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  1. #1
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Help, I cant make up my mind

    Hi all, I need some additional opinions here.

    I have been on TRT for about 6-7 months now and I was getting ready to start blasting a little. In fact, I was going to start my blast phase today. However, the more I think about it, the more I am considering just going back to cycling and waiting to permanently go on TRT until I am a little older. Before begining TRT my Total T was about 434 and my free T was 67.3.

    So my question is, if I am going to stop TRT and go back to cycling, should I stop now and run a PCT protocol to try to get everything up and running again, or should I go ahead and start my cycle and and push until after that?

    I guess the question is, is it better to try and jumpstart my system now, after 6 months of TRT, or tack on a cycle and have been shut down for 9-10 months?

    Additional info,
    For the first 2 months I was on 200mg of with 100units (500IU) of hcg and 1mg of anastrozole per week. After that we brought it down to 180mg of test for a few months, then over the last month or so I dropped it down to about 140mg of test and dropped the anastrozole.

    If stopping now to run PCT, should the standard PCT protocol be effective after 6 months of TRT?

    Thanks gents, let me known if I forgot to include any needed info.

  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why would you want to drop TRT and go through the rollercoaster of cycling? If anything, stay on TRT and do a blast here and there. I never ran a cycle before TRT because I assumed it was a waste and I'll end up feeling like garbage after. You already had semi-low testosterone levels before the TRT, so if you'd try to come off now, you would probably not feel great.

  3. #3
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Why would you want to drop TRT and go through the rollercoaster of cycling? If anything, stay on TRT and do a blast here and there. I never ran a cycle before TRT because I assumed it was a waste and I'll end up feeling like garbage after. You already had semi-low testosterone levels before the TRT, so if you'd try to come off now, you would probably not feel great.
    Thanks for the feedback man,

    Really I did not feel that much different being on TRT vs before I was. I was hoping to feel better, but it really did not make a difference. If anything my sleeping had gotten worse and my erections are lower quality. This is why I was considering stopping TRT, (if it was not really helping and only hurting I may as well save myself the weekly fun of injections for the rest of my life.

    Low 400 for total T is not too low, and if I can get my.levels back to 400-500 between cycles i would he ok with that, plus I figured that it would be good (healthy) to go off if I can jumpstart my systems.

    This is where my head is at....

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Personal choice. Normally when people say they felt better when not on TRT it's due to a poor protocol. Also for some people it can take a long time to dial in and for the body to adapt the exogenous hormones. Everyone responds differently to hormones whether it's TRT or cycle dosages.

    What was your Free T range? 67.3 doesn't really tell us anything.
    What are your current Total T and Free T levels on TRT?
    Current E2 level?
    Injection frequency?

    Test Monster is correct in his points above. Most that come of TRT simply go back to how they felt before, or worse.

    Avoid adex at all costs if possible. Simply eliminating this over time can change how you feel.
    Regarding your cycle. If you plan on running it then just do your pct afterwards. A few extra months won't make a difference. Shut down is shut down.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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