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  1. #1
    InJ is offline New Member
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    Jan 2017

    Taking breaks and/or air travel?

    For starters, I truly hope this is in the correct section, I did a forum search and only found 1 post similar to my question, and it was posted in this section in 2014.

    Has anyone traveled internationally with test prop in the last few years? I know TSA has gone crazy, and the last thing I need is to be on the news. I don't have a prescription, and the country I'm heading to has similar laws concerning anabolics as the states does so I don't want to travel with gear and pins. Of course that is unless someone has traveled recently with gear, I'd love to hear your story if you have.

    I'm new to test prop, in my 5th month of injections. I'm doing a pin a day at .5ml, I don't want to take gear on the plane, but I'm going to be gone for 2 full weeks. Are there any issues with going off for 2 weeks straight? Being on for 5 months seems kind of long to just cold turkey for 2 weeks, but again, I'm new, maybe it's fine.

    in short:
    Does anyone have information about INTERNATIONAL travel (it's different than domestic)? Clearly carry-on is a no-no, but I heard that there have been cases where they pulled baggage for suspicion of nitroglycerin, can't have that.

    if I cut cycle for 2 full weeks after 5 months of 0.5ml test prop daily pinning am I going to end up with breasts or worse?

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    50mg per day for 5 months?

    You know this is TRT section, and your dosage is not really TRT...

    If you want to travel during your cycle you might need to inject longer esters.

  3. #3
    Charlie6's Avatar
    Charlie6 is offline Senior Member
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    Mid West
    Quote Originally Posted by InJ View Post
    For starters, I truly hope this is in the correct section, I did a forum search and only found 1 post similar to my question, and it was posted in this section in 2014.

    Has anyone traveled internationally with test prop in the last few years? I know TSA has gone crazy, and the last thing I need is to be on the news. I don't have a prescription, and the country I'm heading to has similar laws concerning anabolics as the states does so I don't want to travel with gear and pins. Of course that is unless someone has traveled recently with gear, I'd love to hear your story if you have.

    I'm new to test prop, in my 5th month of injections. I'm doing a pin a day at .5ml, I don't want to take gear on the plane, but I'm going to be gone for 2 full weeks. Are there any issues with going off for 2 weeks straight? Being on for 5 months seems kind of long to just cold turkey for 2 weeks, but again, I'm new, maybe it's fine.

    in short:
    Does anyone have information about INTERNATIONAL travel (it's different than domestic)? Clearly carry-on is a no-no, but I heard that there have been cases where they pulled baggage for suspicion of nitroglycerin, can't have that.

    if I cut cycle for 2 full weeks after 5 months of 0.5ml test prop daily pinning am I going to end up with breasts or worse?
    Do not risk traveling with it. Period. Do you have time to get a bottle of test e or c? I'd take that route. If not, the prop will be out of your system in maybe a week and you might feel sluggish for that next week but you'll be fine. I don't think it'll be dramatic for you. Enjoy your travels.

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