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  1. #1
    asimov's Avatar
    asimov is offline Junior Member
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    Help - HGH with an high adrogen AS vs. low androgen AS

    Excuse me if this is a repeat question, I tried various searches that didn't quite answer my question.

    I am a 30 yr old pro athlete (baseball) with various experience with regular AAS cycles. I am 6'2", 215 lbs. with about 12-14% bf. I'll be starting HGH relatively soon (4iu 5 days a week for 2-3 months). My goals in order of importance are connective tissue strengthening, added muscle cells, muscle growth/ strength, and lower body fat. I'm not looking to add a tremendous amount of weight. I will stack the HGH with AAS. I've already begaun taking Winny (50mg eod) and something else, undecided between eq and primo (depends on availability/ reliability).

    I only see testosterone recommend as a stack with HGH, not really anything else. I know it is because of it's high androgenic properties. Is a high androgen the only way to get good synergistic affects with HGH. I'd like to avoid test because of bad history with sides (acne, nipple pain). I've used anti estrogens with test in the past but I still tend to get these sides. My question is this: Given my goals (I'm not trying to get totally ripped and huge, but improve my health, injury prevention, and performance) am I good going with low andro's like winny,eq,primo? Is test recommended only for body buiding purposes? If I do need a high andro to help the HGH work properly, is there something other than test recommended, or can I take lowered doses of test than usual (100-200mg/week instead of 400mg/week)?

    Thanks for any input guys.
    Last edited by asimov; 09-18-2004 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Mistake in title question

  2. #2
    asimov's Avatar
    asimov is offline Junior Member
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    Winny is bad for collegen synthesis? I knew it could dry the joints out a bit, but didn't think it had that specific effect with collegen. Do you know of any articles you could point me to so I can examine this further?

  3. #3
    asimov's Avatar
    asimov is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks MMA

  4. #4
    asimov's Avatar
    asimov is offline Junior Member
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    I found the article you were talking about:

    "Winstrol increases collagen synthesis. It will give you bigger tendons...Winstrol will dramatically increase collagen syn, but ironically it decreases collagen cross-linking integrity, thus making a much weaker tendon."

    So I understand the downfall of taking winny with the goals I have in mind. Could it be possible for the combination of HGH, winnny and eq to override the negative effect of winny on "collagen cross-linking integrity"? What if I reduced winny dosage from 50mg eod to 25mg eod? I don't know, maybe that is to small an amount to make it worth it anyway.

    I suppose I'll dump the winny out of the cycle and replace it with eq. Maybe add in that test, but I'm still reluctant to use it.

  5. #5
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    under your circumstances i think anavar would be a much much better choice. No bloat, it will add smaller amounts of higher quality muscle mass, etc. Also, low dose test is good, but 100-200mg a week wont do anything, that is lower than what is used for hormone replacement therapy, and you will effectively lower your natural levels. I'd run at least 300-350 to see benefits making the test worth it, otherwise you might see more negatives than positives!

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