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  1. #1
    Xphanial's Avatar
    Xphanial is offline Junior Member
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    6 Week Bloods thoughts ?

    Been on TrT for about 9 weeks now and I'm feeling pretty good. First months was great but at the 4 week mark I started to crash a little. not completely sure why.

    My stats before starting were:
    Total T: 7.6 (8.3-30.2)
    sex binding globulin: 18 (13-71)
    Free T: 198 (225-725)
    FHS: 7 (1-10)
    LH: 3 (1-10)
    Sensitive Oestradiol: 24 (50-150 range)

    Stats at 6 weeks
    Total T: 17.6 (8.3-30.2)
    sex binding globulin: 18 (13-71)
    Free T: 492 (225-725)
    FHS: Negative 1 (1-10)
    LH: Negative 1 (1-10)
    Sensitive Oestradiol: 57pmol/L (50-150 range)
    haematocrit: 44.3 (40-54)

    Originally my doc wanted me to do 250mg every 2 weeks, I've been doing 50mg twice a week instead.

    I'll Also be bring up the need for HCG when I see him tomorrow.

    Also concerned about the wasted oil after injecting due to my script being for 250mg, I may only be using 200mg but the wastage is adding up. It was hard enough finding a doc that would help in AUS and would rather not **** this up :/

    Any thoughts, suggestions are much appreciated

  2. #2
    Xphanial's Avatar
    Xphanial is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    How do you feel?

    Definitely some steps in the right direction. Your total T, free T, and estradiol could stand to come up for sure. You could increase your dose a bit to achieve that. Small increments is always the best way to do it.

    If I were you I'd try 60 or 70mg twice weekly and see how that treats you.

    What do you mean about the wastage? Is your testosterone packaged in ampules rather than vials?

  4. #4
    Xphanial's Avatar
    Xphanial is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chauffeur
    How do you feel? Definitely some steps in the right direction. Your total T, free T, and estradiol could stand to come up for sure. You could increase your dose a bit to achieve that. Small increments is always the best way to do it. If I were you I'd try 60 or 70mg twice weekly and see how that treats you. What do you mean about the wastage? Is your testosterone packaged in ampules rather than vials?
    Yea it comes in 250mg 1ml preloaded amps.
    So there's always a little left in it when I put it into the vials plus in the needle after I've harpooned my leg. It's not much like 0.05, maybe less but it all adds up in the end.

  5. #5
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xphanial View Post
    Yea it comes in 250mg 1ml preloaded amps.
    So there's always a little left in it when I put it into the vials plus in the needle after I've harpooned my leg. It's not much like 0.05, maybe less but it all adds up in the end.
    I'm confused. Are you transferring the oil from an ampule to a vial?

    To reduce wastage after injection:

    - draw up your dose as you normally would

    - draw a little bit of air into the syringe (~.1ml)

    - turn the syringe so the needle is facing down, and allow the air bubble to rest against the plunger

    - inject your medication. The air bubble will help push out the oil that would previously be leftover in the needle hub

  6. #6
    johnhenry is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds like you are using Primoteston Depot. That is what I am using. Here is what I do. I get a 5 ml sterile vial from the place I get my hcg (Complementary Compounding - Ballina),
    wipe the rubber top with a sterile swab, inject each ampoule into the vial, and then withdraw from that with a 31g x 3/8 inch insulin syringe from B & D I get online from Victoria I think. At the moment I inject 0.19ml x twice a week = 65mg Testosterone /wk (plus hcg and an ai.) Your E2 looks spot on so no need for an ai - very lucky . JH.

  7. #7
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i use the primoteston too- i also inject all of the preloaded syringes into a vial and draw out as needed dont be too fussed if you are out by a few Iu's just inject short one day- sure you will be down for the 3 days but in the big scheme of things its not too bad, or just get your script filled early. i plan my three monthly dr visits at 2.5 months- and get a nother 3 month script- keep it up and by the end of your life you will have at least another 2 years supply up your sleeve!!!! lol

    but i go subq

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