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Thread: high estrodial

  1. #1
    bethdoth's Avatar
    bethdoth is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    high estrodial

    I have been on HRT for 5 years and have never had a major problem with estrogen, highest it ever got was 52. Well I haven't changed anything 80mg test cyp every 3.5 days subq and 12.5mg examestane daily. Just got labs and my test was good at 811 but estodial off the chart at 88. The range is <41 for men.
    what do I do to lower it just take more stane? I wonder if I got a bad batch?
    Last edited by bethdoth; 08-11-2018 at 10:10 AM.

  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    It may be under dosed. Buy a new batch, seems you had good success with it. If that doesn't do it maybe switch and try anastrozole. If you go this route start slow as it's pretty powerful.

  3. #3
    bethdoth's Avatar
    bethdoth is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I looked at my lab result history and my estrodial has been slowly going up but it shot up about 55 points between June 2nd and November 30th. I switch suppliers of my stane from one cem company to another. I went from liquid stane to 12.5mg tablets. Well I went back to the old cem company and the liquid stane. I also increased the stane to 25mg a day for just about 3 weeks then a week back at 12.5mg daily, now it's back at 38. I think i will do another week at 25 to bring it back down in the low 20's. I feel 100% better. For me I can tell you the symptom that I felt the most was lack of motivation and extremely tired all the time and some joint pain.
    Last edited by bethdoth; 08-11-2018 at 10:11 AM.

  4. #4
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How you were feeling while on high estrogen?

  5. #5
    bethdoth's Avatar
    bethdoth is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Like I said above I had a lack of motivation and extremely tired all the time and some joint pain. I was still getting to the gym but no motivation or energy for other things in my life. Sex life was pretty much gone for a couple months, back to normal now. I will not use there products again. I don't know if I can mention the cem company that I feel is selling bunk stuff or just made a bad batch, but I went back to our old site sponsor here and as you can see from my labs went back to normal pretty fast.

  6. #6
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Noted. That's also what I personally experience with uncontrolled E2. I believe the joint pain is from high cortisol induced by E2. But I will experience lack of motivation and tiredness also on low E2. The only clear discriminant to me is water retention and the peculiar mental state of feeling both drowsy yet "wired in" and unable to get proper sleep.
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