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Thread: Bloodwork on Test cream (scrotal application)

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    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Bloodwork on Test cream (scrotal application)

    This is blood work from July 2024 after I switched back to 20% compounded testosterone cream. I was having some inflammation and swelling in my ear canals, persistent and problematic, and I was trying to pin down the source of it. I had switched a vendor or two when it started, and wasn't sure what the source of it was. I have since determined where it was coming from through a LOT of trial and error, but wanted to post the blood results here so people can see what the cream can do.

    2 clicks of the 20% testosterone cream, one AM and one PM, applied to the scrotum*

    100mcg Levothyroxine (T4)
    5mcg Liothyrinine (T3)
    5mg cialis
    .4 mg Flowmax
    10mg doxepin

    That's it.

    Blood work was drawn Wednesday morning, with my previous cream application being the night before. I applied the morning dose after I got home from the draw.

    Everything in this protocol was legit, US pharmacy prescribed. The cream does come from a compounding pharmacy, and rings in at $49 without insurance for a 30ml package. That 30ml translates into 120 "clicks", 4 clicks per ml, and thus at my dose, is a 2 month supply.

    Listen, the cream is not a hassle to apply. It dries FAST. For those that are needle phobic, or maybe need some DHT, or for whatever reason don't want to deal with needles, this is a viable alternative for TRT.

    * = except when I knew sexy fun time was on the agenda that day with The Wife. On those days, I applied to delts or tops of the feet. That means about once a week, BTW... TMI, but hey, we have been married for 20+ years, so I will call it good!

    MAN, look at that DHT!!

    Seriously, like WTF? Actually, I knew that was likely to occur. When I had used the cream before, it shot up to around 200, and with scrotal application increasing absorption by around 80%, this number falls right in line. Note that I do NOT believe that increase applies to testosterone numbers, only DHT. But hey, who is your lab rat? That's right, this guy!

    All other numbers don't look too bad. Total test is in a good spot, free needs to come up though. The doc and I felt like the 5ar was "stealing" from free test availability and converting more to DHT.

    Everything else, not too bad. I have donated to get the blood numbers in line, so that's not a concern. I also pulled IGF-1 to get a baseline as I am bringing HGH back into the rotation.

    The standard cholesterol numbers look fine!

    Next steps
    After seeing the DHT numbers come back, I IMMEDIATELY added finasteride at 25mcg per day and stopped applying to the scrotum, instead using delts and tops of feet. Within a couple of weeks, I could tell things had changed. My guess is that if I were purely sticking with this protocol, doing this would probably be all I would need. MIGHT need a smidge of AI, as the fina would not only allow for more free t, but also more estrogen. The doc also upped my levothyroxine to 125mcg to bring TSH down some. He likes it at 2.0 or so, and I'm cool with that.

    Most TRT'ers could dial in a protocol pretty easily from here and be happy with things.

    But of course, who here is purely TRT lol? I've already started adding things back for a mini-blast: some masteron , HCG is back, HGH at roughly 1.25 to 1.5 per day, 5x per week. I'm still doing the cream in lieu of test injections, but eh, I have the cream so I'm going to use it. Plus, I traveled some recently, and have some coming up, and it is just easier to travel with than needles, IMO.

    In fact, I may just stick with cream for the foreseeable future. I will likely add some injections, maybe test prop in addition to the mast for a little blasty blasty fun, but cream works for TRT.

    Note that I can't upload images right now.

    Imgur link, hope this works.






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    Oh snap, y'all, I meant to say: I eventually determined the source of the inflammation. It was cardarine. I don't know if it was the liquid it was in or what, but when I use it, my ears get inflamed. When I don't, they don't. All other compounds ruled out as the source. HCG , Test injections, masteron injections, HGH etc all have been brought back in without problem. Just a heads up.

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    teedoff is offline Member
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    Any concern on the hematocrit number? Or was that lowered after donating blood?

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    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teedoff View Post
    Any concern on the hematocrit number? Or was that lowered after donating blood?
    No concerns, I donated and feel fine but have not retested.

    It is also amazing how little finasteride I need to bring DHT down. Right now, I can only guess based on flow rate, but it has increased significantly. 50mcg per day is all I need and seems to be a safe dose.

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    No source checks
    Damn that dht is high. Free looks great tho.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Damn that dht is high. Free looks great tho.
    I know on the DHT, right? I literally laughed when I saw it because a) I knew it would be crazy high and b) that is almost the exact number I predicted with the doc.

    I introduced the finasteride to leave more available for conversion to free t, I would like the DHT quartered and the Free t doubled. Might need a smidge of AI if I stick with the cream and fina, but eh, let's see where I land.

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