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    MTheoryFreak's Avatar
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    Maybe starting TRT. Here is story and some questions.

    I am 40 years old. 180 lbs. 5'9". Worked out off and on my entire life. More on than off. I run. I lift. I crofffit. (I know what some think of it but I enjoy it.) My diet is on point. The past few years I have noticed a decrease
    in my sex drive, less energy and stalling gains in the gym. I decided to go to a Dr. for the first time in my life. I got all my labs checked. Everything was fine except my test. It is 204. My Dr. mentioned TRT. So I have been researching constantly. She mentioned patches. I really don't want patches. What I would like to do is get on Test Cyp I'M. 150-200 a week. I would like to split this into 2 shots a week every 4 days. I would like to do this for about 3 months and have more labs. (Maybe sooner.)

    I need to discuss E2 with her as I am concerned about this. I am not sure if Drs. prescribe Arimidex for TRT or not. I don't know if I should come off of TRT ever so often or just stay on forever. If I come off then I need to discuss Clomid/Nolvadex with my Dr. Not sure what Drs. think about this. I also would like to take Hcg . I think anyway. It seems to be a good idea. I am concerned about elevated hematocrit. Concerned about lipid panels. Concerned about gyro. I am a health nut and want to mitigate risk and reap some good benefits from TRT.

    Once I get this all settled. I would like to blast 2 times a year. I am scared of harsh compounds like Tren . I would probably just up my test to 2 250 shots a week and maybe some Deca for 8 to 12 weeks. This seems to be a reasonable first real stack.

    Any feedback would be appreciated. I feel so many jump into this without really knowing what to do. I just want to do it right. Thanks ahead of time for your responses.

  2. #2
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MTheoryFreak
    I am 40 years old. 180 lbs. 5'9". Worked out off and on my entire life. More on than off. I run. I lift. I crofffit. (I know what some think of it but I enjoy it.) My diet is on point. The past few years I have noticed a decrease in my sex drive, less energy and stalling gains in the gym. I decided to go to a Dr. for the first time in my life. I got all my labs checked. Everything was fine except my test. It is 204. My Dr. mentioned TRT. So I have been researching constantly. She mentioned patches. I really don't want patches. What I would like to do is get on Test Cyp I'M. 150-200 a week. I would like to split this into 2 shots a week every 4 days. I would like to do this for about 3 months and have more labs. (Maybe sooner.) I need to discuss E2 with her as I am concerned about this. I am not sure if Drs. prescribe Arimidex for TRT or not. I don't know if I should come off of TRT ever so often or just stay on forever. If I come off then I need to discuss Clomid/Nolvadex with my Dr. Not sure what Drs. think about this. I also would like to take Hcg. I think anyway. It seems to be a good idea. I am concerned about elevated hematocrit. Concerned about lipid panels. Concerned about gyro. I am a health nut and want to mitigate risk and reap some good benefits from TRT. Once I get this all settled. I would like to blast 2 times a year. I am scared of harsh compounds like Tren. I would probably just up my test to 2 250 shots a week and maybe some Deca for 8 to 12 weeks. This seems to be a reasonable first real stack. Any feedback would be appreciated. I feel so many jump into this without really knowing what to do. I just want to do it right. Thanks ahead of time for your responses.
    I am not a TRT expert. There are some real experts on here.
    My advice is to follow exactly what the Dr. Prescribed. Your bloods will tell what needs to be changed. I know that sometimes the people know the answer before the Dr., but you must follow their path to get dialed in. If you start taking other things, it is almost impossible for a Dr. To dial you in. I would not run decca for 8 weeks.. It is too short of a cycle for the long esther IMO. 12 would be minimum, but the components of the cycle are determined by your goals for the cycle. If you do not have goals, i would not recommend cycling.
    Once you are on TRT, you are not meant to come off, therefore you do not run PCT.

  3. #3
    MTheoryFreak's Avatar
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    Thanks. Yeah. Just trying to learn. I am just starting my research. As far as goals. I want to increase and stay lean. I don't want to be a giant. I already have a decent build for a 40 year old natural. I just want to be like I was 10 years ago. I held onto much more muscle at low bf then. Now. I don't grow as well and my cuts take to much of my hard earned muscle away. I feel I need trt at my low test levels. The blast although not the most healthy for me would be a risk I would be willing to take for a few months out of the year. All my friends use gear and they have always tried to get me to. I have been able to resist the temptation until now. 204 test seems very low and I feel if I could get it to around 800 year round. With 2 blasts a year. Stay on top of my labs. Hopefully, all will work out. Thanks again for your reply.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you have a copy of your BW please post it up. If not, get a copy for your records and start maintaining all of them as it will benefit you in the future. You should want to know why your T is low, not just that you have low T as that's not good enough. Many things can cause low T with hypothyroidism being a main culprit. It could also be simply due to aging. Regardless, you need to know what the cause is to enter into this with a clear conscience or to fix the issue.

    You can be either primary hypogonadal (testicular failure) or secondary hypogonadal (pituitary failure) or a combination of both. This can help determine treatment as well.

    If you do embark on TRT make sure your doctor is both familiar with, and willing to prescribe and AI and HCG . When it comes to testosterone delivery method, most here will tell you injections are the way to go. I agree with that but that's a personal decision and lifestyle / convenience should be considered as well. Patches, gels, pellets, injections and even long term injections (Aveed / Nebido) are options that are available. It's what works for you that's important.

    With injections don't automatically assume you need 150 - 200 mgs per week. It's always best to start out lower (say 100 mgs) and then titrate dosage as needed. Starting higher and then having to mitigate unwanted side effects is not the best option, imho. Walk before you run in otherwords.

    When it comes to where you want your T levels to land, remember that total T does not matter. It's your free T that matters as that's what works for you. Naturally most want their free T near the top of the range. Once you establish a solid protocol with reliable numbers based on BW then you're good to go for whatever extra-curricular activities you choose. Just remember doc's require labs so don't screw yourself.

    Also know that simply restoring your T levels to that of a much younger man will do wonders for you over time. I'd strongly suggest you wait a year before deciding to cycle. You'll be amazed at the progress you can make with a high normal T level!

    Take some time and read all the stickies here. Be prepared to discuss why you may need an AI and why you do need HCG. A female doc doesn't have testicals to be concerned with, you do.

    Read this Re HCG:
    Last edited by kelkel; 01-14-2017 at 02:56 PM.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MTheoryFreak View Post
    I am 40 years old. 180 lbs. 5'9". Worked out off and on my entire life. More on than off. I run. I lift. I crofffit. (I know what some think of it but I enjoy it.) My diet is on point. The past few years I have noticed a decrease
    in my sex drive, less energy and stalling gains in the gym. I decided to go to a Dr. for the first time in my life. I got all my labs checked. Everything was fine except my test. It is 204. My Dr. mentioned TRT. So I have been researching constantly. She mentioned patches. I really don't want patches. What I would like to do is get on Test Cyp I'M. 150-200 a week. I would like to split this into 2 shots a week every 4 days. I would like to do this for about 3 months and have more labs. (Maybe sooner.)

    I need to discuss E2 with her as I am concerned about this. I am not sure if Drs. prescribe Arimidex for TRT or not. I don't know if I should come off of TRT ever so often or just stay on forever. If I come off then I need to discuss Clomid/Nolvadex with my Dr. Not sure what Drs. think about this. I also would like to take Hcg . I think anyway. It seems to be a good idea. I am concerned about elevated hematocrit. Concerned about lipid panels. Concerned about gyro. I am a health nut and want to mitigate risk and reap some good benefits from TRT.

    Once I get this all settled. I would like to blast 2 times a year. I am scared of harsh compounds like Tren . I would probably just up my test to 2 250 shots a week and maybe some Deca for 8 to 12 weeks. This seems to be a reasonable first real stack.

    Any feedback would be appreciated. I feel so many jump into this without really knowing what to do. I just want to do it right. Thanks ahead of time for your responses.
    Kel has covered everything, but Im just curious.

    So, so you had 1 bloodwork showing total T low, and she offered TRT when she saw it?

    No prolactin and thyroid on bloodwork, no testis examine, nothing... Just the Total T???

  6. #6
    MTheoryFreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    If you have a copy of your BW please post it up. If not, get a copy for your records and start maintaining all of them as it will benefit you in the future. You should want to know why your T is low, not just that you have low T as that's not good enough. Many things can cause low T with hypothyroidism being a main culprit. It could also be simply due to aging. Regardless, you need to know what the cause is to enter into this with a clear conscience or to fix the issue.

    You can be either primary hypogonadal (testicular failure) or secondary hypogonadal (pituitary failure) or a combination of both. This can help determine treatment as well.

    If you do embark on TRT make sure your doctor is both familiar with, and willing to prescribe and AI and HCG . When it comes to testosterone delivery method, most here will tell you injections are the way to go. I agree with that but that's a personal decision and lifestyle / convenience should be considered as well. Patches, gels, pellets, injections and even long term injections (Aveed / Nebido) are options that are available. It's what works for you that's important.

    With injections don't automatically assume you need 150 - 200 mgs per week. It's always best to start out lower (say 100 mgs) and then titrate dosage as needed. Starting higher and then having to mitigate unwanted side effects is not the best option, imho. Walk before you run in otherwords.

    When it comes to where you want your T levels to land, remember that total T does not matter. It's your free T that matters as that's what works for you. Naturally most want their free T near the top of the range. Once you establish a solid protocol with reliable numbers based on BW then you're good to go for whatever extra-curricular activities you choose. Just remember doc's require labs so don't screw yourself.

    Also know that simply restoring your T levels to that of a much younger man will do wonders for you over time. I'd strongly suggest you wait a year before deciding to cycle. You'll be amazed at the progress you can make with a high normal T level!

    Take some time and read all the stickies here. Be prepared to discuss why you may need an AI and why you do need HCG. A female doc doesn't have testicals to be concerned with, you do.

    Read this Re HCG:
    Thanks for the reply. Very good information.

  7. #7
    MTheoryFreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    Kel has covered everything, but Im just curious.

    So, so you had 1 bloodwork showing total T low, and she offered TRT when she saw it?

    No prolactin and thyroid on bloodwork, no testis examine, nothing... Just the Total T???
    She mentioned that trt is an option. I have to go back in 2 weeks for more bloodwork. Such as LH, FSH, Free Test. My thyroid was tested during first tests.

  8. #8
    wellshii is offline Member
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    Let us know how it goes man.

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