low test. make sure you find out whats causing your symptoms. find a dr that is open to learning new things.

  2. #2
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    good feedback- wish drs would take mens health as a serious concern. most drs know more about womens health than mens, unfortunately you have to be an arrogant pr!ck with drs to get the attention you need let alone deserve, keep up the fight.

    a good ploy i use with stupid drs is to ask them for a referral to a dr that understands mens health issues. my last gp baulk at me until i asked him DHT stood for...

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