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  1. #1
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Calling all HRT Experts

    I have been on HRT for about 6 months now. I am currently taking 180mg of Test C, 100units of HCG , and 1mg of anastrozole weekly. (I was initially taking 200mg of cyp weekly but my total T levels were over 1200.) The question I have is about improving the following markers that are outside of the “normal” ranges.

    The markers that are out of wack are as follows:

    Click image for larger version. 

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    I should also say, my pre HRT blood work was all great as far as lipids and cholesterol.

    The past few months I had also added mk-677 at ~30mg per day. This is my last week of mk.

    I have an appointment this week to discuss my labs but also wanted to check with the experts here.

    I would like to see if anyone has recommendations for improving labs. I would like to get these headed in the right direction before I start blasting.

    Oh and before I forget, I am 37, 5’6’’, ~195lbs. my pre HRT total test was 434 ng/dL, free test 67.3pg/mL.

    If I cannot get my markers straight, I am also considering stopping HRT and going back to just cycling.

    *note, I know 434 is not that low for total test, I just wanted to bring it up more to the higher end to optimize and improve results and recovery.*

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Any dietary or exercise changes during this time period?
    What are your free t levels while on 180 mgs per week? And ranges please.
    MK-677 should not effect your lipids.
    What's your triglyceride level?
    Get off of adex as it will effect lipids. Lower your T dose if you have to and base it on free T, not total T. Free is what works for us, not total. You should see a significant change if you do. 1 mg per week is more than most need on a 500 mg p/w cycle. Very few people need 200 per week or even close to it.
    AST if fine.
    No reason to test LH/FSH while on TRT.
    Estrogen is fine assuming the test is accurate. It's always better a little higher than lower. Better gains and libido. Re the actual test, always opt for an E2 Sensitive Assay as standard estradiol is quite inaccurate in a mans lower readings. it tends to read high and thus unknowing doctors (and there are many) then write scripts for Adex when it's really not needed at all.
    Look into Endur-Acin (that's the brand name) to help with your HDL.
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  3. #3
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Any dietary or exercise changes during this time period?
    What are your free t levels while on 180 mgs per week? And ranges please.
    MK-677 should not effect your lipids.
    What's your triglyceride level?
    Get off of adex as it will effect lipids. Lower your T dose if you have to and base it on free T, not total T. Free is what works for us, not total. You should see a significant change if you do. 1 mg per week is more than most need on a 500 mg p/w cycle. Very few people need 200 per week or even close to it.
    AST if fine.
    No reason to test LH/FSH while on TRT.
    Estrogen is fine assuming the test is accurate. It's always better a little higher than lower. Better gains and libido. Re the actual test, always opt for an E2 Sensitive Assay as standard estradiol is quite inaccurate in a mans lower readings. it tends to read high and thus unknowing doctors (and there are many) then write scripts for Adex when it's really not needed at all.
    Look into Endur-Acin (that's the brand name) to help with your HDL.
    I am always tinkering with my diet and traning. But in general I eat clean and train dirty . There are not really any changes to the diet that should have cause everything to get out of wack. Historically any time I think about juice my cholesterol gets out of wack.
    Unfortunately, my recent labs did not include free T. Triglyceride are looking good at 83mg/dL.
    I will take a look at Endur-Acin as well.

    What are your thoughts on maintaining HRT while blasting and cruising vs discontinuing and going back to cycling on and off? I ask as I am more confident that I can return my markers to normal while off cycle than while on HRT, (I am saying this based on personal experience). With being less experienced with HRT I have less experience to drawl on and I would like to be as health conscious as possible for the long game.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Eat clean and train dirty. Love that line!
    I asked about triglycerides specifically to divide them by your HDL which is a great indicator of cardiac risk. You're doing ok. Dr. Stephen Sinatra is one of the best in the country when it comes to cholesterol. This link is worth a quick read. His book "The Great Cholesterol Myth" is a good read.

    I switched to Endur from Slo-Niacin a while ago simply because Endur is easier to find. Slo always seems out of stock or back-ordered. I do the Endur 2-3 times per day.

    I would continue HRT, dump the adex completely and drop your dose of T down to about 120-140 total. You won't notice or feel that difference but by doing both it will help your chol, specifically your HDL. Your HDL is not really that bad. I can't remember the last time I was above 30. Just remember that it will take time to see changes and if you jump on a cycle those changes won't be as evident or as quick.
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  5. #5
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Eat clean and train dirty. Love that line!
    I asked about triglycerides specifically to divide them by your HDL which is a great indicator of cardiac risk. You're doing ok. Dr. Stephen Sinatra is one of the best in the country when it comes to cholesterol. This link is worth a quick read. His book "The Great Cholesterol Myth" is a good read.

    I switched to Endur from Slo-Niacin a while ago simply because Endur is easier to find. Slo always seems out of stock or back-ordered. I do the Endur 2-3 times per day.

    I would continue HRT, dump the adex completely and drop your dose of T down to about 120-140 total. You won't notice or feel that difference but by doing both it will help your chol, specifically your HDL. Your HDL is not really that bad. I can't remember the last time I was above 30. Just remember that it will take time to see changes and if you jump on a cycle those changes won't be as evident or as quick.
    Good shit man, I'll check out the link as well as Dr Sinatra. I also ordered the Endur.. got to love Amazon, I'll have that in 2 days, (I got the 500mg caps, is one per day sufficient or will I need 2 -3 to be effective?), and I am dropping the Adex I'll only use that when blasting, if even needed... and I will also bring my cruise dose down to 120 or 140 per week for the test. I have been thinking about trying Sub-q injections for the test anyways so the smaller volume should help.

    I really appreciate the advice and the resources, I know its far more than I will receive when I talk to my HRT clinic to follow up on my recent labs later this week. This is part of the reason I am dropping them.

    Thanks again man I really appreciate it!

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