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  1. #1
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
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    Just got my 2nd natural test labs done please help

    I went to lab corp where i believe the free test range was 6-26 or something like that.

    My total TEST and FREE TEST the first time (during a weight cut and 3 in the afternoon)

    Total 471.
    Free was 9.1

    My second test was done after i didnt like my testosterone levels in my first result. I decided to eat a normal diet for 1 week and take the test first thing in the morning.

    Testosterone did go up but mainly my free test.

    Total test = 481 (below average by roughly 150 points)
    Free test= 13.1 (Im not sure but from what i saw this is avove average so i was happy)

    I have a few questions which i will be very appreciative if it could be answered.

    1. Did i wait long enough (1 week eating a normal caloric diet) for my total test to rebound to its baseline? I was basically starving myself for a few months to be honest and lost 30 pounds (in 3 months without working out).

    2. Is 13.1 from lab corp a good number? How do i stack up.

    3. Is it true free testosterone is the true measure of what your muscle building potential will be? (Or at least the most important part)
    4. Will 481 total test hamper my muscle growth while working out and eating a solid diet?
    5. Can i get very muscular in the gym with a year working out properly and with proper diet with those levels?
    6. Any useful information youngiys can give me please go ahead. (Im 29 years old btw]

  2. #2
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
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    Man really no one? Come on guys im about to get on TRT at 29 years old.. i got doctors calling me and im tempted.. i want to know where i stand.

    What should i take from my tests? My total was 481.. that had me in the 75-85 year old range. The free test was originally 9.1 but then retested to 13.1. How is 13.1? Average? Beloe average? (For my age).

  3. #3
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Fella, relax...... Your fine, your normal. Quit freaking out because you think your levels are equal to a 75-85 yr old man, there not. 481/13 is not bad at all, don't care if you are 29, it's normal range.
    Do you even have any real symptoms??? Prob not, only ones maybe in your head. Sorry didn't take the time to read your other thread but come on. Do you really honk you would feel a 200 point increase in your T level?? You won't.... You are putting way too much into a number, a number only! People with truly Low T test less than half of what you do, even more. Testosterone is not a majic bullet, be grateful you don't need to stick a needle in your ass for the next 50 years.
    Getting muscular is decided by your genetics number 1, then your diet, finally your dedication to the gym over many years even decades. Quit trying to manufacture a problem that isn't there and be grateful you are in good health.

  4. #4
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Fella, relax...... Your fine, your normal. Quit freaking out because you think your levels are equal to a 75-85 yr old man, there not. 481/13 is not bad at all, don't care if you are 29, it's normal range.
    Do you even have any real symptoms??? Prob not, only ones maybe in your head. Sorry didn't take the time to read your other thread but come on. Do you really honk you would feel a 200 point increase in your T level?? You won't.... You are putting way too much into a number, a number only! People with truly Low T test less than half of what you do, even more. Testosterone is not a majic bullet, be grateful you don't need to stick a needle in your ass for the next 50 years.
    Getting muscular is decided by your genetics number 1, then your diet, finally your dedication to the gym over many years even decades. Quit trying to manufacture a problem that isn't there and be grateful you are in good health.
    Maybe, it is what is called "normal range" my friend but my total testosterone is "average" for a 75-85 year old. Thats not bull that real studies that I have combed over.. and not just one.

    So Im freaking out? When Ive got no energy? I always thought I was a low energy guy.. Im think yet I have zero energy. Im starting to wonder.. hmm could the reason for me having no energy have to do with the fact my body has the Testosterone of an old man?

    So yeah Im freaking out.. I can go up to an old man whos barely able to walk and has type 2 diabetes and shake his hand and know chances are we have the same test levels.

    So am I really freaking out? I get to live life with no energy or motivation and a gut that I never had before (despite eating healthier than I ever have) and low muscle tone.

    You sound just like the doctors.. "normal range" .... yeah.. normal. I guess its normal when the girls all go with some other guy too.. afterall that happens.. and I guess its normal to be exhausted while other people zip right past you in work all the time.

    Its not in my head. My blood test is the proof. 481 = average test of man in 75-85 year old age group. NOT someone in their prime.

  5. #5
    LeeSin1 is offline Junior Member
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    I have to tell you that I've been in your position and I've combed through studies and shit too before starting my TRT and I definitely placed too much emphasis on those numbers and reference ranges. I've even done a blast and cruise cycle, and I gained a few pounds, but even then it didn't do what you probably think it does. When I read studies online, I'll start to think I have everything... "Crap, I have AIDS," "Crap, I have a tumor." You know, etc. etc. you start thinking too much

    You might benefit from more testosterone ... probably everybody would... but you might be placing too much emphasis on your problems being testosterone related... The human body has a lot going on inside it, testosterone is not your only concern. Your levels seem to be pretty normal. If you have the ability to jump on TRT and want to try it, I'm not telling you not to... Just my own personal experience... and my experience is that it helped me out in certain ways, but in no means did it utterly change my life. I'm glad I'm doing it though. That's my experience

  6. #6
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    29 is too early to consider a lifetime of trt.

    Do try optimizing everything first, and see how you feel. Get your diet on point, take vita d3 I agree your test is low at your age, but I wouldn't consider trt until 40. Its low but not low enough where you couldn't turn things around by respecting your body, and giving it what it needs to flourish first.

    Do you smoke, drink, nightclub, stay up late,drugs etc..?

  7. #7
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    OP have you had a complete male panel done in detail ! Are you seeing a well qualified Dr. ? You could very possibly have thyroid issues and you have not given any of those #'s and as stated above pinning 1 or 2 x's a week will get way old and you will actually have an added expense over the rest of your life . Thyroid issues will also effect your test levels So dig deeper before you start taking the path you desire and want it to be a medical reason to use anabolics ? Not trying to be hard just another view point and a serious option you should look into ! Good fortune and find a good Dr.

    Quote Originally Posted by MMA_Influenced View Post
    Maybe, it is what is called "normal range" my friend but my total testosterone is "average" for a 75-85 year old. Thats not bull that real studies that I have combed over.. and not just one.

    So Im freaking out? When Ive got no energy? I always thought I was a low energy guy.. Im think yet I have zero energy. Im starting to wonder.. hmm could the reason for me having no energy have to do with the fact my body has the Testosterone of an old man?

    So yeah Im freaking out.. I can go up to an old man whos barely able to walk and has type 2 diabetes and shake his hand and know chances are we have the same test levels.

    So am I really freaking out? I get to live life with no energy or motivation and a gut that I never had before (despite eating healthier than I ever have) and low muscle tone.

    You sound just like the doctors.. "normal range" .... yeah.. normal. I guess its normal when the girls all go with some other guy too.. afterall that happens.. and I guess its normal to be exhausted while other people zip right past you in work all the time.

    Its not in my head. My blood test is the proof. 481 = average test of man in 75-85 year old age group. NOT someone in their prime.
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 05-12-2016 at 02:57 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeeSin1 View Post
    I have to tell you that I've been in your position and I've combed through studies and shit too before starting my TRT and I definitely placed too much emphasis on those numbers and reference ranges. I've even done a blast and cruise cycle, and I gained a few pounds, but even then it didn't do what you probably think it does. When I read studies online, I'll start to think I have everything... "Crap, I have AIDS," "Crap, I have a tumor." You know, etc. etc. you start thinking too much

    You might benefit from more testosterone... probably everybody would... but you might be placing too much emphasis on your problems being testosterone related... The human body has a lot going on inside it, testosterone is not your only concern. Your levels seem to be pretty normal. If you have the ability to jump on TRT and want to try it, I'm not telling you not to... Just my own personal experience... and my experience is that it helped me out in certain ways, but in no means did it utterly change my life. I'm glad I'm doing it though. That's my experience
    Okay, but as I've been saying.. my numbers ARE normal. Particularly if I was in the 75-85 year old age bracket then I'd fit right in. Problem is Im in my late 20's.

    I know where your coming from and I definitely respect it. But I dont understand how people can tell me pretty normal. I feel like they are saying.. okay your a full grown man and your only 5 feet tall. Thats within normal range.

    You see what Im saying? Okay Im in normal range GREAT. Now I don't have to worry about getting shot down by that hottie.. Im 5 feet tall but thats totally normal. Obviously, Im blowing the situation up to some extent but do you get the point?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    OP have you had a complete male panel done in detail ! Are you seeing a well qualified Dr. ? You could very possibly have thyroid issues and you have not given any of those #'s and as stated above pinning 1 or 2 x's a week will get way old and you will actually have an added expense over the rest of your life . Thyroid issues will also effect your test levels So dig deeper before you start taking the path you desire and want it to be a medical reason to use anabolics ? Not trying to be hard just another view point and a serious option you should look into ! Good fortune and find a good Dr.
    Thank you. Its exactly what Im dealing with now. I have an appointment coming up with an endricrinologist. My thyroid could be an issue. That being said if I do give my thyroid a boost is it realistic to add 200 points to my total T level? Or is it more subtle.

    The human body is a complex thing.. but Im definite on one thing. Im not going to be putting up with the average testosterone of a 75-85 year old. Im doing something about it.. and if its the thyroid GOOD. But otherwise Im injecting at least to see what that does for me.

    I know whats wrong with my body and Im not being overly alarmed. I don't feel well. I feel tired all the time and I eat very healthy. I cant lose fat and I put on weight extremely fast despite the fact I have a thin bone structure. My body is FAR from running in an ideal way right now.
    Last edited by MMA_Influenced; 05-15-2016 at 11:02 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    29 is too early to consider a lifetime of trt.

    Do try optimizing everything first, and see how you feel. Get your diet on point, take vita d3 I agree your test is low at your age, but I wouldn't consider trt until 40. Its low but not low enough where you couldn't turn things around by respecting your body, and giving it what it needs to flourish first.

    Do you smoke, drink, nightclub, stay up late,drugs etc..?
    I used to do drugs/alcohol in my late teens early 20's. I currently live an extremely clean life style.. perhaps smoke a bit of marajuana on occasion but not very much at all.. mostly just in social scenarios. Also I have a very clean diet.. very healthy home cooked meals everyday. And I am currently roughly at 16% BF (Im sure)

    Im so thankful for everyone helping me out.. I think its great everyone helps eachother out and gives considerate advice!

    But Simon you say I shouldnt go on TRT until after 40. Im currently in my prime (or maybe only just a little past it at 29). While other men are chasing ladies around and have energy and drive.. I am absolutely exhausted all the time and don't have energy for anything. Also, despite having a very clean diet in which I watch my intake well I gain weight EXTREMELY fast. Mind you I am an ectomorph.. so you can see where this is going if you know anything about that.

    I don't want to get on TRT until Im sure there isnt anything else that can be found that may be a better solution. But I also cant fathom going through the prime of my life tired and with the Testosterone of an old man. I want to be healthy. I want to feel good and I want to look good. I love working out but I get very marginal results in the gym.

    I think if the TRT can improve my quality of life now than I would be willing to try it out and if it was worth the money I would STAY with it for life.

    Im going to be careful Simon. Thanks for your concerns. I don't look forward to paying for test the rest of my life. If there is another option believe me I'd be all over it.

  11. #11
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    Not sure how much marijuana you smoke, or how often. but give it up. it effects testosterone negatively, vitamin d3 is a hormone, and responsible for the expression of over 1000 genes, take it 5000Ius daily, its cheap as chips and wont kill you to try. especially considering your levels are low. .

    As said below, maybe you would benefit from trt, if you really want to find a dr willing to treat you, at your levels you wont be covered by insurance and will have to go private. one poster was quoted $4000+ a year.

    There really isnt any other option or magic pill, get on trt, self administer, or do your best with what you have....i focused on optimising my food and supplement intake as much as i could- once you get on trt, you will also run a real risk of not being able to have kids.
    some thing to ponder.

  12. #12
    MMA_Influenced's Avatar
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    Makes sense simon thank you.. i will try that.. i am considering self administering.

    I too was quoted at 4000 per year in the US

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