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  1. #1
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    About to take bloodwork for TRT need advice

    Am looking for assistance. I have previously had blood tests twice in another country and my test total was on the low side. My free e test was below the min.

    I completed a cycle about a mont and a half ago. I started taking PCT for the first week and stopped because i am expecting to be put on TRT. I already have a Mexican Doc prescribing TRT but I want a US Dr to prescribe for insurance purposes.
    I know that the. Dr is also asking for thyroid analysis. My thyroid levels were low previously however the Mexican Dr said that should stabalize with the test.
    All of the previous low results were after PCT .

    Anything special that i should be careful of? The Dr has ordered the blood work, just want to make sure that i do not need to do anything else.

  2. #2
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69
    The Dr ordered some blood tests to see about low test. The results are below. Does anyone know what the out of range values mean? The test is obvious, but i think that theDr is looking for something to explain the low test. The fact that he did not request the free test, makes me think that he does not want to prescribe TRT since i told him my test total was low but within and the free was low (based on results in another country) . White cell differential- alot of values without ranges. The ones that had ranges were within Alanine aminotransferase (alt). -within range on high side Creatanine- 1.39. Range <=1.30 Potasium- within range Sodium-1.44 range 135-145 within but high CBC with differential (complete blood count)- WBC-within RBC, auto-4.27. Range 4.70-6.10 HGB-13.1. Range 14.0-18.0 HCT, auto- 38.1%. Range 42.0-52.0 MCV- within range MCH- within range MCHC-within range RDW Blood- 14.2%. Range11.5-14.5%. On the high side Platelets- automated count- 146x1000/mcl. Range 130-400x1000/mcl TSH- within Test, total-162 range 240-871
    I posted this in another forum, but it must not have been the correct one. Any insight?

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've commented about the results on Q&A, and yes the bloodwork is a bit incomplete.

    Your doc a GP?

  4. #4
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    I've commented about the results on Q&A, and yes the bloodwork is a bit incomplete. Your doc a GP?
    Thanks a million BB! I feel like the vets on here know more than the Dr's do!
    Yes Dr is GP.
    I have no history of anemia. I guess i should have asked the Dr to read Austunutes sticky before he ordered the bloodwork LOL. Maybe he would have had it complete.
    I am still concerned why he didn't ask for free test. I told him that my previous results showed total test within and free test below. He only ordered total on the BW. I think that he is trying not to have me on TRT.

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Thanks a million BB! I feel like the vets on here know more than the Dr's do!
    Yes Dr is GP.
    I have no history of anemia. I guess i should have asked the Dr to read Austunutes sticky before he ordered the bloodwork LOL. Maybe he would have had it complete.
    I am still concerned why he didn't ask for free test. I told him that my previous results showed total test within and free test below. He only ordered total on the BW. I think that he is trying not to have me on TRT.
    The GP did his job, he will now refere you to specialist. Urologist/andrologist are less fuzzy on prescribing T.

  6. #6
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ok now goes the roller coaster.. My Doc was out and another Dr. Wants me to take the BW again, but between 8-10 am. Supposedly they are going to ask for two more hormone tests and asked me to be hydrated for the kidney lab results. Which ones are the kidneys? What other two hormones would they check?
    It took me two years to consider TRT and now it looks like I am going to go through months of tests.

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