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  1. #1
    crb123 is offline New Member
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    Am I ready for my first blast?

    Ive been on the forum since May when I started TRT. I am 28 years old, 6'1" 205 lbs. My current protocol is 90mg test cyp every 3.5 days, 250IU HCG every 3.5 days, .125 adex every 7 days.

    Total Test- 606 ng/dL Range 348 -1197

    Free Test (Direct)- 24.8 pg/mL Range 9.3-26.5

    Estradiol (Sensitive) - 25.0 pg/mL Range 8.0-35.0

    Hematocrit- 48.2 Range 37.5-51.0
    (I have been donating every 56 days to keep this under control)

    Anyways just thought I would give a summary of my back ground info. So onto the blast.....

    I have read Austinites Successful Cycle thread and plan on running 12 weeks of 250mg test cyp every 3.5 days, 250 IU HCG every 3.5 days, and .25 eod for adex. Im also planning on going to a bod pod to an accurate reading for my BF% so I can calculate my LBM and TDEE confidently. I have never done a cycle of steroids in my life so not only is this my first blast, it is my first cycle as well. I guess my main questions are....

    Since I am on TRT do I just go straight back into my normal protocol after I finish the 12 week cycle?

    Im curious about adding a thermogenic while I am cycling, whether it be clenbuterol , T3, or albuterol. What would be a good protocol for any of these while Im on my cycle?

    Thanks for any feedback in advance

    Last edited by crb123; 02-01-2016 at 09:14 PM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Those are some nice BW numbers CRB. Well done. I'm curious what your SHBG level is if you happen to have it? Point of caution, be careful giving blood systematically as you may not always need to. It can lead to a self-induced anemia. Prior to and during cycle, yes give blood.

    To your question "Is it too soon to blast" depends on a few things. Do you think you've done the best you can do progress wise with your current "dialed in" T levels? Has your nutrition / training been on-point? If either answer is no then I'd fix that aspect first. Then you need to clearly define your goals. You speak of getting cut. If this is your goal then I'd bypass on a cycle for now as you can achieve that with diet and cardio.

    IMHO, if you plan on doing a cycle (especially a first one) it should be to put on LBM. I've never been a fan of "bulking" per se. I don't see the point in putting on excess body fat only to have to lose it later. That said, why not take the time to lose the BF percentage that you want to, then initiate your cycle? All to be timed between doctor appts I presume?

    Yes, you simply go back to your normal TRT protocol after your cycle is over although you need to continue with your elevated AI dose for a couple weeks. I believe Austin has a thread on T3 as well. Check out his educational folder. I've no personal experience using any thermogenics.
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  3. #3
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    CRB, if I can throw my .02, if you've been dialed in for four months, you will make good gains on your protocol. I've been on hrt for more than two years. I've wanted to blast but still do good without. Now that's not to say don't do it, but you will make better gains after a while. Good luck whichever way you go.

  4. #4
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    crb123, thanks for this thread - I will be where you are now in about 6 months. Sorry to get off-topic a bit; Beethovan, if I may, how consistent has your progress been without blasting? Just curious, I am three months in and liking what I see thus far.

  5. #5
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    crb123, thanks for this thread - I will be where you are now in about 6 months. Sorry to get off-topic a bit; Beethovan, if I may, how consistent has your progress been without blasting? Just curious, I am three months in and liking what I see thus far.
    My gains are as consistent as my nutrition and work outside go. Have a bad knee which I'm getting MRI on a and haven't been able to squat and do my whole routine. Legs for me is a huge factor in my training. That being said I hit personal bests in military press without blasting. If I can get away from surgery, I will be back on track. Still waiting to blast. Incidentally I kept up with my partner who has cycled and does frequently, although not sure how quality his cycles are, he is 15 years younger than me and I keep right there with him.

  6. #6
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    It sounds like you have things pretty well figured out from a protocol perspective so the big question is deciding if your ready from the training and conditioning side of things. What are your current stats? Training history? Goals for your cycle? Give us some more info and we can help decide if it's time to blast or if there is still progress to be made on just trt. Personally, I think blasting should come after you feel you've maxed out your natural(in this case trt is your new natural) potential. The more sorted out your training is pre-blast the more likely you are to have a successful cycle and keep what you gain. Glad to hear trt is working out for you btw!

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