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Thread: Trt advice

  1. #1
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    Trt advice

    My stats are
    Bf between 15-20%
    No history of heart disease
    No history of prostate cancer

    I have never done AAS and was planing on doing a test only cycle, when i went to do Pre cycle blood work infound out my test is really low total t is 156ng/dl and free test is 70.9ng/dl

    My doctor has been no help and has pretty much said its not an emergency but has referred me to a internal medicine doctor for further evaluation. I have all the symptoms except ED although it is very hard to keep an erection and when i do get off it is only a very small amount.

    Never had injury to the testes or and kind of complications during puberty

    I know this isnt the place to get the best medical advice

    I have been thinking of just doing my own trt but worried that if i do my doctor will just blame it on that and wont help me anymore. He wont do anymore tests till i see the IM doctor

    Anyways any advice will help

    One other thing when someone has low test is it better to blast and cruise or still cycle. I havnt started anything and wont till i get some better answers, but i just want to know the difference and whoch one os better with low t

  2. #2
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    For those in canada thats 5.4nmol/L (norm range 8.4-29.4) free test and 156pmol/L total test (norm range 300-600 i think)

    Its also almost impossible to get a doctor to prescribe trt in canada although most of the people trying to get it are in the low normal range where as i am not even in range

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    First off, do not self administer test. Your levels are abnormally low so your goal should be to find out what's causing it, not band aid it never find the root cause. Do you happen to have a copy of your recent BW you can post up?

    Many things can cause low test, such as hypothyroidism, cortisol or prolactin issues, pathologies, varicoceles, etc. It's far more complicated than just taking testosterone . Lets find the issue and correct it, then if you want to cycle do so. And yes, the majority of us here are not MD's, although there are a few. That said, most doc's do not know hormones as they receive almost no training in them in med school. You can gain a lot of knowledge here if you choose to.
    Last edited by kelkel; 11-11-2015 at 01:03 PM.
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  4. #4
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    Im not going to. I was just thinking about it because my doctor said he was against it because he doesnt think that the benefits outweigh the risks

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, the goal should be to find the issue, correct it and get you back to normal. It really doesn't take that much to cause a hormonal imbalance. One of the other members here (Simon) posted this video a while ago. Watch it as it's really informative and helpful, especially in your predicament:
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  6. #6
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1.find your nearest compounding pharmacy. and ask the staff for a recomendation to a local dr that prescribes Testosterone as you are "new in town" and your current dr is too far away .
    3. hopefully your new dr will be more inclined to understand your issues and be focussed on solving the root cause. either way you will develop history with him and have access to a dr with experience in TRT

    with low T- your best off correcting your issues- solve it and live life- if at the end of it all you end up on trt- good! its better than a life on the skids, thats now considered a cruise- it will taake upto a year to get dialled in- thereafter once you work out your drs routine, blast away...WARNING- dont play games with your dr, you abuse his trust- he wil;; drop you like a bag of spuds.
    im 1 year into my trt and havent blasted yet- my bloods are too close while i sort out my sweetspot. but on trt my body has recomposed and im looking pretty good!
    Last edited by Simon1972; 11-12-2015 at 04:05 AM.

  7. #7
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    Hey thanks simon that was the advice i was looking for. Also kelkel this is my most recent BW results

    WBC 9.2 4.5-11
    RBC 5.61 4.3-5.90
    HEMOGLOBIN 166 130-175
    HEMATOCRIT .49 .38-.51
    MCV 88 81-97
    MCH 30 27-33
    MCHC 338 320-360
    RDW 11 11-16
    Platelet count 200 160-420
    MPV 7.1 5-11
    Neutrophils 5.9 2-7.5
    Lymphocytes 2.4 1-3.2
    Monocytes .7 .2-1
    Eosinophils .1 0-.5
    Basophils .1 0-.5

    Glucose random 6.4 4.2-7.8 (probably a little high because i had a pop right before my test)

    Creatinine 89 68-120

    Lipid profile
    Cholesterol 4.80 0-5.71
    Triglycerides 2.47 0-1.49 (a little high but i eat some fast food right before the test)
    HDL 1.11 1.03- whatever
    LDL 2.57 0-2.58
    Chol/HDL ratio 4.3

    Bilirubin 7.7 3.5-20.5

    ALT 33 10-55

    Gamma glutamyl trans 30 12-64

    ALP 81 40-150

    Total T 5.4 nmol/L 8.9-28.9
    Free T 156 pmol/L 196-638
    Estradiol 76 pmol/L 0-159

    I dont have type 2, and i assure you that my diet is for the most part sugar free. I doo cheat some days when im in a hurry, but I wouldnt consider it a high refined sugar diet, not even close.
    Last edited by LegionVon; 11-12-2015 at 09:04 AM.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Edit and add ranges when you can.
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  9. #9
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    Edited with ranges beside the values

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    The bad news is the BW above only indicates low T. The items you most need to test were not done. You need to test the following:

    Thyroid panel (full)

    LH & FSH will show pituitary function and determine if the issue is potentially secondary in nature. This would be indicated by a a low LH/FSH values and thus your lower T level. Primary issues (testicular in nature) would be shown as high LH/FSH and low T. Thyroid panel is needed as hypothyroidism is one of the primary causes of hypogonadism. Elevated cortisol and prolactin will also suppress LH values thus resulting in lower T. Elevated prolactin can also indicate pathological issues (adenoma's) with the pituitary.

    Get this BW done and you'll then have a much better chance of solving this dilemma.
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  11. #11
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    Thanks man youve been alot of help!

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Glad to help. When you get your BW please update this thread.
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  13. #13
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    Will do. So does trt change depending on the blood work?

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegionVon View Post
    Will do. So does trt change depending on the blood work?
    No. BW just helps determine the root cause giving you the opportunity to correct it. If not correctable then TRT can be initiated.
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  15. #15
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    If it is correctable like hypothyroidism, could i still cycle after the right treatment is in pkace?

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If not pathological (tumor related) or idiopathic then yes, correctable. Remember to watch that video if you can. It shows how things can easily go awry.
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  17. #17
    LegionVon is offline New Member
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    I did i liked how he said that if you body is make to much of something or to little of something then trt is just going to amplify that

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