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Thread: Some advice please

  1. #1
    Baldur2630 is offline Junior Member
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    Some advice please

    I'm looking for a bit of advice. My wife and I have been working out now for three years. We had a couple of weeks off last year, but by and large we go three times weekly, we train together, so one rests while the other does a set. We normally spend 2 hours in the gym. Sometimes we have the odd day off (headache, not feeling well), but this isn't common.

    I'm on TRT. I inject 160 mg T.enan+T.cyp every Sunday on cruise and in the summer, I go up to a max of 240 mg weekly. I use T400 mg/ml and I mix this with some plain oil otherwise I get lumps (not nice).

    Our lifts went up steadily, but started to get a lot of pain in my right arm (probably RSI from the computer), so I had to drop back on lifts. I was doing higher reps at less weight for about three months until my arm was fixed, but since then, lifts have gone up for a while, but now everything is starting to feel heavy. Lifts are going down (for both of us). We are constantly tired. In spite of having calories under control, I've put on nearly 2 kgs in three months and generally feeling shitty. I tried pushing up my T to 240 mg again but it made no difference.

    Could this be due to 'overtraining'? Should we take a break? If so, for how long? Perhaps we should only go to the gym once per week, for a while. I'm pretty sure some of you can relate to this and offer a bit of advice. You have to just remember that I'm 76 and my wife is 57. Neither of us have any intention of growing old gracefully!

    Is it possible that this bottle of testosterone has degraded? I keep it in a cool dark place, but I bought several bottles to have some stock and this bottle was bought around the same time as the terror attack on Brussels airport (I know, because we thought the shipment was lost. It was two weeks late). Don't tell me it's fake. I've been using this brand from the same place for 3 years and my blood tests show that it isn't fake.

    I can also add that I had blood done just before I started this bottle and everything was spot on. I doubt the testosterone, because my wife takes nothing and she is going through the same phase as I am
    Last edited by Baldur2630; 04-09-2017 at 04:55 AM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    This is self-imposed TRT correct? Not under a doctors care? Re gains slowing down you're human. Devise a new workout routine, analyze your nutrition, take a break or maybe even all three. We all hit walls now and then and have to find ways to push past them.
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  3. #3
    Baldur2630 is offline Junior Member
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    No, it isn't self imposed. I have posted my story on her some time ago. I was diagnosed as having almost zero Free Testosterone , the moron endocrinologist, told me that I should be getting injections of Testosterone, but because of my age and the fact that Testosterone is a steroid , he was unable to prescribe anything for me. Like just go away, leave me alone and hurry up and die you old bastard.

    So I treat myself. I get blood done every six months. I control my calories, I regularly change our workouts, but it just isn't working any more for the past few months. How long should we take a rest for? Weeks or days?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I think I remember your story now. I never thought endo's were the way to go. Be great if you can find a competent doctor and get on Nebido. Many of the guys here love it.

    How are your RBC's doing? Do you have to give blood often?

    When it comes to time off I like to take a couple weeks off per year. Last year I did two weeks in a row. Felt great to do. Your body needs rest, sometimes for an extended period of time. Your central nervous system needs this as well. My favorite way of training is HIT style (think Dorian Yates) which is very intense and brief. When I'm in full bore HIT style I can only go about 8 weeks or so without pulling back on the weights and intensity otherwise I'd burn out.

    Maybe try cycling your training a bit when it comes to intensity, style, pace, etc. Do anything different than you're doing now. When we get to regular with the same weights, exercises, routines your body knows what to expect and the gains can stop. Throw it a curve ball!
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  5. #5
    Baldur2630 is offline Junior Member
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    Doctors in Europe are a waste of time. They are all trained to treat SYMPTOMS and not to try to cure the problem. They prescribe drugs which have disastrous side effects just to keep the big pharmaceuticals in business. if you are young and paying taxes, they try to keep you able to work (on constant medication) but once you retire, it suits the Govt better if you die as quickly as possible so they don't have to give you a pension.

    I have a very good source for my TRT. I do vary from time to time. I normally use 160 mg weekly in winter and boost to 240 mg in better weather (when it ain't so damn depressing - constant rain here) I use a mix of t.cyp and t.enan, but I've tried that mixed with t.prop. I like t.prop as an add on. It only hangs around for about 36 hours but it does give me a boost.

    I often take an additional shot of t.prop just once every now and then, gives my libido one hell of a boost. I happen to enjoy sex. That was the main reason I started TRT in the first place.

    My blood work is fine. I don't give blood, they wouldn't take it anyway because I had jaundice when I was much younger as well as tick fever as they call it in Africa. My RBCs are fine and so is everything else. I had a major problem with regulating my e2 and prolactin when I started, but I've got that under control now with Aromasin and HCG so my balls don't become 'petit poids'

    Thanks for the advice. I started my two week vacation from the gym today!

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