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  1. #1
    jborch is offline New Member
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    19 year old low t help

    Hey everyone I think I might just get straight to the point with this post. I have a history of very heavy opioid use from age 15-17, I'm talking smoking fentanyl and dropping oxys on the daily almost thought the entire duration. Ever since that I've had trouble maintaining good erections and have suffered from fatigue almost 24/7, I could even sleep for 10 hours and still feell tired as hell when I'm up. I recently got a blood test done to check some of my hormonal levels and what not.

    My total testosterone came back at: 13 mol/L with I think is something around 350-390 ngl if i said that correctly and LH IU/L at 2.1

    Im not expert with hormonal levels but from what I can gather these are the only 2 things worth mentioning in regards to testosterone. My organs, bp, prolactin, thyroid, estrogen is within range ( something around 100).. everything else checks out just fine.

    The doc just said "your in range so your fine.." when the truth is I think those values are shocking for a 19 year old and is no where near optimal for someone my age. I think i really did permanent damage to my system due to the drugs as opioids can cause heavy suppression.

    Despite all this I'm a lean and strong at around 165lbs 10-12% bf with good lifts however I have researched around and found that you don't necessarily need good test levels to build a physique as long as you have responsive satellite cells in the muscle etc.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.. like what to get tested in bloods etc or what I can do to help raise my levels. At this point I'm considering the possibility of trt next year if things don't improve.. low libido and energy at 19 is pretty horrid as it is haha.

    Thanks JB.

  2. #2
    fastindirt is offline New Member
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    The opioid abuse could be the key for the low t. Even in the low "normal" range is not good. You could be suffering from OPIAD. Just google that and you can get a wealth of info.

  3. #3
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastindirt View Post
    The opioid abuse could be the key for the low t. Even in the low "normal" range is not good. You could be suffering from OPIAD. Just google that and you can get a wealth of info.
    I wonderful suboxone cause this. Interesting

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by jborch View Post
    Any advice would be much appreciated.. like what to get tested in bloods etc or what I can do to help raise my levels. At this point I'm considering the possibility of trt next year if things don't improve.. low libido and energy at 19 is pretty horrid as it is haha.

    Thanks JB.

    Take a look at the Finding A Doc sticky thread at the top of this forum. Get the first set of BW if you can.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I wonderful suboxone cause this. Interesting
    Possibly - I'm pretty sure it still has an active opiate in it...

    But to the OP long term opiate use or abuse can indeed impact T levels.

  6. #6
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    I no your posts said age 15-17, are you still using JB?? Even if u are an occasional user it will/could affect your levels. Let's assume you are not, my understanding is opiate use declining your levels is temporary but that's just what my Dr owns told me. Frankly I don't think any of them really know.
    Regardless Kel gives good advice above regarding finding a Dr.

  7. #7
    jborch is offline New Member
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    Hey its been a while since I've used this account because this originally got no replies.. No I haven't used any drugs ever since I stopped. Since this post Im still in the same condition man. Im looking around for more doctors as I haven't had much luck I still have all the Low T symptoms and what not. Getting pretty fed up with it.. I think the fact that I did all this at such an age really did induce OPIAD.
    Thanks for the reply everyone.

  8. #8
    T-boner is offline Associate Member
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    Have you tried any natural test boosters? There's stuff you can get from suppliment stores or online that is supposed to boost natural test levels. I use them after a cycle to help restart my test production.
    The 2 I have used are Tongkat Ali and Tribulus. They may have different brand names but those are the active ingredients.

  9. #9
    T-boner is offline Associate Member
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    Have you tried any natural test boosters? There's stuff you can get from suppliment stores or online that is supposed to boost natural test levels. I use them after a cycle to help restart my test production.
    The 2 I have used are Tongkat Ali and Tribulus. They may have different brand names but those are the active ingredients.

  10. #10
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    try the A5M website
    Find an A5M trained Practitioner - A5M.

    Ask for a full hormonal panel and post results back here.

  11. #11
    jborch is offline New Member
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    Yeah I've tried the natty T boosters like tribe, d aspartic acid and what not.. with no real luck besides a slight increase in libido. Ive been written off so many times by doctors telling me my levels are perfectly fine, Hell i even got told that fatigue, low libido, gyno had nothing to do with hormones LMAO. Thanks for the link Simon I really appreciate it! ill investigate further and post up once its done. Might be a week or two since i got a hectic schedule with university.

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