I went to Duke Fertility last week and she was angry. Perhaps because I said my TRT was due to the lifestyle factors...the bullshit we say to justify it like, low energy, depression related symptoms and forgetfulnes. She was looking to say she couldn't do shit, she was a surgeon, not an actual care giver and I removed hypogonadism as an excuse. .....FUCK! I even hate the Basketball Team NOW! GO Canes!!! The coolest part was as she was fondling my junk, she was disaproving of myself, not my junk, which doesn't look so robust as they used too. And, I only paid $40 for an expert to do her thing....BLUE DEVILS!
Anyhow, my understanding is that there are specialists who will throw the kitchen sink at fertility which could also be a restart if we tell them what they want to hear..."my wife and I have tried so hard and I am tired of letting her down..."
_If anybody knows of a specialist, I wanna freeze my sperm for the benefit of humanity, LMK. I'm gonna be doing a basic cycle for a few months in prep for "I'm letting my lady down."
After I provide my seedbank, I aim to grow
Its still just Clomid, HCG , HMB?
I'm guessing the DHEA supplementation and focus on LH and Pregnenolone are gonna help.